
The Love of A Friend





It was a long walk back to the dorm. Sleepiness had taken over Rin already, making her trip every 3 steps.


"aigoo~ tired already my BEST FRIEND?" Myungsoo and Rin stopped walking.


"Do you really have to emphasize the 'bestfriend'?" Rin looked sleepily  at Myungsoo.


"Of course! I'm just happy and I can't help it!" Myungsoo suddenly did an aegyo which made Rin release a sleepy chuckle. Myungsoo then turned around and knelt down with his arms raised a little to his back.


"Get on. I'll carry you," he said with a smile.


"But I'm heavy. I'll just walk oppa~" Rin replied.


"I don't care. It's either I give you a piggy back ride or I'll carry you bridal style all the way back to the dorm," he smirked, "and I'm serious."


Rin had no choice and she knew that anytime soon, she can get knocked out while walking. It's better to sleep on her bed than the sidewalk. She slowly climbed on Myungsoo's back and Myungsoo pretended to fall down as he stood up.


"You’re heavier than our fridge!" Myungsoo jokingly said, but in fact, Rin was not-so-light. She had an average weight that Myungsoo can carry.


"It's because I ate all the food in the fridge," Rin went along with Myungsoo. They both laughed, but after a few seconds, Myungsoo felt Rin's head on top of his right shoulder. She was already asleep, and snoring.


"Seriously, are you sure you're a girl?" Myungsoo chuckled to himself as he looked at the sleeping Rin.


Sneaking back inside the dorm, Myungsoo moved like a ninja on a mission with Rin still on his back asleep. Not knowing that Sungyeol is a wake, they were caught by the choding.


"Where did you guys come from?" the choding asked as he the lights in the living room. Myungsoo jumped in surprised and tripped on a bag making both Rin and him fall on the floor as he heard Sungyeol's voice. He quickly stood up and helped Rin up who was still half asleep and faced the choding who had his arms crossed.


"Uhh... we went out to eat some midnight snacks" Myungsoo rubbed the back of his neck.


"Are you sure?" Sungyeol raised his eyebrow.


"We're pretty tired now so we're going to sleep. Goodnight my friend~" Myungsoo grinned at the choding while pushing Rin into her room and him going to his room locking the dorm. Sungyeol heard the lock click at their room.


"W-wait, did you just lock the door?? This is my room too!" Sungyeol pounded on the door.


Myungsoo opened the door a little, but not letting Sungyeol in.


"Be quiet choding. People are already sleeping. Shhh!" Myungsoo whispered. Sungyeol was about to push the door widely, but Myungsoo was too fast. He quickly closed the door and locked it. Sungyeol was locked out from his own room. That night he slept at Hoya's and Sungjong's room.



I quickly run for my bed after Myungsoo pushed me into my room. All the things that happened this night exhausted me and surprised me. Myungsoo may seem to deliver a mysterious aura in shows, but in real life once you get to know him, he can get more hyper than Dongwoo. *He’s weird* I chuckled at the thought. My eyes were already giving up, and as I lay down my bed, I've drifted off to dreamland.



I locked out Sungyeol tonight because I know he'll ask infinite questions on where we went. Good thing I was able to act fast. As usual, Dongwoo-hyung didn't wake up from all the noises. I slowly lay in my bed tired from the walk. My body already wanted to sleep, but my mind is widely awake. I'm very happy that my plan went well, except for the fact that Rin's camera got stolen.


Since we're bestfriends now, I promise to always make her happy. Actually, even if I don't promise it I will always make her happy. I don't know why, but when I see her sad, my heart feels heavy.


Ahh! Myungsoo sleep already! I buried my head on my pillow to make me fall asleep and after 30 minutes of thoughts going through my mind, I finally fell asleep. I didn't dream about the girl tonight. Ever since Rin and I became close, I stopped dreaming the same dream that I have been dreaming for 3 months straight. Weird.




Ever since that night, the two had become closer. Infinite and Rin's unnies had noticed it too. When Rin is present, Myungsoo would always be next to her. Infinite suspected something and they need to know what's up with the two. They started investigating and of course, Sungyeol took the lead.


It was Saturday in the afternoon. It's a day off for both Infinite and Rin's unnies. Myungsoo and Rin were in their bedrooms while the other members were in the living room with Tablo who came for a visit, watching the new episode of their reality show. Today's episode will show what happened last week. Woohyun prepared popcorn and they excitedly watched the new episode.


Myungsoo in the other hand was sleeping in his room while Rin was busy surfing the net in her room. After an hour, Rin noticed something trending on Twitter. "MyungRin" was trending.


