

I need you girl, you’re beautiful

I need you girl, you’re so cold


Jimin slid into the water in the bathtub with clothes on. He was quickly soaked from head to toe. The water was cold but he didn’t mind. He sank below the surface and screamed underwater. ‘Why bother living,’ the thought as he rose back to the surface. His teeth hit against each other rapidly from the coldness.


He looked at the picture he had placed on the side of the tub. It was a picture of him and her. His love, who had given up on him. She left him, and at the thought of her leaving, Jimin punched the water and it splashed everywhere. ‘What did I do wrong? I loved her so much,’ he cried to himself. He knew she had found someone better and wouldn’t come back to him. The darkness inside his mind became darker, she had left him long ago, but the darkness got worse every living moment.


He looked at the picture, it was taken a warm summer day. She was smiling warmly into the camera and he held her in his arms and smiled at her. It was a beautiful picture, there was no doubt about it. He reached for the lighter and lit it. The flame was weak but as he put it closer to the picture it became stronger. He watched the flames eat up the last he had of her, she was gone in a blink of an eye. The fire reached his fingers and he dropped the remainings of the picture into the water. Barely nothing was left of it.


Knocks on the door of the bathroom woke him up from his daydreaming.

    “How long are you going to be there, I need to use the bathroom!” his younger brother screamed. He really must have waited for a while. He let the water run out as he stepped out of the bathtub. He didn’t bother to take off his wet clothes so he just walked out soaking wet.

    “Don’t you know how to take a bath, you idiot,” his brother said before slamming the bathroom door shut.


Jimin stood in his room, he felt the water dripping from his clothes forming a little pool around his feet. He finally pulled off the clothes and changed into something dry and clean. He took out the clothes and hung them from the balcony so they would dry in the wind.


    “I’m going out!” he yelled before running out the door. It was cold outside and his hair was still wet, he wasn’t wearing the warmest clothes either. He knew he would get sick but that would just be another good reason to stay in bed tomorrow.


Before knowing it his feet started speeding up and he was running. He ran fast, and as far as he could before stumbling down from the lack of air in his lungs. He had fallen on his knees and his pants were ripped in the knees and both his palms were filled with small cuts. He looked around before getting up and he realised he had ran much longer than he had imagined. He was already close to the factory.


    “Jimin what happened? Your knees are bleeding!” Seokjin let out as Jimin walked into the light of the fire in the hideout. Taehyung and Jungkook were also there, and he guessed the rest of the boys would show up sooner or later.

    “It’s nothing bad, I just stumbled,” Jimin said as Seokjin came closer. Seokjin was always the one to take care of everyone, even if his problems were bad too.

    “Your hair is soaking, and what are you wearing? You’ll catch a cold!” Seokjin worried. He lifted up the warmest blanket he could find and wrapped it around Jimin who sat down close to the fire.

    “Thank you, Seokjin,” Jimin said before closing his eyes to enjoy the warmth fire. He could feel how it warmed his face and it seemed to calm him down. The darkness in his mind always seemed to disappear for a while when he was here with the boys. He forgot about her and the darkness for a while. He snapped back into reality when he heard the next boy walk into the hideout, it was going to be a fun night.

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love_EXOfany #1
Chapter 8: I'm speechless. This is so emotional and well described. Thumbs up for this story
Chapter 8: this was a good read c:
Chapter 8: a great,emotional story
Chapter 8: This was extremely touching.
Chapter 4: Tha k you so much for putting V and Rapmon together!!!♡♡♡
subreddit #6
Chapter 8: :):):):):):):):):):):):) someone actually made a story from the mv iM SO FRICKIN HAPPY
Chapter 2: Still look's good =) Now I'm curious for your next update and the +19 MV lol :))
Chapter 1: Looks interesting, Were you influenced by Bts' new MV I need you? The hideout place sounds a bit similar to the one in the Mv =)
Fighting!!~ ^^