
Crumb-o [HIATUS]
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Son Wendy wasn't feeling herself, at all. She wasn't digging it, she wasn't laughing nor smiling, she couldn't even bare to think about anything. Opening up the shop was out of question.


But something dragged her out of bed early, and it wasn't insomnia. She found herself craving for something to take her mind somewhere else. She also expected... Her, not to show up when things were as complicated as they could be.


Her eyes were dry, still. Her hands somehow trembled when she opened the door and saw herself out, even though the weather was finally starting to get hotter and the snow outside melted slowly.


Her legs were stiff, but the walk to the store was refreshing and the air was pleasant. The keys in her pockets shingled and shook while she skipped to her destination. It was definitely an up to her self confidence.


And then, it was all gone. Standing right there, in front of the door, was Irene. She didn't seem happy, and perhaps the up on Wendy's confidence didn't ever affect her. She only needed one glance at Wendy to know who was suffering more between the two of them.


She backed away slowly and let Wendy open the shop's door, still dumbfounded. They entered silently and the weight from their hearts could be felt just by the atmosphere.


Irene wanted to say something. She wanted to let Wendy know it was not her mistake. But she knew that trying to explain something would also show the cards she hid with so much effort, so she just decided to stay quiet and let time heal the most dangerous wounds before applying something else to them.


Still, she couldn't help but to feel bad every time she stared at her and saw her eyes watering, threatening to spill at any moment.


"Wendy..." She called, but the words came out so weak Wendy didn't even hear them.


They went on with their day without stealing glances to one another.




That day, Irene's dreams about and with Wendy faded away completely. Instead, she had a nightmare with monsters that were way more terrifying than any of the ones who were in Yerim's thoughts and dreams.


She woke up with her whole body sweating, her breathing out of pace. Her chest went up and down just like that EXID song, eyes filling up with tears. Fortunately the shock went away when her sister had the sense to find her quickly and hold her tight with no questions asked.


Irene seriously thought about not going to the bakery. Maybe it was too much of a move to show up after all, her mind said. But pushing away the problem was not going to cut it and she knew it all too well.


She finally upped herself from her bed and took a deep breath, looking around.


Irene rubbed her eyes, did her morning routine as thorough as possible and got ready to face another day. She looked at the mirror, examining her own figure.


"Wendy, I'm coming for you." Wait for me, she added in her mind, letting form a small, vague smile.




What happens when two hurt people try to bake a cake? Well, the most logical answer is disaster.


Wendy had never been so terrifying in kitchen. It seemed like all her abilities flew off the window the moment she saw Irene wearing her working apparel and starting to mix ingredients.


She couldn't concentrate for , especially when that girl was so close, bugging her brain to a distasteful mess.


Wendy managed to drop two eggs on the floor, put way more flour than needed on the recipe and almost slipped and fell face flat to the ground. Fortunately, Irene gripped her wrist just in time, but didn't let go when Wendy got on her feet again.


Instead, she dragged the girl to the bathroom before she could raise the slightest hint of protest.


Without warning, Wendy's body was pressed against the sink and she gulped hard, not understanding what was going on. Her mind was complete blank, absolutely nothing at all going on inside it.


But as soon as Irene's eyes found hers the pain and memories from the other day came back, crashing like a wave, drowning her from top to bottom.


There was something in the way those eyes stared at her that made it all so harder. Why those eyes couldn't give her leverage; why they saw all of her with no restrictions, no barriers.


was closed shut.


Irene didn't quite understand what was she doing. No, no way, she wasn't holding Wendy against something, she was not staring at her for what seemed like a century. Except she was.


Her body didn't want to obey, she was just there, hands on the girl's shoulders, acting like a fool. And Wendy was just... Frozen.


What am I ing doing?, she thought.


Her head moved closer to the girl's. Inches apart, she forgot how to breathe. Just a lit

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Favebolous 14 streak #1
-WenRene15- #2
Chapter 6: Oh mah gosh this is so good. =) I know I'm years late but can you please update this.
ALKimC #3
Chapter 6: Seriously her worries almost gave me an aneurysm. My heart failed me for a second. Gosh Irene don't do that
1741 streak #4
Chapter 5: Im so hooked into this. New reader here update soon!!!
39moonlights #5
Chapter 5: Lmfao Taeyeong stan whats good hahahahahaha I like this story~
jenijen103 #6
Chapter 6: I almost had a heart attack like Wendy! I couldn't remember the storyline so I was like "what did I miss?! Did something happened?" LOL thanks for the update!
Creep-O #7
Chapter 5: I love you too author-nim! <3

Keep up the good work! You're doing great!
Chapter 5: ;______; cute fluffy wenrene
Chapter 5: Yeri's "speech" is so hilarious wahaha xD WenRene is so adorable :D Yeri is so sweet :D Thank you for the update Author-nim :D Fighting !!! :D
jenijen103 #10
Chapter 5: Thank you for updating! This made my day! :D