
The Love of A Friend


B1A4 - Bling Girl


[Author’s POV]

“Rise and shine sleeping beauty!” Sungjong and Sungyeol opened Rin’s bedroom door and the lights, but no reaction was made from the sleeping Rin.


“Yah~ wake up! Wake up!” Sungjong climbed on Rin’s bed and started jumping to wake Rin up. A pillow hit Sungjong’s face making him fall off the bed and Sungyeol to start laughing at him.


“Oww~ why did you do that?” Sungjong rubbed his forehead. “That wasn’t me. I’m still sleeping,” Rin buried her face with her pillow. Even though she was still sleepy, she was laughing inside. Sungyeol then went to the side of her bed and tried to wake her up, but failed since he faced a pillow too.


“Yah! Wake up! We have to go somewhere!” Sungyeol and Sungjong kept waking Rin up, but when it comes to waking up in the morning, Rin gets all cranky and transforms into another person. Sungyeol, Sungjong and Rin played a tug-of-war with the blankets and pillow while Myungsoo was just standing against the door watching the kids fight. The two Sung brothers finally succeeded in waking Rin up and dragged her to the kitchen to eat breakfast.


Woohyun and Sunggyu had prepared breakfast for everyone. Everyone finished everything since they were all hungry.


“Why are we up so early?” asked Rin still half asleep.


“Because we’re going to the mall,” Dongwoo replied all hyper because it has been a long time since they went to the mall because of being too busy from schedules.


“Ahh~ but it’s still early~” Rin whined.


“Rin, how many bathrooms do we have here?” asked Hoya.


“One,” Rin answered directly. “How many people are living here?” asked Sunggyu. “Eight peop--- ohh~” Rin just nodded when she realized that she has to compete with 7 people for the bathroom. “You’re finally awake!” Infinite teased Rin while clapping.


“Ok, everybody start getting ready~” Sunggyu said and everybody went to their rooms and minded their own businesses. It was a race on who takes the bathroom first and it was already a war first thing in the morning. Rin just watched the commotion going on and laughed how they looked like 5 year olds fighting over one toy. Almost two hours had passed already and everybody was ready to go to the mall. The 8 of them plus Infinite’s manager took off and went to the mall.


During the car ride, Myungsoo was sitting next to Rin, but they didn’t talk for both of them were shy with each other. It seems that Infinite has their own places in the van since they always sit at the same place.


“Ah! I forgot my ipod,” Rin pouted. Rin loves music so much she never leaves the house without her ipod. Just then, an earphone was placed on your left ear and it was Myungsoo who placed it. “Thanks~,” Rin shyly smiled at Myungsoo and he just looked at her and smirked making Rin blush. Rin and Myungsoo shared the earphones throughout the trip to the mall.


[Your POV]


We finally arrived at the mall. I gave the earphone back to Myungsoo as we got off the van. Out of all the Infinite members, he’s the only one left I’m still awkward with. We’ve only talked with each other once. I want to talk to him and become closer with him since we’re family now, but I’m too shy and he doesn’t talk to me either, but he does all these actions that I question myself sometimes. Before, as a fangirl, he was my bias, but after meeting Infinite for the first time and finding out that I will be living with them, my view at Infinite changed from them as my favorite idols to them as my older brothers as I get to know them more. Well, except for one member.


I have no idea why we came to the mall. I just followed Infinite around since I had no plans for shopping. I just became their photographer since I brought my camera with me taking photos of them goofing off around the mall. We came early so that even for just awhile, they don’t have to wear their masks to not get noticed by the citizens. We entered this one store and I realized that Infinite takes a lot of time in shopping than me. Since I had no plans on buying clothes, I left them at the store while they were busy trying out different clothes and I went to this camera shop next to it. Photography has always been my hobby. I love taking photos since they keep a memory. I looked at the DSLRs checking them out one by one. I don’t own a DSLR; I only own a simple digital camera. As I tried the Canon 550D for a test shot, as I look for a good shot while focusing the lens, a face suddenly popped out of nowhere as I turned around in the frame. It was Myungsoo.


“Boo~” he tried to scare me, but failed. *Why is he here?* I thought.


“You like to take photos?” he asked me with a smile.


“Neh~” I replied back as I put down the camera back to its place.


“Aww~ you’re not going to take more photos of me?” he pouted. *Why is he being like this?* I thought again, but at least we’re talking with each other now.


“No. *I gave him a merong* Why aren’t you with the others?” I asked him. “I just wanted to check out if there are new camera models,” he replied checking out one of the cameras. “But don’t you have a Canon 500D already?” I suddenly blurted out and realizing what I just said I quickly covered my mouth. “How did you know I have that camera?” Myungsoo raised one of his eyebrows. Why did I say that? Now he’s going to think that I’m a stalker. “I-I read it in a blog. And besides, I saw some of photos of you holding your camera and I knew the model by the looks,” I stuttered. “So you looked up photos of me? You haven’t answered my question before, who’s your bias in Infinite?” he suddenly shot me a look. I’m dead. “Y-yah~! Are you taking photos of me?” I tried to change the subject as soon as I noticed that Myungsoo focused the camera he was holding at me and I heard shutter clicks.


“Maybe… YES,” Myungsoo chuckled.


“Give me that camera!” I tried to snatch the camera from him but he raised it above his head high. “I don’t want to,” he said teasing me. “Why are my arms so short?!” I kept on trying to get the camera from him. He gave me a merong. Aish~ Myungsoo, so this is your real personality eh? I finally gave up and pretended to walk out the store with my head down. “W-where are you going?” Myungsoo put down the camera and tried to catch up with me, but as soon as I saw him put down the camera, I sprinted back towards the camera and deleted my photos.