"MyungRin? What's this?" Rin clicked the tag and her jaw dropped as soon as she saw the tweets. She kept reading the tweets and her eyes widen. The tweets were about her and Myungsoo! "waah~! That was so sweet!" "How I wish I could be Myungsoo's bestfriend too!" "I actually like the MyungRin pairing!" "Sungyeol has a rival!" "This show just got more interesting!" "I can't wait for more MyungRin interaction!" Rin couldn't believe what she read. She quickly went out from her room and coincidently Myungsoo has woken up from his nap, both of them coming out of their room at the same time.


"H-hi~" Rin had an awkward aura. Myungsoo just rubbed his eyes. They both went to the living room and they saw the other Infinite members and Tablo all facing the television with their jaws hanging. They all gaped at the two with wide eyes. Rin looked at the television and her eyes could have popped out from what she saw. Myungsoo finally woke up when he saw what was being aired on the television. After 10 minutes of silence as they watched what was happening on the television, the episode finally ended.


"I knew it!" Dongwoo called out.


"What happened to MyungYeol?!" Sungyeol cried out.


"Myungsoo, you have some explaining to do," Sunggyu exclaimed.


"You know, you should have just let Rin chase the thief. She would have kicked the thief's off! It would have been awesome to see some action!" Tablo spoke up. The others just looked at him. "Ok, I'll just keep quiet now," the childish sunbae zipped his mouth.


Rin's unnies also called her right after the episode ended. Infinite and Tablo dragged Myungsoo in the kitchen while Rin stayed in the livingroom talking to her unnies on the phone.


"So that's why you're always wearing that bracelet!" Byeol giggled.


"Why didn't you tell us?" Soorin asked and Rin could imagine her pouting with her arms crossed.


"Aren't we your unnies?" they all said at the same time.


"I know, I know and I'm sorry that I didn't tell you guys right away. I thought it wasn't that important so yeah. Mianhe~ you forgive the maknae right?" Rin apologized to her unnies.


"What's not important??! Everybody knows that Myungsoo li--" Soorin quickly covered Anne's mouth cutting her sentence.


"huh? What li??" Rin curiously asked.


"N-nothing! Rin we have to go now. We have to go somewhere. See you tomorrow! Bye~ saranghae maknae~!" and her unnies hung-up.


"W-wait!... bye~" Rin put her phone away and just sat on the couch as she waited for Infinite.


In the kitchen, Infinite and Tablo surrounded Myungsoo. He had no way of escaping. All eyes were on him. They were going to interrogate him and he knew it.


"Rin is supposed to be your dongsaeng. You don't court a dongsaeng!" Tablo faced Myungsoo.


"I don't want her to be my dongsaeng," Myungsoo spoke up.


"We know," Woohyun grinned. There was a long pause.


"CONGRATULATIONS! You succeeded on your first round!" they all said.


"Huh? Why are you guys congratulating me?" Myungsoo asked in confusion.


"Ever since from the start we already knew that you liked Rin," Tablo grinned.


"But earlier you were just scolding me on why Rin and I can't be together and of course, I like Rin, she’s my bestfriend," Myungsoo told his hyung.


"I was just kidding! And besides you're too obvious kid," he chuckled.


"What obvious?" Myungsoo asked.


"Uhh… What kind of a BOY BESTFRIEND gives a SILVER BRACELET to his GIRL BESTFRIEND?" Woohyun told Myungsoo. There was a long silence.


"A very thoughtful friend!" Myungsoo innocently replied. The other members just shook their heads.


"Aigoo~ just don't hurt her okay?" Sunggyu put his hands on Myungsoo's shoulders.


"We're not even together hyung~ and why would I hurt her?" Myungsoo looked at Sunggyu with confusion.


"Even though you're part of our family, if you hurt Rin, you're going to be in trouble by us. She's also our dongsaeng so we also have to protect her," Hoya looked at Myungsoo seriously while the others nodded.


"AND YOU REPLACED ME! So if I ever see Rin crying because of you, you're dead meat!" Sungyeol crossed his arms.


Myungsoo stood up from the chair.


"Look hyungs, Rin and I are just bestfriends, nothing else. I only like her as a friend and she only likes me as a friend. You guys don't have to worry about me hurting her. Okay?"


"Not okay. Do you even know who her bias in Infinite is?" Sungjong asked.


"You guys know?!" Myungsoo asked them. Everyone except Myungsoo knew that before, when Rin was still just a fan of kpop, her ultimate bias was Myungsoo.


"Nope~" everybody lied avoiding Myungsoo’s eyes.


