The Struggles

Fighting Till The End
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“All you guys are horrible. I gave you one simple task! Why didn’t you do it? All I said was kill the old man but yet he is alive!” he yelled at his group. Nobody answered. “I’d like an answer! I’m still waiting!” he was furious. Veins were popping out of his skin.
“Heechul. I did do what you asked.” Donghae stood out from the crowd so proud to say he obeyed his master, but Heechul didn’t look at it the same way.
“So now you lie to me!!!” Heechul’s face is red. So mad it looks as if he’s about to jump out of his own skin.

Donghae reaches his hand in his back pocket retrieving a dagger. The dagger was covered with a layer of dry blood. “I used this to kill Chul, my master, I would never lie to you.” He takes a look down at his dagger. “He took his last breath in front of me.”
“How is that possible?” said Heechul slowly trying to calm himself down. “If you killed him why is he walking around the dorm? Explain that to me!”
“I don’t know how.” Said Donghae. “It’s as if he was brought to life. I know I killed him. I have the dagger to prove it. But the weird thing is. I don’t remember doing it.”

Donghae was confused at this point trying to remember that morning. No thoughts came to his head. He remembers the orders Heechul gave him the previous night. He remembers getting there. But nothing after midnight. The sneaking in, the killing, the escaping or whatever he might have done. Nothing was popping into his mind.
“Well guess what guys. Exo and their wonderful clan is more powerful than us. Chanyeol used his time control to go back a night to save Chul. But you guys forgot to go back!!!” Heechul started staring at the ceiling and smirking under his breath. “This is unbelievable guys.” He puts an evil grin on his face and looks at the crowd. “Now it’s time to take down all of Jeonseol-ui Warriors!”
Ramp Monster and Tao walk towards his room. When they get there they both plant themselves on Tao’s bed.

“So” Tao speaks to Rap Monster. “What do you know? And don’t lie. Cuz remember I can also read your mind.” Tao starts being all sneaky on Rap Monster but it doesn’t work.
“If you can read my mind. Why can’t you just read everything inside it? It’ll save my time, I got better stuff to do then sit around here telling you story’s about personal parts in people’s lives.” Tao stares at Rap Monster, and is offended by his response.
“You know very well reading minds only consists of the thoughts not of memories and knowledge,” Tao explained that obvious.
Rap Monster replied quickly “Fine then let’s start now.” Tao nods his head and gets ready to listen.
“Xiumin fell for the Abby girl and so did Luhan. You like that Regina girl.” Tao rolls his eyes and starts to blush after Rap Monster saying that but lets him continue.

“Chanyeol likes Marena. Chen likes Amber.” Rap Monster stops.
“Why did you stop?” Tao asks.
“I’m telling you un-necessary stuff, like who cares who they’re in love with.”

He pauses for breath and goes on. “If you want me to tell you something, ask me question and if I know I’ll answer but I’m not going to tell you all of the stupid stuff and important.”
Tao thought about it and saw that Rap Monster had a point. “How do I ask you question if I don’t know what you know?”
“I don’t know just say Jimin was keeping a secret from you and possibly I know it then ask me and I’ll

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teddiebears #1
going through some older fics and showing love <3
Mmm EXO and BTS are my faves :D
Chapter 5: No, that's cruel especially for me.
Ashley should just die before he can do anything ^-^
Chapter 4: Heehee true
Chapter 4: Xiumin needs to man the hell uppp