“How did you?... How could you?... You tricked me! No fair!” Myungsoo pouted and crossed his arms. He looked cute I thought. As he pouted, I took out my camera and took a quick shot of him looking mad with a pout. “Yah!” he started chasing me around the store. The salespeople just stared at us and some were actually giggling, but we ignored them since I was busy trying to not get caught and he was busy chasing me. Myungsoo was about to grab me [like a back hug] but then somebody grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the store since I was at the store’s exit already. Myungsoo stumbled down since I disappeared from his sight as he was about to grab me.


“We thought we lost you! Why did you leave the store without telling us?” it was Sunggyu-oppa who grabbed me. He had a worried look. “but you guys were busy trying out some clothes~” I told him. The six of them scratched the back of their neck realizing that it was their fault on forgetting about their dongsaeng because of clothes.


“I guess we should be the one apologizing eh?” Woohyun patted Sunggyu’s back. “Aigoo~ grandpa,” everbody laughed, but someone was missing.


“Where’s Myungsoo?” asked Sungyeol.


“Down here,” Myungsoo grumbled as he stood up with an annoyed face. I totally forgot about him. Everybody just laughed and we continued to roam the mall again. The whole day we stayed at the mall roaming around and goofing off. I still can’t believe how Infinite acts so charismatic on stage, but they transform into elementary kids once they get off from the stage. A big smile formed on my face thinking that I will actually be the same as them once our group debuts.


[Myungsoo’s POV]


I saw Rin go out of the store while I was looking at some plaid polos. I decided to follow her. Now I feel like a stalker. She entered the camera shop. *She likes photography?* I thought. I stayed outside of the shop for awhile and waited for the chance to sneak in. She was testing out some cameras and once she tried one of the cameras, I quickly sneaked up on her and surprised her. I’ve taken this chance to finally talk to her and get to know here more and I’m not wasting it. It was cute seeing her being nervous with my questions. I caught her again. She’s not good in hiding things. Without even realizing it, while we were talking, I was actually taking photos of her with the camera I was holding. She changed the topic quickly and I was surprised when she attacked me as she tried to get the camera from me. I guess we’re close now since she just tried to attack me. She gave up and started to walk out of the shop. I kind of felt sorry for teasing her so I approached her, but then she sprinted back to the camera and deleted her photos. Aish~ this girl. Is she even a girl? I pretended to be mad at her and then “click”. She took a photo of me, pouting. Not fair. I chased her around the shop trying to get her camera ignoring the salespeople. I was about to catch her and give her a back hug, but then she disappeared from my sight making me stumble down. Embarrassing. Sunggyu-hyung ruined the moment. Again.


We roamed around the mall the rest of the day. I’m glad that Rin and I are finally talking to each other, but there are still some moments when it gets awkward. How come she only gets awkward when she’s with me? I always see her happy and talking to hyungs, but when it comes to me, we have these awkward silence in between of conversations. Aish~ Myungsoo, stop thinking!


It was time to go home already and of course, she sat next to me again. Because we were tired from walking the whole day, after 5 minutes, we were all knocked out in the van. The same thing from yesterday on the way home happened again, but this time, Rin rested her head at Sunggyu-hyung’s shoulder and I rested my head at her shoulder without even noticing it until we arrived back at the dorm. During the ride home, I dreamt about the “girl” again. Who is she?



Chapter 4 finished! Hope you liked it~^^

Myungsoo and his secret ways XD

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You made me fall inlove with Myungsoo .. Thanks ^_^ Update Soon ~
OHE051194 #2
OHE051194 #3
CHAPTER 6: Excited to read, but i already knew the story. XDDD
nerdpanda #4
This is cool~! Haha. Ok, I know I'm late. >< I really like it, you should update soon :D and btw, I'm thinking of deleting my story..
OHE051194 #5
Chapter 5: Aww~ The song made the mood really low. But, it somehow made the vibe good cuz of the happenings.<br />
<br />
Getting ready for the drama! Lol. I wanna cry~ Like, literally.<br />
Dongwoo, even if you don't say much, your still cool! XD
OHE051194 #6
Chapter 4: VERY COOL! XD I don't know why i'm laughing all over your story L-ah~ Don't blame my black hole humor. XD<br />
<br />
I liked the moment when Rin said 8 people and then the idea popped! XD<br />
Yea~ 8 people with 1 bathroom.. TINY BATHROOM. XDD<br />
MyungSoo felt betrayed by Rin. “How did you?... How could you?... You tricked me! No fair!"<br />
C'mon~ Make me laugh more! XD Grandpa Sunggyu is CUTE ^^<br />
<br />
"YES. RIN IS A GIRL". How come they always ask it? HAHA! The boyish author is at fault. Lol.<br />
<br />
<br />
[ignoring the one who tried to tell me something in the comment box XD]
supshaz #7
dawww. tablo sure was a great help~ <3<br />
and myungsoo and Rin needs to get closer!O_O
sparkfiree #8
I can imagine Dongwoo being all hyper and stuff XD<br />
Though he only has 1 line ;__; it's okay :D<br />
<br />
Wahh~ MyungRin moment XD MyungRin sounds better than<br />
RinSoo cos RinSoo reminds me of Minsoo (C.A.P XD) and<br />
Patbingsoo XD Hahahaha! <br />
<br />
Okay, 4D Alert. Lol! Nice job with this chapter :D<br />
I expect more MyungRin moments in the future updates~<br />
<br />
HWAITING!!<br />
<br />
Btw, OHE051194 / Haeyeon-ah (17), Choding.. <br />
BAHAHAHAHAHHAH!! UPFATE?? XD Do you mind explaining in Kenyan <br />
what is UPFATE? XD Because this Kenyan Student cannot understand XD<br />
-- Raejin (17) , Kenyan Exchange Student.<br />
( ^ I copied YAMO's Info XD)