Chapter 5

Broken Rose -Project-

Chapter 5

Yunho knew he wasn’t design to fight guns. He wasn’t a fighting robot. He was an android, a human-like robot but he knew he could take few bullets if he needed to protect Jaejoong. Yunho definitely wanted to kill the man in front of him, Shim Changmin. He knew the man Jaejoong because Jaejoong purposely let himself for stealing the money, but still, it made his blood boiled.

“You must be Yunho, right?” Changmin spoke in dark voice,” I can’t wait to see how a robot will react if I tear apart his maker in front of him…”

“Youu!” Yunho was ready to launch himself at Changmin but Jaejoong hugged him from the back.

“Please Yunnie, calm down. We need to find a way to get out of here,” Jaejoong whispered.

“Oh, don’t mind me, be romantic with each other. Since this will be the last time you will able to touch one another,” Changmin scoffed,” Now, where were we? Ah, how about this?  Let’s make a deal!”

“…What deal?” Yunho managed to speak in calmer voice, even though he was still raging with anger.

“If you let me Jaejoong in front of you right now, I’ll consider freeing you but not Jaejoong,” Changmin grinned when he saw flash of wrath on Yunho’s face,” You see, Jaejoong almost killed my organization and literally me so I need to make sure he suffers equally.”

“And if I refuse?” Yunho asked.

“Both of you will watch each other die painfully,” Changmin spoke in cold tone like it was the straightest thing on Earth. Yunho shivered; never in his human or robot life had he met someone like that. It felt like the man wasn’t human or any living creature.

“Yunho, get on your knees when I say so, okay?” Jaejoong whispered as he slowly he walked pass Yunho.

“Jae, what are you doing?” Yunho panicked.

“It’s the only way, Yunho. I don’t want you to be hurt anymore,” Jaejoong said as tears streamed out from his eyes. He kept looking at Yunho’s eyes as slowly he walked toward Changmin. All Yunho could do was trust Jaejoong.

“Now!” Jaejoong suddenly shouted as he got on his knees as Yunho did the same. Loud clashing sound exploded through the small hidden room as dust blinded them. The structure screamed as it flew across the room, destroying everything and everyone tall enough of its reach. Most of Changmin’s men were wiped out in the explosion.

Jaejoong used the confusion and element of surprise to pull Yunho passed Changmin and his men. They’re running toward the entrance where Changmin got inside. They knew they could escape there.

“KILL THEM!!! ING KILL THEM!!!” they could hear Changmin screamed in frustration as they ran as fast as they could. It was hard, especially when you needed to constantly avoiding fallen structure and exploding machine but Jaejoong knew the way.

For unknown reason, Jaejoong planted bombs here. He thought if someday he needed to destroy everything, he could. He never imagined he would use it to escape though. They almost reached the broken wall Changmin’s men made before suddenly Jaejoong fell on the floor.

“Don’t ing move,” Changmin showed up behind them with a handgun that shot Jaejoong’s leg just now. Yunho cursed as he shielded Jaejoong with his body. Meanwhile, Jaejoong was bleeding on his tight and it was painful. He didn’t think he could run or even walk.

“We just want our freedom!” Yunho finally spoke,” I’ll pay whatever amount Jaejoong took from you. Just give me time.”

“Sadly Jung Yunho, time isn’t something I can trust on and it’s not like I can take your word,” Changmin spoke as he walked closer and pointed his gun on Yunho’s head,” You see, they say people marry the one that not so different from them even though sometime their character is like fire and water. Jaejoong stole from me and what make you think I will believe you’re not a thief too?”

“Please…Changmin, stop,” Jaejoong begged as he tried to pull Yunho away from the gun. But he felt so weak because the blood lost. He knew Changmin hit his femoral artery on purpose; it was matter of time before he ran out of blood.

“Die!!!” Changmin pulled the trigger as a bullet went through Yunho’s head. Jaejoong screamed in horror as Yunho fell on the ground. No, no, he couldn’t lose Yunho again, not again!

