Dream Come True?!?`

The HighSchool Sweethearts


heart~`Chapter 14`~heart


“Bwoah!~ Crazy Dream!” you said to yourself.

You have a dreamt about Kwangmin Last night.

The dream means something.

In the dream he doesn’t know you, and the hell cares if you exist and avoid you which is opposite in real life.

And his with a girl you hate… you can’t see her face but you can feel that you hate the girl.

“That won’t happen.” You said confidently to yourself.

Wonder what it meant? They say dream opposites what is really happening in real life.

Well, sometimes it doesn’t.


It’s Friday.

3 weeks to go before The Prom night where you would finally meet your Boyfriend.

After long waiting… Finally.

As Usual You, Eca-ah ,Your Umma & Appa Ate Breakfast together.

You ate

And for dessert..


And A bowl of M&M's. ( Can't help it.)

Laughter and Voices filled the Dining room.

Having your Best friend and Family is like heaven.

Ms.Kim as usual handed you both Bento boxes.

Different characters everyday.


Eca-ah’s ( She wanted her bento box to be formal looking xD)


You two headed for the school with your bikes after saying good bye to your parents.

You were used to Kwangmin waiting for you in your favorite school bench for you to come to class together.

At first, You refuse to come to the classroom with him but he always insist.

And you were used to bake him your Pikachu cookies.

He loved it so much. He told you to bake him cookies everyday that you always do. 

But Today He wasn’t there…

No one will crave for your delicious cookies today…

Except for eca-ah, She would never say no to your cookies.

But you already baked her a dozen of domo-kun cookies


*I wonder why? Is he avoiding me or something?* you thought.


It seems to be quiet and peaceful today…


Today is very different.

Eca-ah has to go another way because she is in different class.

She has the same class with youngmin.

“ Yah eca-ah!” A baritone voice said.

It was Youngmin.

Eca-ah turned around to face youngmin.

“What?!” eca-ah said.

“ Let’s go. We’re going to be late” Youngmin said.

“Wait. Youngmin, Where is Kwangmin? Was he with you?” you said.

“No. He left early. Leaving me behind. That jerk!. Remind me later to knock him off for leaving me without saying anything. Leaving Just like that.” Youngmin said & rolled his eyes.

“He left without saying goodbye? And his early? How come his not around?” you asked.

“I dunno, Maybe his avoiding someone.He’s like that when he’s avoiding someone” Youngmin said.

“~~~`-ah We have to go & You have to go too. We’ll be late.”Eca-ah said from behind.

“Oh, I agree. We should go. You two go on. Anyyeong” You said.

“ Anyyeong!” They said in Unison.

They walked away after biding goodbye.

“He’s avoiding me?” You said to yourself while heading for your subject room.

You answered your own question when you saw him and he just walked passed you.

*He is avoiding me!* you thought.

A frown crossed your face.


The Whole class period he sat in his chair coldly. He doesn’t even spoke a word to you.

Even if you’re his seatmate.

(He is Your mysterious seatmate on your 1st day of school. Kwangmin)

He spoke to everyone except to you.

Well, you thought that without him you’d be at peace.

But you were wrong.

You felt so lonesome without him.

Lucky you have Minwoo to talk with.

And he is your other seatmate.

“~~~`-ssi , I’m glad you accepted my invitation to the lotte world.”

“Sure Thing Oppa.” You said while giving a force smile.

You really can’t give a real smile with what is happening today.

“Is there something wrong? ~~~`-ssi chingu you don’t look fine?” minwoo said.

“Huh? Nothing is wrong oppa, I’m fine” You lied.

“~~~`-ssi, I don’t know what I can save you from and I don’t pretend to know what you want but you’ll have me. Everytime you need me, You’ll Find me.” minwoo promised while holding your hands and holding you closer to him.

Minwoo gave you a tight hug.

You didn’t say anything.

You were so touched with what Minwoo-oppa said.

Then, You noticed that someone is staring at you.

You looked around and caught Kwangmin staring at you then he turned away.

He looked so furious.

His face so Dark.

The bell rang.


It’s Lunch time.

“Come on, ~~~`-ssi Let’s eat.” Minwoo said.

You just nodded.

You saw Eca-ah & Youngmin waiting outside.

You 3 ate lunch together.

*Kwangmin… where are you? Why are you avoiding me?*you thought still thinking why he was so distanced.

 “ Yah, Why is Kwangmin not with us?” Eca-ah asked.

You noticed Kwangmin in another table with other girls.

He was sitting blankly.

His face so blank.

He was sitting with other girls?

He was also sitting with Jae-in.

You felt like a Needle pricked your heart. It stings.

You felt so hurt.

You wanted to cry.

You breathed so hard.

“Yah,  ~~~`-ah? Anything wrong?” Eca-ah & Youngmin asked.

You did not response.                                                           

“Kwangmin-oppa?” Jae in said.

Then she saw you staring at them.

She thought you were JEALOUS.

Being the she stood up then cupped kwangmin’s face and kissed him on the lips.

Your eyes grew BIG.

And to your surprise Kwangmin did not do anything to refuse.

You stood and run away.

You heard Minwoo calling your name.

“~~~`-ssi!!! Hey! Wait!” Minwoo said.

You just run and never looked back.

Run and Run until you felt tired.

You sat in a bench then cried & cried.

*Why am I hurting like this? It’s so painful. Why is Kwangmin kissing Jae-in?* question flooded your mind.

You felt so betrayed.

The Pain was great.

You never felt this feeling before. This feeling is new to you.

Is this what they call Jealousy???

*Me Jealous? Why? No way!?* your mind protested.

You’re still crying when a you heard a voice said something.

“You sure are a fast runner. Hmmp. You’d never imagine how I struggle by running just to keep up with you. Sheeish.” The voice laughed.



heart Anther Jo heart


What's that I smell??


Why are you getting Jealous eh?~




How was it?How was it?






i'll update the sooner i can :3


Comments are very much appreciated!

It's my Inspiration to write more. :D


    kiss   Attention:  kiss


please vote guys.

This will be my wheel for the story.

Just in case i change my mind.

Who do you really want to be with you.??

who is your leading man?


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khelly #2
Chapter 18: My Loving Readers :"> Chappie 19 will be posted on Dec.15,2012. Thank you~~ ^_< <3<3<3
Chapter 18: @Igotsmiles1 WooooW! :) Thanks for reading my epic fail story xD, I hope you like it. :p hihihi~ :*

And about the Bf-Gf thingy, they're not couples yet dear ;)

Or are they? ;)

Btw, Wow! congratulations Dear :D your pretty smart to figure it out ;*
Chapter 6: OMG NEW READER HERE!! :D So she and kwangmin are bf & gf only by phone huh?? I see where this is going!!! AHHH!! :D
aryanlovesyou #7
hope you'll update soon. =)
Darina #8
Update soon :D