Flying with Mr shades

you + me = love?
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You posted one of those selfies ( or groupies) that the seven of you took, on instagram, the moment you found your seat on the aircraft, along with the quote:

We aren't besties, but unbiological sisters. Nothing will get in the way of our friendship, no matter how large the issue, nor how far the distance.

You guise will always be in my heart and mind, 24/7. ILY <3 xoxo

You smiled in satisfaction when you uploaded the post. You went to look at your profile, and realised that your first picture already had 43 likes. Then you went to change your bio to:

It'll be a long day without you my friends, and i'll tell you all about it when i see you again.

You locked your phone and slid it into the pocket of your skinny jeans after successfully changing your bio, then headed to the on board restroom to relief yourself. You were nervous as hell, and yet, there was no outlet for you to express it.

Coming back from the toilet, You sat back down on your seat which was a business class seat, and it was pretty comfortable. The seat beside you was empty, so you thought that no one was going to sit beside you since the crowd of people filing into the aeroplane was thinning.

Your dad had booked this seat for you a week before you recieved the call from your mother, and sent the ticket by snail mail, and you got it a day after your mother called. They had planned everything perfectly-as usual, as to be expected of the ultimate power couple of incheon. That nickname was given to your parents by the society, according to Nara.


As expected, the timing was carefuly planned. You checked your mail box, already knowing what to expect. There it was, a gently sealed A3 sized envolope. Printed on the envolope was your father's company's name and logo, as well as your residential address.

Raising an eyebrow, you held the envolope tightly in both hands, bringing it home.

Opening the front door of your lavish apartment, you smelled some mac and cheese cooking. *Must be Nara making dinner* You smiled the aroma.

you diverted your attention back to the envolope. Holding you breath, you opened it.

Dear daughter, Chorong:

The aeroplane ticket included in this envolope is your ticket back to Korea. Your mother and I are planning to retire once you graduate- you already know that, don't you? We want to spend our aging years living our lives to the fullest-not just working our heads off. You're coming back to take a few years to customize yourself to our companies' system and korea itself.

You have been taking korean lessons haven't you? At least you'll know how to communicate with our workers. Remember-communication is most important, especially when it comes to teamwork and companies.

However, when you do arrive in Korea, your mother and I will already be in our 2nd day touring Europe, in search of a good location to put our businesses there, etc. 

we accidently locked up our mansion and we don't have a spare set of keys, i'm sorry. Instead, we have arranged for you to live with your uncle, Your mother's brother. Please be polite to him while you're there.

You'll need to stay with your uncle for half a year, until we get back. Don't worry- he'll send someone to fetch you from the airport.

love you lots,

Choi Min hyuk

*They forgot about me...They forgot about my existance, that's why they forgot that i was coming and locked up the house.* You sniffed.

A sudden presence beside you snapped you back to reality. You shook your head a bit, and looked to your right. You were sitting at the window seat, and you saw a tall guy with bleached hair and was wearing sunglasses settle down on the aisle seat beside you.

"Dang it, just when i thought i was sitting alone..." You muttered to yourself. You didn't know that the guy heard you.

He notice you staring and he heard what you were mumbling, so he turned towards the aisle, back facing you, trying to hide his face. You just shrugged it off.

The aeroplane took off, and you started humming to yourself, staring out of the window with a bitter smile, as the plane ascended into the air. This was really it-you might never be back again.

Facing the harsh reality, tears started forming in your eyes and they silently rolled down your cheeks. Flashbacks of the good times you had in America started flooding into your mind, blurring your eyesight.

"But then again, the bad memories also go..." You tried comforting yourself. Most students in your middle school thought your life was all peaches and fluff-everything good. This was because in Middle school, your clique became queenkas and you were one of the popular girls. But what everyone else failed to see was your own personal family life. How everyone was privileged to have two parents by their side, when you only had your nanny. That wasn't the only bad thing about your life.

Before kpop became that popular in America, i

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peuntee #1
Chapter 12: I hope you get many ideas for this story, i really like this fanfic.
Author-nim, hwatiing ! ^_^
Army_jiaying #2
Chapter 11: Yeayyy omggg yeeayyyyyy
peuntee #3
Chapter 10: Love this fanfic <3, Looking foward to more updates! ^^
avisdawn #4
Chapter 10: Thank yoooouuuuuu!!! :)
Army_jiaying #5
Chapter 9: Update soooooon hahahahhaha
Army_jiaying #6
Chapter 9: Imma support ur 'new' fic too heh
avisdawn #7
Chapter 8: I only watched fairy tale upto the 13 ep, haha

Goodluck for your exams: )
And I'll patiently wait for you to update: )
Army_jiaying #8
Chapter 8: Omggg... author-nim i would wait! Pls inform me when u resume ur story!!ㅠ ㅠ
fatinsyak #9
Chapter 7: it's good!!
just continue this story....
Army_jiaying #10
Chapter 7: Omg i just subscired n upvoted omgg this story is life!! :D i loke chorong she is so optimistic but her parents tho...