Day off

Marrying Vixx [hiatus]
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After hearing about your upcoming dates, you couldn't focus on anything anymore. Your thought process was just on pause and only one thing kept repeating itself: A date with each of them? Jiwon tried to make you feel less nervous about it. After seeing how it wasn't working, she then tried distracting you from the idea itself. You didn't want to ruin the great time you two had been having so you did your best to go along with it. She did help a little but when it was time for you to sleep, you let your mind worry about it some more before drifting off. 


Maybe it was because of the stories that Jiwon had told you, but your dreams were filled with memories here and there from your playmates. You remember playing tea with Jiwon and forcing Ravi to join you. You could see Hongbin teaching you how to fly a kite. Racing Hyuk to see who could learn to bike without training wheels first (you won). Finger painting with Ken. Dancing wildly with N. And playing soccer with Leo (he never let you win).

Your favorite times were when all of you were together. You'd play outside all the time. You started dreaming about a time when you were playing hide and seek, Ken was the seeker. He started counting and you all ran off in different directions..... suddenly your dream shifted. It became dark and the same dream from the other night started playing..... 


‘’It’s settled then! You’re going to be my wife!’’

‘’let’s pinky promise on it!’’



You woke up and saw that Jiwon wasn't there. She left a note:

''_______, sorry I had to leave early! I didn't want to wake you so I thought I'd just leave quietly! Anyways I'll see you tomorrow when the plans for your dates will be discussed. -Jiwon'' 

Plans for the dates?? You got to be kidding me. Why so soon? Well at least I get a break today. What a pain...... Although after last night it feels like I know them all so much more. It realy feels like we're old friends.... Wait what was that last dream I just had? That's my second time having it. Is it really a memory? Who's the boy in it anyways?.... could it be.... one of the boys? Which one? It could have been any of the 6..... well I doubt it was Ken, I mean he likes Jiwon right? But has he always liked her? Crap, so it could be any of them. So I technically agreed to marry one of the guys already? Wait if it was real and I really did agree to marriage, why hasn't he (whoever it is) brought it up? Was it really one of the guys? or someone else?

You went into the kitchen and saw your parents there. '' Oh! You're awake! Have you been getting more memories back yet?''

'' Yea, they were mostly about the guys and Jiwon..... by the way thanks a lot for telling me about them earlier and how I already knew them.'' You said sarcastically. 

'' We figured it would be better for them to tell you.'' 

'' Well I guess you're right. But what's all this about dates? You could've mentioned that at least!''

Your mom chuckled '' That was sort of implied. I mean did you expect to make that decision after meeting them just once? You have to get to know them a little.''

'' That's true too.... But I'm still not happy about not being explicilty told about it. Plus, it feels like there's more you haven't told me about.''

They exchanged worried glances. Your dad cleared his throat nervously '' You're right. We should've told you sooner. Tell you what, to make it up to you, you can go out and do whatever you want for the day. You can take my car, your mom told me she's already taught you how to drive.''

'' What really?!! But wait, I thought vampires couldn't go out during the day and stuff like that.''

They burst out laughing. After she got a hold of herself, your mom told you '' Well, that was the case with the first vampires. But after breeding with humans, we began to evolve and now we are practically the same as normal humans, except we live waaay longer and are still dependent on blood. Although, we can now eat human food and digest it too, just not live off of it. We also rarely pose a theat to any life considering there are only 8, well 7 clans now, and we take donated blood bags instead of killing people. Things aren't like in the movies, and even if they were at one point, it's changed now.''

'' Oh.... well my mind was just blown and I feel like every movie I've watched has lied to me......''

'' Ummm, so does that mean you do or don't want to go out?''

'' Oh I wanna go out for sure! Take a break from all this... this...  whatever it is.'' You said as he tossed his car keys at you.

You were about to leave when your mom called out "______!''

'' huh?

'' You should go to this town nearby, it's a great place. It has a botanical garden full of hundreds of flowers and plants. Today they're supposed to be planting some trees in the local park as a community service type of thing. I think you'll like it!''


You found yourself at the botanical garden. When you arrived, you saw a group of people wearing volunteer shirts. You asked the supervisor if it was okay for you to help, and

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starlighthoney #1
Chapter 8: I like the story. Hope you updates soon
starlight4ever6vixx #2
Chapter 1: This Girls is really funny XD XD
haemin1110 #3
Chapter 8: Hwaiting!!! Looking forward to new chapter!!!ヾ(@^▽^@)ノ
haemin1110 #4
Good!! Love it!! >w<
jazziejayannika #5
Chapter 2: Im not going to lie, i was giggling and squealing hahaha love it!
Chapter 5: Waaah~ The story is soooo cute and really really enjoyable. Although i admit, before the party started, I was already rooting for Ken so I was a bit (I promise, it was just a bit! lol) disappointed to how Ken and OC wouldn't end up together. Um, so far, as of the moment, I'm rooting for either Ravi or Leo (This is 50% biased since they [including Ken] are my top 3 in VIXX lmao) to end up with pretty vampire OC~

So, here's my rating as of the moment:
Capitalization: 2.5/5 stars
Grammar: 3/5 stars
Over-all rating: 3.5/5 stars

Buuuut~ I know this will improve as it goes on (and please don't take my ratings in a bad way~) and I'll be patiently waiting for updates and of course, I will be cheering this fic on~ hihi. ^^