“Don’t worry everything will be okay. I promise.”

Fighting Till The End
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Chanyeol rose in anger. That’s when he noticed his powers can work to bring Chul’s life back. Chanyeol had the power of time control. He left the room where everyone was crowding in and went to his room, and used his powers to go back to last night.
“Dinner was delicious!” Baekhyun complimented D.O.
“D.O. you should cook for often this is amazing.” Xiumin agrees.
“I know right.” Luhan said as he helped D.O and Chul clear the table.
After dinner everyone gathered in the living room like always for some fun before going to bed. A few minutes later Xiumin spoke up “How about we play a game?” Chanyeol still remembers about the previous night with Chul, he needs to be prepared. “How about …” Chanyeol got caught off by Luhan. “Let’s play Pepero!!!” Luhan was more excited than ever. He ran into the kitchen and went through the cabinets until he found a few packs of Pepero and went back into the living room. No one minded the idea of some fun. “Hey how about I get those 5 hot chicks from next door to come over and play with us. It could be like a bonding thing with our neighbours.” Xiumin suggested. Tao nodded his head and agreed with the idea. “I’ll go with you.” While Tao and Xiumin went to get the girls everyone paired up in 2’s ready for the game.

Knock Knock. Tao knocked on the door. “Yes?” A girl with beautiful brown hair opened the door. “I-I-I” Xiumin shook his head to get his sight off the pretty girl. “Not I but We…” Xiumin paused and chuckled under his breath. “Wanted to invite you and your roomies to play a bit of Pepero with us.” Tao had a smirk on his face when he said that. “A little neighbour bonding.” He said and reached out his hand to be polite “I’m Tao”. The girl lifts her hand to shake Tao’s. “Nice…” the girl got interrupted by Xiumin. “I’m Xiumin” he takes her hand and instead of shaking it he bows down and kisses it just like a prince would. The girl started to blush but Tao on the other hand leaned over to Xiumin and whispered “Extra~” and smirked. “Well it’s nice to meet you guys I’m Abby, I’ll go get my friends, they’re upstairs, and I’ll be right back.

When Abby gets upstairs all you hear is “OMG! OMG! OMG!” Regina, Marena, Helen and Amber look at Abby confused. Regina took her eyes off her phone, looked up to see Abby and went with a wild guess “I heard a knock did your package come, your shoes or whatever?” Abby wasn’t pleased with Regina’s response “Excuse me there a handmade designer Christian Louboutin, 5 inch heels that cost me a fortune! There not whatever there everything!” Regina rolled her eyes to Abby’s response. “Well you guys know those really hot guys that live beside us?!” Abby’s hipper in excitement. Marena went up to Abby and put her hand on her shoulder “Abby. It’s okay to think their attractive but you have no chance. Face it.” Marena takes her hand off Abby’s shoulder and goes back to watching YouTube video’s on her laptop. “Well Marena they’re the ones at the door.  They invited us to their house to play some games to get some bonding time with their neighbours. So who’s in?” Abby asks all sassy but cute at the same time. “Prove their here.” Marena says. “Come look blondie.” Abby opens the window from their bedroom and looked down seeing two hot guys standing in front of their door. “Wait let me see.” Regina and Amber push the two out and look down. Regina’s mouth drops at the sight and turns ba

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teddiebears #1
going through some older fics and showing love <3
Mmm EXO and BTS are my faves :D
Chapter 5: No, that's cruel especially for me.
Ashley should just die before he can do anything ^-^
Chapter 4: Heehee true
Chapter 4: Xiumin needs to man the hell uppp