Chapter 1

Broken Rose -Project-

Chapter 1

“Joongie! Come on! We’ll miss the firework!” little boy aged seven shouted as he ran through tall grass.

“Yunnie, don’t be so loud!” little Jaejoong was worried the mean orphanage people would realize they’re missing. It passed they night curfew but both of them had been dying to watch a firework. They never saw one and tonight, they slipped out successfully.

“Don’t worry, nobody around except the two of us,” little Yunho said as he took little Jaejoong’s hand and they ran together. The tall grass felt ticklish but little Jaejoong didn’t really care. He was too busy wondering why his heart almost burst out from his chest; he wasn’t running that fast.

“Look!” little Yunho pointed at the sky as they reached a river bank,” It’s starting! Joongie!”

“It’s so beautiful, Yunnie ah,” little Jaejoong said as he carved inside his heart, the most amazing view he ever saw in his life so far. What made it even more amazing was Yunnie was with him; his Yunnie.

Yunnie was the only thing little Jaejoong could remember of once he was old enough to remember. The same thing applied for little Yunho. Both of them grew up together in an orphanage. Life was hard, especially when they reached age five. The orphanage people started to make them work hard or they wouldn’t be given meal. Sometime they’re beaten and cursed at. Little Yunho and little Jaejoong always supported each other; they’re each other’s salvation.

“Someday, Joongie…We’ll be like this firework,” little Yunnie spoke,” Free dancing in the sky and shining brightly. We’ll leave from his horrible place and build our own home together.”

“Yunnie…I’ll be happy to,” little Jaejoong answered as tears flew into his cheeks. Yunho wiped them and kissed little Jaejoong’s forehead. They smiled and hugged comforting each other. It was enough as long as they had each other.

“Master Jaejoong, please wake up, Master Jaejoong!”

Jaejoong woke up from his best dream of the year as he frowned at the one who woke him. U-Know titled his head confusedly as Jaejoong sighed. He wasn’t expecting a clueless robot woke up in the combination of his beloved Yunho’s body part and his metal scrap.

“What do you want?” Jaejoong asked.

“Master has been sleeping on the table for too long, I’m worried Master will have backache,” U-Know said in his robotic tone but using Yunho’s voice. Jaejoong cursed he even froze Yunho’s vocal cord. Now those sounds would haunt him in twisted way.

“I told you to call me Jaejoong, just Jaejoong,” Jaejoong grumbled as U-Know frowned.

“But you’re my maker, you’re my master,” U-Know said like it was the straightest fact on Earth. Earth, Jaejoong cursed. everything. God had to hate him so much to make him suffer like this.

U-Know noticed his master’s unpleasant feelings. He might be a robot but he was super robot, android. He learnt so fast and he knew he only caused distress to his master so far. He wondered why he couldn’t make his master happy. U-Know wanted Master Jaejoong to be happy; he knew it from his heart. The heart his master gave him and if calling his master without ‘master’ would make Jaejoong happy, he decided to give it a try.

“Jaejoong, I’m sorry,” U-Know said in soft voice as Jaejoong froze. It was the same voice Jaejoong had been trying to erase from his memories.

“Please help him! He can’t breathe!!! Damn it, I paid you extra to save him! SAVE HIM!” Jaejoong cried hysterically as the nurses pulled him back. The doctors flooded Yunho’s bed as they did everything they could, yet it was useless. It felt like forever when the doctors turned back to Jaejoong and said they’re sorry.

“NOOOOO!!!” Jaejoong cried out as he stormed next to his beloved Yunho. He was still alive, barely hanging on his fragile life.

“Yunnie, you promise…*sobs* you won’t leave me *sobs* We’ll be always together…” Jaejoong cried out as he held Yunho’s cold hand. He could feel Yunho struggled with every breathe he took. It killed Jaejoong knowing his other half was suffering and he could do nothing about it.

“Jae…” Yunho whispered using his last strength,” I love you…so much…please live…for my sake too…”

“Noooo! Don’t you dare to leave me! No! No! Nooo!!! Yunnie you promised!!!” Jaejoong broke even more as he fell on his knees. He felt so weak, like he was the one dying.

“…I’m sorry…I’m so sorry…Jaejoong…I’m sorry…I’m---“ Yunho couldn’t finish his sentence as the machine beside him beeped nonstop. Jaejoong screamed Yunho’s name but it was beyond his control. Jaejoong might be a genius robotic scientist but he wasn’t a doctor or God, he couldn’t save Yunho from death. He couldn’t save Yunho from his lung cancer.

