

The night was filled with laughs. All of the boys had a great time. They had walked along the old train tracks which led to the factory, even climbed some of the old train carriages. All of their worries faded for a while.


Jungkook forgot about the fact that he wa homeless, or almost. His new home was the hideout, a perfect new home, in his own opinion.


Taehyung forgot about the fight his parents had had. How he had punched his father. He wasn’t worried about it anymore, it would work out in time.


Jimin forgot about the emptiness and sadness inside of him. He hadn’t felt this happy in ages. He had faked his happiness for so long, but today, he was truly happy, and his laugh was genuine.


Namjoon forgot about his money situation, and how he had to struggle everyday to make sure his family would make it to the next day. Maybe one day all of the struggles would pay off.


Hoseok forgot about his condition. When he was with the boys, even if he laughed or cried, he didn’t collapse. They were there for him, he knew it.


Yoongi forgot about the fire, and all other fires he had started. The only fire he cared about was the one in his heart, burning out of love, love for his friends.


Seokjin forgot about his parents and his duties as an heir. He thought about how one day he would own the factory, about how he could make it their hideout, forever.

The boys were all happy once together. Sadly, all nights come to an end, and they would have to wait for the next one to feel this happiness again. Bits of the happiness they had felt at the hideout followed the boys back into their daily lives, and all of them saw something to look forward to, the hideout.

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love_EXOfany #1
Chapter 8: I'm speechless. This is so emotional and well described. Thumbs up for this story
Chapter 8: this was a good read c:
Chapter 8: a great,emotional story
Chapter 8: This was extremely touching.
Chapter 4: Tha k you so much for putting V and Rapmon together!!!♡♡♡
subreddit #6
Chapter 8: :):):):):):):):):):):):) someone actually made a story from the mv iM SO FRICKIN HAPPY
Chapter 2: Still look's good =) Now I'm curious for your next update and the +19 MV lol :))
Chapter 1: Looks interesting, Were you influenced by Bts' new MV I need you? The hideout place sounds a bit similar to the one in the Mv =)
Fighting!!~ ^^