Chapter 2

Broken Rose -Project-

Chapter 2

“I’m so sorry *cries* please don’t hit me *cries* I’m sorry---“ little Jaejoong couldn’t finish his tearful plea as he felt his body was hit for the tenth time. A wooden bat that had abused him fell on the floor as a voice he knew so well echoed in the dark small room; the punishment room.

“Joongie run!” little Yunho cried out as he used himself as shield between the beaten ten years old Jaejoong and the wooden bat. Jaejoong couldn’t leave Yunho but his body couldn’t take anymore beating, so he ran, like Yunho told him too. Yet, they failed miserably. Both of them were caught and starved for days in the punishment room. They thought they almost died but they didn’t. They survived and they still had each other.

“Jaejoong ah, please stop thinking of unpleasant thing,” U-Know’s voice brought Jaejoong back to reality,” Please tell me if there’s anything I can do to cheer you up.”

“Hug me?” Jaejoong said without thinking as U-Know immediately abandoned his dinner and embraced his master. Jaejoong buried his face on U-Know’s shoulder like he did with Yunho. It felt so weird when the person in front of you wasn’t your other half but had the same face and body with your other half. Jaejoong thought it might be his punishment to play God, bringing the dead back.

“Jaejoong ah, you should eat more, you’ve become so thin,” U-Know said as he rocked his master softly, causing Jaejoong to chuckle.

“I’m not a baby, U-Know. Thank for comforting me, now eat your dinner,” Jaejoong said as U-Know did the order obediently. It had been two months since U-Know was born and somehow he managed to make his master stop shouting and crying. He even managed to console and made him smile now. U-Know was so happy until he was unconsciously smiling.

“Is my cooking that good? Because I swore I’ve become rusty,” Jaejoong said.

“It’s really delicious, Jaejoong ah” U-Know answered as he sipped his meal to the last bite.

“I’m happy you grow up to be a good person who value food,” Jaejoong couldn’t believe he just said that, it felt like he had a baby boy now.

“Of course all thanks to you,” U-Know said as Jaejoong smiled.

“Well, I did starve so I guess that’s where my possessiveness of food value came from,” Jaejoong sensed U-Know was confused,” When I was a child, I was taken care by bad people who made me work. If I didn’t reach certain quota, they would beat me and starved me for days.”

“…That’s horrible…I’m so sorry,” U-Know didn’t know what to say.

“No worries, I escaped from them with someone dear to me and we had happy life. It wasn’t easy as we got no money but we worked so hard until we could buy almost any damn thing in this world,” Jaejoong began to tell more of his life, which U-Know liked to listen to,” I’m so lucky I have my brain and him.”

“Where’s he now?” U-Know dared to ask. Somehow his analyze made him realize it was Jung Yunho, the man who had the same face and body with him, but he needed to make sure.

“He died of lung cancer and I couldn’t save him,” Jaejoong said as he closed his eyes,” I was so broken so I tried to reconstruct him. I made you using some of his parts and hoped you would wake up as him. But you didn’t and that was why I was so bad at you in the beginning. I’m so sorry, U-Know.”

U-Know listened as his prediction was correct. He knew what happened to Jung Yunho, he knew everything, but he just wanted to hear it from his master’s mouth. He was indeed Jung Yunho’s replacement.

“But don’t think for one second you’re his replacement,” Jaejoong’s sentence didn’t feel real for U-Know,” I did think like that before and maybe sometimes now, but know this, you’re you. You’re my creation and the only friend I have left in this world. So…Will you stay with me even though I’m this selfish person who occasionally hurt the only friend he has left?”

 “Jaejoong, I won’t ever leave you,” U-Know promised as Jaejoong mentally slapped himself. It was the same sentence Yunho said to him and Jaejoong couldn’t help to fear U-Know would leave him like Yunho did. Shaking his head furiously, Jaejoong finished his meal and went to do the dishes.

“Jaejoong ah, let me help for once,” U-Know said as he got up and stood next to his maker. Jaejoong looked at U-Know unsure, before he gave the wet dishes to him. U-Know smiled as he took it and wiped it dry. Then, he put it on the plate cabinet.

“You are really learning fast, aren’t you?” Jaejoong asked.

“Of course, you made me like this,” U-Know smiled.

“Hmmm, then what will you do if I do this?” Jaejoong touched U-Know’s nose with his soap foamed finger. Yunho blinked as the soft foam made contact with his skin. It felt good and U-Know knew what to do. He took a handful of foam and attacked Jaejoong with it.

“Yaaa!!!” Jaejoong managed to avoid the attack as he ran away, abandoning the dishes. They ended up chasing each other across the room and occasionally hit things on their chase. Jaejoong stopped when he realized he reached a dead end, thanks to his piled up books, and turned back in hurry. Yet, he slipped as the feet stepped on foam.

