Chapter 5

Loving Hyuk (Vixx Fanfiction)
POV- Hyuk
My mum came walking into my room, she had the phone tightly in her hand, she had been crying, I sat up from my bed and looked at her "What's wrong?" I asked, my mum walked over to me and sat on my bed, she grabbed hold of my hand "Mi Cha, she went into hospital yesterday" she informed me
"Is she ok?" I asked worrying, all of sudden my mum burst into tears as she started shaking her head, my heart sunk, I knew the worst of it was about to come
"She died Hyuk, she passed away last night" she cried "I'm so sorry"
I felt like someone ripped my heart out and stomped on it, I was going to propose to her, but that's never going to happen. I just want to go myself, but I can't. I have to look after Ken, make sure he's alright and the others too.
"I'm going to go out" I told my mum "I need to get fresh air"
I left my house and walked to Sunny's house, I knew she would cheer me up and be there for me, she had always made me smile. I reached her house and knocked on the door, she opened it and I told her everything, she gave me a hug and looked after me. Trying to cheer me up, it was weird, it was normally me cheering her up, not the other way round.
POV- Sunny
So Mi Cha is gone, actually gone? Wow, this is going the way I want it to go. Now time to get rid of Ken.
-Night time
POV- Sunny
I had a great time with Hyuk, we spent all day with each other, but he left to go home. I knew he wouldn't be in school tomorrow. He was going to be at Mi Cha's funeral.
I still had to find away to get rid of Ken, but how? I don't know him that well and he wouldn't come over. He wasn't a huge fan of going over other people's houses, so I've been told.
I'll just have to sleep on it
-Next Day
"You're really obsessing over him" said Park, I turned around from locker, I was shock. He was talking to me again, I didn't say anything though, I was too shocked. What was I meant to say to him.
All of sudden Park grabbed my hand looked deep into my eyes, my heart stopped for a bit. What was going on, why is he holding my hands, loads of these questions were going through my mind.
"I just wanted to tell you something?" said Park "I'm sorry for being a bad friend, do you forgive me?" I nodded as I gave him a hug, I was so happy to have my best friend back, but if he knew what I had been doing lately, I'm sure he would kill me.
I just have to keep it quiet, he will never find out.
POV- Hyuk
I stared over at the coffin, my princess is laying there, I acted like I was a prince and she was either sleeping beauty or Snow White. But I had to snap of it, a true love kiss will never bring her back. It's just a stupid fairy tale and fairy tales don't exist.
I didn't want to be here anymore, it hurt too much. I want her back, Mi Cha please come back, I don't know what I would do with out you.
-Next Day
POV- Hyuk
I could of had the day off, but I decided to come in and see Ken, he still wasn't happy. He was going to propose to Yook, before she cheated on him, like I was going to propose to Mi Cha.
I had to put my thoughts and problems behind me, and care for Ken. He was like my brother at the end of the day, I've had known him since elementary school.
Great, biology now.
I sat at my stool, looking over at the empty stool Mi Cha once sat. My heart was hurting so much, it was weird, once she was there, smiling and being herself and now she's not there.
But I'll always have her in my heart, in my mind and in my memory.
"How you doing Hyuk?" asked N, who was sitting by me
"Fine" I replied taking a gulp, I turned my head to seat on the opposite side of me, where Ravi would sit, but he wasn't there "Uh where's Ravi, N?"
"He's gone to...he's gone to?" N paused "I have no idea where he is"
"He's at the dentist" laughed Leo, who had just walked into biology room, five minutes late, but luckily Professor Oh was running a tad bit late "He'll come in at lunch time"
"Oh right, thanks Leo" I smiled
-Later that day, lunch time
"Ah my tooth hurts" groaned Ravi as he rubbed his cheek
"Don't be such a baby, Ravi" said Hongbin "It couldn't of hurt that much?"
"I had my tooth injected with a needle" snapped Ravi "Of course it bloody hurts, you idiot"
POV- Sunny
"Ugh, why are they so loud" complained Ellie looking over at the table where Hyuk and his friends sat
I was too busy writing in my book, planning away to get rid of Ken. Ellie looked over and saw I was writing in my book "What are you doing?"
"Nothing" I hissed as I quickly shut my book, so Ellie couldn't see what I was doing, I looked around the cafeteria to see where Hyuk was. I saw him by Ken, he had his arm around him, and they were laughing, messing about. As if they were brothers or something like that.
I didn't like it, I didn't want him to be close with Hyuk, I must get rid of the threat, but how?
"Why do you stare off into the distance" laughed Park, who came over to the table, carrying a tray of food,
I looked at Park in a bemused manner, he was too good, he always knew I was thinking of something, must stop looking to the distance, it gives me away.
"You were daydreaming again, hey, Sunny?" laughed Park as he nudged me "Daydreaming about Han Sang Hyuk!"
"Oh shut up" Ellie and Park stared at me, as they burst into laughter, it was so annoying, I hate Park teasing me, but I won't say, don't want to cause an argument and then us not being friends again.
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