First Date

Marrying Vixx [hiatus]
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The two of you arrived at the location he had said. It turned out to be........... a convenient store. You exchanged confused looks with Jiwon. 

'' Are you sure this is the place?''

'' Yeah this is the address he said to go to, but I didn't know it was a convenient store.''

'' Oh look there he is! huh, so this is the right place. I wonder what he's planning....''

'' I guess there's only one way to find out. Thanks for the ride!'' 

'' I'll be waiting for your call tomorrow. Now I'm really dying to know what's going to happen!'' 

You got off the car and made your way to him. He was standing outside of the entrance with his back faced to you. He didn't notice you were there yet. He was checking his watch nervously and mumbling something to himself, but you couldn't hear clearly. '' Hyuk hyung I'm here!'' You called out

'' You're 5 minutes la.....'' He started turning around but stopped midsentence when he saw you. He started blushing '' late......You... you look.... cute''

'' Oh, um, thanks! I think you look really nice too!''

You both just stood there blushing and reeking of awkwardness for a good while. '' So, are we going to have our first date here?'' you pointed at the store.

'' Huh? Oh, no! I just needed to buy this'' He held out a blinfold

You looked at him weirdly '' What's that for?''

'' I want to sursprise you! Put it on and I'll lead you to the real location.'' He said with a cute smile

You were a little weary of it, but decided to trust him. You put it on after you got into his car. He drove and after what seemed like forever to you, he stopped and took your blindfold off. You found yourself in front of a carnival. He looked at you expectantly, trying to read your expression. You smiled excitingly '' I love carnivals!'' 

He sighed in relief '' I was hoping you would! There's lots of things to do! Today is special too because there's going to be a parade in an hour and fireworks at night, but we have some time to kill, so what do you want to do first?''

'' Well I love carnival food..... soooooo''

He laughed '' Food it is! There's a lot of good food stands just by the entrance, let's go!''

You were getting some pizza, and he had went off to get a hamburger. On your way back you accidently bumped into someone and knocked their food over. '' I'm so sorry! I didn't see you! Your food is ruined now! Let me pay for that!''

'' No need. I'll let it slide because you're so pretty.'' He said as he flashed a smile at you. He was young. Proabably around yours and the guys' age. Good looking too.

'' Are you sure? I mean now you can't eat! Let me pay.''

'' It's fine. I'll survive without it. No worries.''

'' Ok. Well I have to get going now. Again, sorry!''

You went back to Hyuk. You only got one slice of pizza because you wanted to save some room to eat cotton candy and funnel cake during the parade. You had just finished purchasing them when it was announced that the parade was going to begin in a while.

'' Let's find a good spot! Here I'll hold the cotton candy!'' You said. It was already crowded. You could barely walk in between all the people. After finding a decent spot you said '' How about here?'' But as you looked around you realized you were alone.

'' Hyuk? Where are you?! Hyung!!! '' You yelled as you scanned the crowd waving your hand up high so that he could see you

'' _______! I'm here!'' You finally saw him. You tried to meet him halfway. You had almost reached him but there was still a good number of people in between you two. You both extended you arms, reaching for each other. After straining a little, you finally linked hands and managed to pull youselves towards each other. 

'' You walked off really fast! I thought I lost you, I was worried!'' he said in between deep breaths. You were both exhausted from fighting against a sea of people. 

'' Sorry! I just wanted to find a good place to watch the parade from.'' You said 

'' It's ok. Actually it looks like we accidently found one! This is a good spot!''

'' Oh, yeah. Just in time too! It looks like it's starting!'' You were going to point when you realized that you were still holding his hand, he realized too. You both quickly let go and avoided each other's gaze. You couldn't focus too well on the first perfomers. It

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starlighthoney #1
Chapter 8: I like the story. Hope you updates soon
starlight4ever6vixx #2
Chapter 1: This Girls is really funny XD XD
haemin1110 #3
Chapter 8: Hwaiting!!! Looking forward to new chapter!!!ヾ(@^▽^@)ノ
haemin1110 #4
Good!! Love it!! >w<
jazziejayannika #5
Chapter 2: Im not going to lie, i was giggling and squealing hahaha love it!
Chapter 5: Waaah~ The story is soooo cute and really really enjoyable. Although i admit, before the party started, I was already rooting for Ken so I was a bit (I promise, it was just a bit! lol) disappointed to how Ken and OC wouldn't end up together. Um, so far, as of the moment, I'm rooting for either Ravi or Leo (This is 50% biased since they [including Ken] are my top 3 in VIXX lmao) to end up with pretty vampire OC~

So, here's my rating as of the moment:
Capitalization: 2.5/5 stars
Grammar: 3/5 stars
Over-all rating: 3.5/5 stars

Buuuut~ I know this will improve as it goes on (and please don't take my ratings in a bad way~) and I'll be patiently waiting for updates and of course, I will be cheering this fic on~ hihi. ^^