Chapter 6: June 16

No Future Without You
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When May returned to heaven she found herself different. “These aren’t my wings” she stated with confusion on her face.

God gave her a small smile. “Those are the wings you earned for your selfless acts. Although angels are all free of sin now that they are in heaven not many bother to go out of their way and help the people of Earth once more. Even if nothing changes with that man you need to know that what you did May, was truly something someone of your age wouldn’t do.”

“So I get these no matter what” May looked at her wings with discontent “but if I failed then those three will suffer.” She kept her head low not able to look up at God who was probably expecting a smile from her for what he had given her.

“Well if this isn’t something you want then perhaps I can reward you in another way.”

When May heard this she immediately cheered up. There was already something she was thinking of. “Can I show Kris” May stopped for a moment looking up at God. She was sure he knew what she was going to ask for and wanted him to stop her if she was going over the line but surprisingly God only nodded.”

“You should hurry; he will be waking up soon.”

May jumped in joy as she got the approval. Her big beautiful wings were then gone and replaced by her old ones. “Thank you so much.” She could care less about the wings. What she really wanted was to be successful in bringing happiness to the three people she had grown fond of this last week.


(A/N: The dream is just the description from the Foreword so you can skip it if you like.)

 “Why do you always have to be like this Kris?”

“Why can’t you just understand Nana?”

Nana’s sigh came out shakily as she felt like she was going to cry. “If you would pay more attention you would have perhaps noticed the changes.”

“Nana I have so much going on right now.”

“That’s the problem” Nana wiped the tear that threatened to spill from the corner of her eye. “It’s always about you… I know you are dealing with your new acting career and that makes it hard for you to come home or even talk to me but I feel you just don’t care to even make time for me.”

Kris snapped after months of stress and being over worked he lashed out at his girlfriend. “You’re right” he shouted at her. “My work means more to me right now than you do. I’m new to this okay? Being an actor here in China is way different than being a Kpop idol in Korea. I need to give it my all or I won’t make it. I wish you could understand and support me when I need you to but you don’t get it.”

Nana’s tears silently fell down her cheeks as she took his words in.

“I’m sorry for saying it like this but work is my priority at the moment. If you can’t handle it then maybe it would be best that we took a break for now.”

Nana closed her eyes for a moment and opened them when she felt her tears had stopped and she could talk. “I’m sorry Kris but I can’t. Either we are together or we aren’t. I can’t be on standby for when you decide I am worth your time.”

Kris sighed feeling annoyed, “Nana stop being dramatic.”         

“No Kris, I’m not being dramatic. I’m being realistic. I have a life too and if you don’t want to be a part of it then fine I’ll go away and won’t bother you again but I’m taking our daughter with me.”

“Nana” Kris shouted not letting her take another step. “You are not going anywhere and you aren’t going to take my daughter from me!”

“You don’t have time for me, even less for your daughter. She’s already three years old Kris and hasn’t been able to spend a full day with you because you have kept her a secret all this time. There’s still a chance for me to raise her only knowing the love of a mother.”

Kris instantly sat up in

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Came back to reread this and I finally finished reading Thank you for the story!!
Loved it as well!
superfriend1975 #2
Chapter 7: I love this story....short & sweet.....
Chapter 7: this is sooooooo good, i dont regret reading this at all!! keep up the good work author-nim!!!
Chapter 7: Yay! Finished! BAM! Such an interesting and sweet fic! >.< ^^
kriswutao #5
Chapter 1: this is interesting
qinmad #6
Chapter 7: I am crying. If the 6th chapter made me cry, then this final one made me cry a river. I swear, this is just purely beautiful and I couldn't be happier knowing that the first angel story I ever read is one with a happy end. Thank you, for bringing into me emotions I never knew and for making such a beautiful piece of art that I was able to read. I hope more people will read it because you deserve it, really!

I'm looking forward to your next projects! :) x
qinmad #7
Chapter 6: Aaaaand there goes the crying me. Wow, thanks God (well... literally! HAHA) May was able to show him that dream. I swear I teared up when I read from that "You should marry me" till the end of the chapter. How I wish it was the end of their problems... because I have a bad feeling it's not, right? :(
qinmad #8
Chapter 4: Okay, I've been waiting for a while before commenting bc I simply have no idea what to write about the story - it's a good one, really, something I've never read before and that's kinda puzzling since I don't have.anything to compare... But regardless of this - I'm glad I've found your ff, really. I hope Kris will stop being blinded by what HE wants and start caring of what THEY need as a family.
Oh god *.*