We Got Something To Tell

Because I Love You

Author POV-

"May I meet Jungkook?" you grin innocently. Taehyung stops eating, he looks at you but there's no sign of anger on his face. After that, he eats back.

"Sure you can, you don't have to ask me." his voice shrinking.

"I.... I won't meet other guys without my husband's permission." you avoid eye contact. You are to shy to said that.
Taehyung puts his spoon down, his fingers touch your cheek, "of course you can meet him. You have right to meet someone." he speaks really soft. It makes you feel better.


Because, I've got something to tell him.

Another mental breakdown situation. You know Jungkook has done much things for you, started from school era, until you guys have each jobs to do. You often say, it's wasting time to love Taehyung, there is no use to chase or follow him, but at the end, you has decided to spend the rest of your life with him. It's a little bit unfair how you stay in Taehyung's side--in notabene, he is the person who left you alone meanwhile you fought, and how you gonna leave Jungkook--in notabene, he is the person who gave everything for your happiness.

You should not care about Taehyung, you should just leave him and looked for another man, besides, you are now a pretty woman, you are amazing, everyone impressed by you, you are smart, a hard worker, kind, you are pretty inside and out, what else should people ask from you? There is only one answer to say,


No, you don't love Jungkook, you like him, but you don't love him. He is such a good friend, bestfriend, you are helping each other. But how about love? Not even one percent. People ask you, why don't you love him? Because you can't. If there's a way to make you love Jungkook, you'll go that way, but too bad there is none. Jungkook is the reason that makes you feel like a big sinner in this world. You approach Jungkook at a good place, you had your first 'mini-date' with Jungkook here, the Banpo bridge.


Jungkook wears suit and tie, his hair is black and hairy, he is taller than last time you met him, he is more handsome day by day, his smile keeps making you warm and calm, everything is still same and fine. Except one thing that you recognize and make you wonder about him; his gaze. It's change, not as sweet as sugar anymore, his gaze is weak but quiet, he often turns away and avoid to look each other. But it's still weird, he look really happy like before, his same but different too.

"How are you?" he greets you happily. So you try to be happy too.

"I'm good, how about you?"

"Fine, jobs are ." he smiles from cheeks to eyes.

"How long have we not meet? I miss you."

"I miss you too. How about Taejoon? He is a toddler, I wonder about his face right now." Jungkook pretends to think about Taejoon, but he knows something, which is hurting.

"He stays at the daycare, I can't leave him alone with the babysitter."

"Daycare will teach him more things than babysitter." Jungkook agrees with you and laugh together. But suddenly everything turns awkward, you loose oxygen for moments. You think about your words carefully until you forget how to breathe.

"Well.... I-I... have something to tell you." you get nervous. Jungkook smiles and nod, he doesn't like curious at all. "But, I don't want you to be angry or sad or everything, but.... just be positive and happy as well, okay?"

"Okay." Jungkook replies happily.

"First, I wanna say sorry and thank you. You are the most understanding person in my life, you are my bestfriend, you are just like my savior, you taught me everything--"

"It's okay," he interrupts you fast, and it's confusing you, "Do what your heart tells, not your brain."


"You and Taehyung are meant to be, there is nothing can separate you with him, even egoism." he plays with his fingers, he smiles brighter than before, but it makes you worry. Yes, he smiles a lot, but he never smile that wide and bright, that strange smile.

"How do you know things?"

"Hyemi-ah, I know you so well. If you talk about love, it must be Taehyung. Your life was everything about him since almost past six years. So there are only two possibilities; first, you and Taehyung are getting worse. Second, you and Taehyung are getting better. I guess you and him are getting better this time." says Jungkook. He doesn't mind about his sentences, everything came out easily from his mouth. He never talk this much, especially use his hands to describe or point at something.

He is the type of person, who doesn't talk much but take an action--at least touch your hand, to show you that he understands what you mean.

- flashback -

"Guyyys, let's go play, university is sick." Suga loosens his body.

"Suga is right. Since Jimin has to go back to America in a month, we have to play something fun. Let's release stress before we sink again in routines." says Jungkook while throw a basketball to wall.

"How was it in America, man?" Suga asks to Jimin. The triad, they supposed to be four, but Taehyung isn't there joining them...... for a moment.

"America, America, America," Jimin takes long breathe, "it's fun, my house there is bigger than I have here. But it often gets boring because same things happen everyday, I have no sasaeng fans at university."