“Jaejoong ah!” U-Know panicked when Jaejoong sobbed so hard. His first reaction was to hug his master; human felt comfort in hugging, he read it somewhere. He began to Jaejoong’s back in circle and he didn’t know why. Like he didn’t know why he could only make his master mad and cry. He really wanted to make his master happy and he hated himself for being useless.

“Yunho…please don’t leave me again,” Jaejoong sobbed. U-Know was confused his master misspelled his name. Yet, he didn’t really care. U-Know kept hugging Jaejoong until he eventually fell asleep. Wiping the tears, U-Know got Jaejoong up in bridal style as he put his master on his bed. He sat next to his master, watching him slept.

U-Know wondered why his master made him if he could only bring pain to his master’s life. Master was a kind person to make him and U-Know was thankful for it. It had been a month since he was born and U-Know was still learning.

Once, he tried to get out from this room, to study outside world but his master went mad beyond reason. U-Know never tried again after that. The room was actually so big. There’re this small pantry where his master made delicious food for him, small dining table for the two of them, a king-size bed (not that U-Know needed to sleep, he charged himself in his big standing station), and a bathroom.

Most of it was full of book and machine. U-Know learnt everything from the book and sometime the internet, but with his master’s watch. Internet was dangerous, his master said and he believed it. He came across information he couldn’t comprehend at the moment about his master. He decided to keep it hidden from his master. Maybe he might find a reason why his master was never happy about him.

Now seemed like an appropriate time, U-Know told himself. His master was sleeping and he could analyze the data. So he did, he discovered his master didn’t have father and mother. He was a genius robotic scientist and climbed the ladder from the bottom. He saw a photo of his master with supposed-to-be his husband in years ago newspaper. It shocked the hell out of him. He had the same face and even body with that supposed-to-be his master’s husband.

The headline was written ‘Jung Yunho and Kim Jaejoong are finally getting married’. He read and discovered Yunho was a businessman and like Jaejoong, he climbed the ladder from the bottom. Both of them were actually in the same orphanage and they grew up together. U-Know was about to read more when a sharp pain caused him to pull back from his search. His chest hurt and U-Know checked there was nothing wrong with his system or body. Then he saw something he couldn’t describe.

He was standing on a white room. There’re roses everywhere and there’re this faceless people. They were sitting in rows. Then, he heard one faceless person spoke behind him, wearing white cloak. He was in some kind of stair with weird looking table behind him. A majestic cross stood on the wall behind the table. Suddenly, the crowd murmurs caught his attention.

What he saw was too much to put on words. Jaejoong was wearing his white tuxedos and walked toward him on rose carpet. He gave his hand to Jaejoong, who took it and smiled. Now, they’re facing the faceless white cloak person.

“Do you, Jung Yunho, take Kim Jaejoong as your husband, to love him as your other half, forever being each other’s companion in life at bad and good time, till death does you apart?”

“Yes, I do,” he felt his mouth spoke on his own.

“Do you, Kim Jaejoong, take Jung Yunho as your husband, to love him as your other half, forever being each other’s companion in life at bad and good time, till death does you apart?”

“Yes, I do!” Jaejoong answered in excited voice. He was lost at words when he was pulled by Jaejoong and their lips touched. It made his heart fluttered in a way he couldn’t describe. How he wished time would just stop.

“U-Know! Yaaa! Do you need to charge? Because…you’re spacing out? Do you even can do that?” Jaejoong’s voice brought U-Know back. He looked at Jaejoong and his heart ached for unknown reason.

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Chapter 5: I'm glad that they are together in the end (^_^.)
Chapter 5: this is so damn sad. but i'm still happy they met in paradise though ;-;
Chapter 4: ah whyyyy ;-;
Sky_luv #5
Chapter 5: I always hated changmin !
nurul_h5 #6
Chapter 5: bad's happy ending after all..........that all matter........
Chapter 5: you're forgiven cause no one was left behind, i feel sad for their death but if they go together then there is no tragedy, i'm weird ilk but to me the only tragic end is for one to be left behind there is no better end than living and dying together.
thank you dear ^^
Chapter 5: T^T huhuhuhu atleast yunjae together T^T
Chapter 4: OMG!!!! Just when they happy the evil come and hunt them T^T

T^T bad minie !!