"Just don't do any wrong moves ok?" Sunggyu patted Myungsoo's shoulders. The interrogation finally ended. They all went back to the livingroom. After a few minutes, Mr. Woollim called them to inform that because of the episode that was aired, the show had high ratings and he said to keep it up. Myungsoo's and Rin's friendship was not acting, it was real. Mr. Woollim also told how they got to film them that night. It seems that the people who were following them that night were the PDs. When the PDs were about to leave that night, they saw the two and decided to follow them. Unfortunately, the PDs couldn't catch the thief even though he was caught in the video because the man had a mask on.


Both Myungsoo and Rin were confused at their hyungs and unnies. They didn't know what they were talking about. Myungsoo didn't know his feelings yet. He does like Rin, but he's heart is still confused. On other hand, Rin does like Myungsoo and even more than like, but she knows that they can't be together since he's an idol and she'll debut soon and thinks that there are other girls who are prettier than her.


After Mr. Woollim's call, throughout the day, the athmosphere was awkward, well for the MyungRin, but for the other Infinite members it was the opposite. Infinite watched every moves of MyungRin and teased them.


"Yah~ why are you guys always starring at me?" Rin complained to her oppas as she sat on the sofa.


"And me too. It's creeping me out," Myungsoo shuddered and he sat next to Rin.


"We have nothing else to do, but watch you two... MYUNGRIN" Hoya giggled.


"How come you haven't talked to each other since Tablo hyung left?" Sunggyu gave the two a sinister look.


Myungsoo and Rin couldn't take it anymore. They looked at each other speaking with their eyes, but their conversation was stopped by Sungyeol as he sat in between them.


"So... what's up with you two?" Sungyeol locked his eyes at Rin making her sit back away slowly.


"arghh! You guys are really.... I don't even have a word to describe you guys!" Rin stood up and went to her bedroom annoyed.


"Because we are your oppas~! YOUR OPPAS~! It's our job to annoy you~!" Sungyeol shouted as Rin left.


Rin went to her bedroom because she couldn't take her oppas' teases already. Myungsoo and her are just bestfriends, but they were teasing the two of them like they were more than that. Rin didn't come out from her room till it was the next day already. After one day, her oppas were back to normal. She guesses they were just really bored yesterday. Rin and Infinite just went by their schedules.



After many years I finally updated this! :D 

I can't seem to find a good background music for this chapter because Sunggyu's song Because is currently stuck in my head XD

If you can suggest a song that would fit this chapter, I would be really happy :)

Hope you enjoyed this update^^

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You made me fall inlove with Myungsoo .. Thanks ^_^ Update Soon ~
OHE051194 #2
OHE051194 #3
CHAPTER 6: Excited to read, but i already knew the story. XDDD
nerdpanda #4
This is cool~! Haha. Ok, I know I'm late. >< I really like it, you should update soon :D and btw, I'm thinking of deleting my story..
OHE051194 #5
Chapter 5: Aww~ The song made the mood really low. But, it somehow made the vibe good cuz of the happenings.<br />
<br />
Getting ready for the drama! Lol. I wanna cry~ Like, literally.<br />
Dongwoo, even if you don't say much, your still cool! XD
OHE051194 #6
Chapter 4: VERY COOL! XD I don't know why i'm laughing all over your story L-ah~ Don't blame my black hole humor. XD<br />
<br />
I liked the moment when Rin said 8 people and then the idea popped! XD<br />
Yea~ 8 people with 1 bathroom.. TINY BATHROOM. XDD<br />
MyungSoo felt betrayed by Rin. “How did you?... How could you?... You tricked me! No fair!"<br />
C'mon~ Make me laugh more! XD Grandpa Sunggyu is CUTE ^^<br />
<br />
"YES. RIN IS A GIRL". How come they always ask it? HAHA! The boyish author is at fault. Lol.<br />
<br />
<br />
[ignoring the one who tried to tell me something in the comment box XD]
supshaz #7
dawww. tablo sure was a great help~ <3<br />
and myungsoo and Rin needs to get closer!O_O
sparkfiree #8
I can imagine Dongwoo being all hyper and stuff XD<br />
Though he only has 1 line ;__; it's okay :D<br />
<br />
Wahh~ MyungRin moment XD MyungRin sounds better than<br />
RinSoo cos RinSoo reminds me of Minsoo (C.A.P XD) and<br />
Patbingsoo XD Hahahaha! <br />
<br />
Okay, 4D Alert. Lol! Nice job with this chapter :D<br />
I expect more MyungRin moments in the future updates~<br />
<br />
HWAITING!!<br />
<br />
Btw, OHE051194 / Haeyeon-ah (17), Choding.. <br />
BAHAHAHAHAHHAH!! UPFATE?? XD Do you mind explaining in Kenyan <br />
what is UPFATE? XD Because this Kenyan Student cannot understand XD<br />
-- Raejin (17) , Kenyan Exchange Student.<br />
( ^ I copied YAMO's Info XD)