

Because of the water that was poured on him, Key's uniform became soaked and his singlet was seen. He turned around and saw the girl who kissed Jonghyun that night. When Taemin stood up and wanted to shout at the girl who poured water at Key, one of Key's fanboy shouted, "Ya! Who are you?!" When the girl wanted to slap Key in the face, Jonghyun came out of nowhere and grabbed her hands and swing her around so she was facing him. "What are you doing?! I told you that the reason that I broke up with you was not beacause of him!" Jonghyun shouted at the girl. "Don't you dare lie to me, Jonghyun! After he left your house, you you told me to get out of your house. When you saw him here yesterday, you ignored me the whole day!" The girl shouted back.


"Jessica, lets just talk outside, there are many people her." Jonghyun said trying to calm Jessica down. "No!" Jessica shouted and turned back facing Key. She stormed towards him and slapped him hard on the face. The crowd that formed around them gasped in shock. Three thin lines were seen on Key's cheek and blood started flowing out of it slowly. It seems that the long nails Jessica had, helped her. "JESSICA! I TOLD YOU TO STOP!" Jonghyun shouted from behind and pulled Jessica away from Key and pushed her on the ground. Jessica looked shocked. It was the first time any man had layed his hand on her so roughly. "Jonghyun..." She said as she trailed off. Jonghyun turned around and saw Key glaring at him. "I'm sorry." Jonghyun apologised, pulled Jessica up from the ground and pulled her away. The most hateful person Key did not want to see actually helped him. He wanted to say thank you, but he pushed away the feeling. 


Key stood rooted to ground, angry. "Key, are you okay?" Taemin asked worriedly as he saw Key's expression. "He is the guy... The guy who cheated on me." Key muttered. Taemin heard and his eyes widen. "He was the one?" Taemin asked to confirm what he heard. Key nodded. He took the red and black sweater which he brought down from the class and went into the toilet. He took off the soaked uniform and wore the sweater. Since his singlet was soaked too, he had to remove it to. He looked himself in the mirror and saw himself wet and untidy. Using his fingers, he combed his wet blonde hair and straightened the sweater. He noticed that his shorts was also wet. "..." he cursed and went out of the toilet.


Everyone's eyes fall on Key as he made his way to the table he was seating. "Aigoo, Key-ah, are you trying to make everyone jealous? Your collarbones are showing." Taemin said and tried to cover Key's collarbones but failed as the sweater was too big. "Taemin-hyung, its okay, do you have any extra pants?" Taemin lowered his gaze and realised that Key's pants were wet. "Wait here for a while." Taemin said and ran to the dance studio. He came back with a pair of ripped black skinny jeans and passed them to Key. "There you go." Key looked at him confused."Hyung, we are in school. Do you expect me to wear ripped pants in class?" Key said. "Just go and change, I'll handle it!" Key just accepted it reluctantly and went into the toilet.


After he came back, Taemin was shocked. The pants that was a little tight for Taemin was actually a little too big for Key. "Wow, Key, you need to gain some weight." Key chuckled. Both of them walked back to class only to see Jonghyun introducing himself in front of the class. 'Now what? Is he transfering to our class?' Key thought as he apologised to the teacher with Taemin before moving back to his seat. "Taemin and Key, this is Jonghyun. He will be your new classmate from now on." After hearing what their teacher said, shock was obviously seen on their faces. "No... Please..." Key thought as he stared at Jonghyun, who was now walking towards him and Taemin. Why is my life so miserable?



A/N: Hello, readers! Hope all of you comment and subscribe!!! I'll update soon so enjoy the story!

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Edna_Home #1
Sorry for making Jessica the bad person! But in the later chapters, she will be 100% nice! So continue reading! I'll update soon! And good news, I got great scores for my exams!!!~~~ So happy!~~~
Yayy!again. Updated:)<br />
The "girl" is mean >:|
Edna_Home #3
I just updated.
Too cuteee <33 you need to update! cant wait xD
Edna_Home #5
I know, but continue reading and you will find out why I swap Key's personality to Taemin's personalituy.
I like it a lot but it stills feels strange that Kibum is younger than Taemin and that Tae has that caring personality instead of Key~ ^^
Yay!!! Update. :) update again!!!!! please. <br />
Taekey is my fav couple even though I dont usually go for gay couples!!
aww so cuteee ;3<br />
<br />
I need an update for this!
taekey! :33 ^^