"I bet you've eaten too much swag there." Suga grins and throw a pillow at Jimin.

"How about you, Mr. Grey?" Jimin looks at Jungkook teasing, "looks like your future will be very bright. With those suits and ties, shining shoes, assistant, personal workspace," says Jimin. Jungkook laughs and continue to hear their beautiful imagination about him.

"Aaaaand.... fifty five percent of company's legacy belongs to him. See, he can catch women's attention in a second. Lucky you, Mr. Grey." Suga adds his thought.

"I want to attend school again like you guys. I feel like I'm growing up too fast." answers Jungkook.

"So, what are we gonna do? Cinema, nightclub, golf, football, bowling, travelling," Jimin counts on his fingers. Money isn't a problem for them, as long as they are happy together, they gonna spend as much as they need.

"Don't we ask Taehyung for coming too?" Jungkook suggests. Suga and Jimin stop being fussy and look at each other. Jungkook maybe has wrong spoken, and he realizes it. "I'm sorry, we can't just leave him."

"Honestly, I miss him," Suga says slowly, "but I couldn't believe my bestfriend had no brain, such an ."

"Dude, I know you two had bad times with him. I'm sorry I wasn't there with you against our brainless buddy." Jimin bites his lips and think about where he was when Jungkook and Suga tried to kill Taehyung.

"No problem, it was the best choice you've choosen anyway." Jungkook smiles.

"Yeah, for not being in any side." Suga agrees.

"So, we gonna invite Taehyung?"

"Yes, if we can do it," Jimin looks worry.

"Of course we can. We are still his bestfriend, except he doesn't call us as his bestfriends anymore." Suga laughs cunning while pounching a doll, he assumes the doll as Kim Taehyung.

"No, that's not the problem, but...." Jimin scratches his hair, "I met him on the first day I arrived in Korea."


"We talked much..... no, not we, but he told me many things, I paid attention to him for hours. What I got from his story is...... his life is totally terrible right now."


"It's Lee Hyemi, again. I think Taehyung regrets everything for what he has done to Hyemi. His face was pale and his body lost weight. And the most unbelievable thing was, he cried."

"You must be kidding me." says Suga, they try to believe Jimin, even though it is hard.

"Lee Hyemi changed his whole life, it would be better if he realized sooner." Jimin continues.
Jungkook keeps quiet. He really hate this topic, but he must pay attention, he can't go easily. His heart breaks because he knows he won't get you.


"But I got a call from him this morning," now Jimin scratches his eyebrows, "they refer back."


Jungkook's heart stops beating. They have given him a heart attack, it's like many knifes are stabbing him from the back. His neck becomes very hot, he has no idea what to react. He totally looses hope.

"So..... yeah..... let's see what's gonna happen."

~Loser oetori sen cheokhaneun geopjaengi~
Jungkook phone's ringing. He gets a call from you, but before he picks up the phone, he looks at Jimin and Suga to ask for what he gotta do.

"Pick it up! Let's listen to what she'll say." says Jimin. So Jungkook does the same as Jimin has told him.
He picks it up, "Lee Hyemi-ah?"



"Mmmm... sure... where?"


"Okay, I'll go right now. See you, then." 

Click! Jungkook hangs up the call.

"What did she say?" Jimin and Suga are curious.

"She wants to meet me at Banpo bridge, she has something to tell."

"Go! You are the closest person to her. I guess she will say something about Taehyung." says Suga.

"And our time...."

"Don't worry. You said you don't wanna leave Taehyung, right? Then solve this problem first." 

Suga is right, I should make this clear first.

"I'll go then." Jungkook takes his key and drive quickly to the birdge.

- flashback ends -

"Jeon Jungkook, are you really fine with this?" your eyes glassy.

"Hey, I really like you, but it doesn't mean I have to marry you." Jungkook says quietly. He sigh and lend a hand to you.

"Congratulation again. I'm happy for you."

Reflex, you hug him tightly. "Jungkook-ah, you'll get a better bride than me. I promise, whoever she is, you deserve someone better. Trust me." 

Jungkook hugs you back, "I trust you."


"So, how do you spell Taehyung?"


"Oh my God, you can't even spell my name."


"Where's the Bae?"

"Stupid. It won't be Taehyung, it will be Baehyung. It means I love Baehyung not Taehyung."