“You’ll bleed out to death on your own,” Changmin spoke to Jaejoong,” But it doesn’t mean I can’t have some fun first…”

“No, no, don’t’ touch me!!! NOOOO!” Jaejoong cried when Changmin forced him to look at him. Smiling in twisted way, Changmin put his gun on his holster and on Jaejoong’s exposed neck. Laughing, Changmin was ready to tear Jaejoong’s pant apart before he felt something pierced his stomach.

Gasping for his gun, Changmin noticed it was gone. It was actually the one who made a hole on his stomach. He saw Yunho was the one who shoot him. Well, cursed being half robot; Changmin hit Yunho on the head right at his robotic part. Well, that didn’t mean Yunho would survive though, Changmin knew he had made enough damage to both of them. Changmin smiled before he fell on the ground.

“Yunho, Yunho!” Jaejoong called hysterically as Yunho hugged him.

“It’s…okay…no one is going tozzzzz---hurtzzz---youzz…” Yunho’s speech failed him as small spark came out from the bullet wound on his head. There’s blood mixed with his robotic fluid spilled out.

“Yunnie, stay…with me…please…” Jaejoong begged as he felt he began to lose his strength too. Both of them were to weak to move even though they knew they needed to escape. The structure wouldn’t hold for long but it was like everything didn’t matter anymore.
Jaejoong got Yunho back and Yunho protected Jaejoong this time, till the end. He didn’t fail like he did before. Smilling, Yunho pressed their lips together as he laid on top of Jaejoong.

“I…love you so much…” Jaejoong said in his weak voice,” I’m so happy I…got you back…”

“I know, and I love you beyond words Jaejoong ah…I’m so happy you bringzzzz meezzz backzzz…” Yunho groaned softly when his voice broke again. Jaejoong laughed softly but then stopped because laughing made his wound hurt.

“We…we’ll leave together this time…” Jaejoong muttered the sentence as he felt his sight began to blur.

“Yes, we’ll be together from now one…No onezzz canzz separatezzzz…zzzz” Yunho lost his ability to talk as he embraced Jaejoong with all his strength.

“No one can separate us…” Jaejoong finished Yunho’s sentence,” Hold me?”

Yunho obliged as he connected their hands and laid side by side, inside each other’s embrace, sharing their last warmth. Jaejoong felt so sleepy all of the sudden and being with Yunho made him felt safe. Yunho felt the same way as he caressed Jaejoong’s hair with his half working fingers.

Yunho wanted to tell Jaejoong it’s okay to fall asleep because he would be there when Jaejoong woke up but he could speak no more nor move. He began to lose control of his body as he went malfunction. The last thing he could see before blacking out was Jaejoong’s smiling sleeping face. It was perfect and Yunho knew he would see Jaejoong again soon enough.


The sky was shining so brightly and it almost blinded him. Someone caught him before he fell. It took him few seconds to adjust his sight and saw who the one that caught him was. They’re laying on tall grass and near a river bank, just like the one in his childhood memories.

“Joongie,” Yunho called his name with sound full of love.

“Yunnie,” Jaejoong couldn’t help it as tears flew his cheek.

“I’ve been waiting for you for so long,” Yunho said as he cupped Jaejoong’s face.

“I’m so sorry to make you wait so long,” Jaejoong cried again as Yunho kissed his forehead. It really felt like the first time Yunho kissed him on the same spot. Jaejoong hugged Yunho as both of them rolled on the grass, calling each other’s name. It was beyond perfect that they could finally be with each other as a whole. No one could tear them apart in this paradise.

P.S. I told u this's tragedy right? *smirk* Thx for everyone who read n comment till the end >,<
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Chapter 5: I'm glad that they are together in the end (^_^.)
Chapter 5: this is so damn sad. but i'm still happy they met in paradise though ;-;
Chapter 4: ah whyyyy ;-;
Sky_luv #5
Chapter 5: I always hated changmin !
nurul_h5 #6
Chapter 5: bad's happy ending after all..........that all matter........
Chapter 5: you're forgiven cause no one was left behind, i feel sad for their death but if they go together then there is no tragedy, i'm weird ilk but to me the only tragic end is for one to be left behind there is no better end than living and dying together.
thank you dear ^^
Chapter 5: T^T huhuhuhu atleast yunjae together T^T
Chapter 4: OMG!!!! Just when they happy the evil come and hunt them T^T

T^T bad minie !!