“Jae---!” U-Know managed to catch Jaejoong before he hit his head on the floor. Both of them were lying on the a little bit wet floor and Jaejoong was on top of U-Know. Opening his eyes, Jaejoong stared into big brown orbs in front of him. U-Know…looked so much like his Yunho and he missed him beyond reason. Jaejoong knew he just said U-Know wasn’t Yunho’s replacement but still.

U-Know sensed longing stare from Jaejoong. Before he could analyze what to do in the situation, his body moved on its own. He cupped Jaejoong’s face as he pressed their lips together. It felt so soft and U-Know felt like he had been missing those pair of existence so much. He was sure this was the first time he kissed Jaejoong, though, from the day he was born as U-Know.

Jaejoong didn’t know how but he totally lost his logic. Screw logic. Jaejoong pulled U-Know closer as he turned the sweet kiss into a passionate one. He was more than delighted U-Know followed his lead. It almost felt like he was kissing his Yunho.

U-Know didn’t know what to do, he could feel his body temperature rose as he was gasping for air between the kisses. He knew what that was, that was him getting aroused from kissing his master. U-Know knew about and all things surrounded it, thanks to his internet exploring, but he didn’t know whether he should continue or stop. He didn’t want to hurt his master.

“Don’t stop, touch me,” Jaejoong muttered between wet kisses as U-Know obliged. The android would follow the maker’s wish. Without any spoken word, U-Know pulled Jaejoong’s shirt up-after he got his shirt off too-and sent wet kisses on Jaejoong’s flawless body. He gave a light bite on Jaejoong’s ear; just the way Jaejoong liked it-He didn’t know why he knew that though. Then he kissed and Jaejoong’s neck and then his chest. His tongue twirled on Jaejoong’s as the man moaned.

“, Yun—U-Know…” Jaejoong cursed himself after he almost misspelled the name. U-Know somehow didn’t feel sad like he usually did. He felt happy instead. It was so weird, like he truly felt Yunho was his name. Well, he did have some flashback of Yunho’s memories but that might be because he had Yunho’s brain. U-Know couldn’t help but think himself as a part of deceased Jung Yunho. He knew Yunho would want Jaejoong so badly like he did now, to touch the deepest part of him.

“It’s okay…You can call me Yunho if you want…,” U-Know said as he pulled Jaejoong’s pants off and took him with his mouth. Jaejoong was already wet and begging for him, but U-Know suspected it was already a long time since Jaejoong had someone. So he prepared Jaejoong slowly as he Jaejoong to oblivion. Panting, breathless, and screaming, Jaejoong came into U-Know’s mouth.

“I need you, so bad…Yunho, please…” Jaejoong pleaded U-Know got rid of his pants.

“I love you Jaejoong ah, I’ve missed you so much,” U-Know didn’t feel his mouth moved. All he could hear was someone spoken with his voice. Yet, it didn’t stop him from slowly push inside Jaejoong as the man moaned. It felt so tight and he could feel he was almost at his limit.

“Yunho…Made love to me…Please…” Jaejoong begged as U-Know started to rock their hips. It got faster and faster as they called each other’s name. U-Know felt like he lost control of his body and mind-like someone took his over. But he didn’t mind, Jaejoong, crying helplessly in pleasure beneath him was the only thing he cared about.

“I love you, Yunnie…Ahhhh!!!” Jaejoong muttered before he reached his and spayed into U-Know stomach. U-Know came almost at the same time inside Jaejoong. It left both of them collapsing on floor as they caught their breath. Still, inside and top of Jaejoong, U-Know stared at Jaejoong’s tired yet happy half-sleeping face. It felt so nostalgic as U-Know wondered if he had turned into Yunho. His master might succeed reconstructing his dead husband, yet, only time would tell.


P,S, I'm gonna add 1 chap each day becoz I finished writing this fic till chap 5 today (yes, I wrote this freaking fic in 2 days, the fastest ever), today is special becoz I'm posting 2 chaps...Lastly, please comment, this's the first time I'm writting Yunho and U-Know as different person (or not?) Anyway, this's a trial fic for my other fic...involving 2 Master Yunho and 1 slave Jaejoong, I think I shared about it before in one of my daily post...Yes, please comment XD


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Chapter 5: I'm glad that they are together in the end (^_^.)
Chapter 5: this is so damn sad. but i'm still happy they met in paradise though ;-;
Chapter 4: ah whyyyy ;-;
Sky_luv #5
Chapter 5: I always hated changmin !
nurul_h5 #6
Chapter 5: bad's happy ending after all..........that all matter........
Chapter 5: you're forgiven cause no one was left behind, i feel sad for their death but if they go together then there is no tragedy, i'm weird ilk but to me the only tragic end is for one to be left behind there is no better end than living and dying together.
thank you dear ^^
Chapter 5: T^T huhuhuhu atleast yunjae together T^T
Chapter 4: OMG!!!! Just when they happy the evil come and hunt them T^T

T^T bad minie !!