"Hahaha, please, don't love anyone else except me."

"How about you? Don't you love someone else out there?"

"I promise to my life and death, above the earth and in the heaven, my sickness and health, sad and happiness, I only love Lee Hyemi, and that is you."

"Aaaah, do you try to entertain me?"

"Please.... what the hell is wrong with my wife...."

"I love you too, dear, I love you and it's always you."

Suddenly little Taejoon runs approach them, "daaaaad!"

Taehyung takes him and cuddle with him, "hey little hero. Why did you sleep so long?"

"I'm sorry dad, I had a good dream." answers Taejoon with his little sweet voice, moreover he's just awake from sleep. It can't be more cute.

"Really? Tell me what was your dream?" Taehyung and you listen to him carefully.

"I dreamed that you and mom buy me a new pair of shoes. It's white and it has two ropes."

"Do you want to continue your dream?" You ask Taejoon, and he nods.

"How about make your dream comes true?" says Taehyung.

"How?" Taejoon scratches his cheek.

"Of course we'll buy them for you!" Taehyung looks passionate.

"Really dad? Mom?" Taejoon surprised.

"But one thing," you interrupt his happiness, "you have to be more diligent in learning and cleaning your room. You haven't given me your handwriting today."

Taejoon stands up strighten and put his hand on his temple bone, "I'll give you in thirty minutes." Then Taejoon runs back into his room.

"He is kinda weird like his father." you shake head.



Taehyung's phone suddenly ringing in the middle of their happy time. He sees it is from Jimin so he picks up quickly.



"Right now?!"


"I'll getcha. Just a moment please."

Taehyung hangs up the phone.

"Who is it?" you ask him.

"Jimin, he wants to meet me, he got something... but... I don't know."


"Basecamp. May I go, honey?" he asks your permission. This is so different from few years ago, where Taehyung never ask for your permission when he wanted to go somewhere. He flowed like a death fish.

"Go! Maybe it is important." you smile.

"I'll be back soon, okay?" he kisses your forehead and go.

Taehyung thinks about what Jimin got for him along way. Jams? No, he never has jams since the school era. What could it be? Nutela?

- Tbc -

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12345678910 #1
Chapter 15: It's really not a good ending.
12345678910 #2
Chapter 11: This chapter is very stupid. Any normal person would 'wake up' and would not be very easy to forgive a person like taehyung's character in this story.
First, he is cheating. Second, he want her to abort their baby. Third, that unforgivable is he leave her alone and almost let her die due to almost giving birth.
The girl's head must be hit by a truck to can forgive her husband this easily.
Your story is almost perfect until I read this chapter.
It's so unrealistic how she can almost laugh and give taehyung a second chance after what he did to her.
A very big disappointment.
Hello :)
Thank u for supporting my fanfic and made this fanfic is keep going up, you are really the best. As many wishes and my gratitude I would love to make the sequel of this story.

Link: http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/996549/go-ahead-sequel-to-because-i-love-you-romance-sad-sequel-bts-jungkook-taehyung (chapter is going to be updated soon)

Hope you'll like it :)
Anastasia2706 #4
Chapter 15: sequel please authorniiiim
Chapter 15: oh my gawd I can't believe it's already finished!!! I read this all in one night (it's past modnight n I have skl in 7hours)...that's how much I love this! You are such a "DOPE" writer, who made me cry whilst reading this fanfic (I usually don't cry over fanfics...trust!)...I love u so much authornim saranghae~ n I would love it is u were to make a sequel to this story!!! :)
iamyoonbomi #6
Chapter 15: Would you make a sequel for this story authornim ?
I like this story so much ^^
iamyoonbomi #7
Chapter 15: Good story. Good job !
exoticyati #8
Chapter 4: Ahhhhhhhhh Jeon Jungkook why did u say ur drunk...Aishhhh juz say u love her n then u two date perfect ending ~ lol jkjk
Chapter 15: THIS IS BEAUTIFUL SCREAMINg i love this story ;^^^))
Chapter 15: more please..... omg this is so nice...
i love how the plot twist ;~;
author nim you're doing good, but there's still something makes me curious.

the thing that Jungkook said when they were still in highschool, something he hide from Hyemi, what is it? It haven't reveal yet?
I think it must be somethin about Taehyung,
or it was about his feeling to Hyemi?