Mischievous Kiss

Jungkook felt bad after he declared something like that infront of the whole school


“How can that Kim get to the Top 100?” He could still hear the mocking voice of his teacher when he arrived at the faculty room, holding some papers for their adviser, “He has the lowest scores in Class F! The nerve of that delinquent” Class A’s adviser, Ms. Jung, shook her head in disbelief as Class F’s adviser, Mr. Yang, rolled his eyes in annoyance. Jungkook could only sigh, they were going at it again.

“Here’re the files you need, Teach.” He butted in between the two so they’ll stop their childish antics and Ms. Jung sent him a flirty smile, “Thank you, Jeon-ssi” the adviser said as she her lips seductively. He could hear gagging sounds coming from Mr. Yang from behind and he wanted to do the same thing, he’s not really into older women or even girls for the matter. He wasn’t even into boys. He’s just Taehyung-ual.

“Uhm, I’ll just go now” he murmured as he sprinted away from the faculty room and away from that creepy teacher of his.


He was now walking towards his classroom when he heard students snickering and teachers were making fun of Taehyung, who was currently at the garden with his bored friends, slaving his off for the exam. He shuddered when he saw Taehyung staring at him with murderous eyes. ‘Woah.’ Jungkook said to himself, ‘He must have been really serious about kicking his ’ he shuddered at the thought and ran towards his own classroom


“Kookie-ah!” Jin was waiting for his friend, lunch elegantly placed on his own desk as he motioned Jungkook to sit infront of him in which Jungkook understood completely. He silently went to where Jin is and ignoring the looks from his classmate


‘What a show off’

‘He’s lucky that he’s a genius’


“Don’t mind them” Jin’s motherly instinct was switched on at that moment, glaring at their classmates and making sure none of them would want to start another gossip, “They’re just jealous you’re a senior at a young age. The first place at that” he ruffled Jungkook’s hair which earned a disapproval from the other, “Not the hair!” he whined and pouted and Jin chuckled at the scene. Jungkook was his precious baby after all.



“What the is this” Taehyung was about to burn the book he was holding into ashes, thankfully Jimin was in his side at that moment so he saved the poor book out of the murderer’s hand, “I can’t even understand a thing. them all!” he groaned and continued to curse that even beat Namjoon’s vocabulary.

“Told ya, it’s useless” Yoongi snickered and Taehyung gave him the finger, “Just be a good wittle Taehyungie for the rest of senior high.” Yoongi said it with this little baby-voice that made Jimin laugh his off as Taehyung angrily put his things on his bag.


“Oh, by the way where are you staying?” Hoseok asked out of the blue, “Father’s friend” Taehyung shrugged, well they didn’t have to know that he was living with the bunny-toothed boy.

“Can we visit?” Jimin asked with his high-pitched voice


“Please?” Jimin’s eyes went bigger, lips protruding together with Hoseok who was doing the same thing.

“It’s not ours, you’re going to be a disturbance” he said as he stood up, dusting his pants as he stood. Jimin was about to say something but was easily cut off by Taehyung, “Don’t ever think of following me” he said, followed by a sly smirk then went to class by himself leaving his friends behind.


When he was out of their sight, Jimin smirked that made Yoongi’s eyes widen. “Oh. No thank you” he was about to stand up when he was harshly pulled by Jimin, with his eye-smile sparkling with naughtiness. They all knew what that means, “Oh. Come on! It’s going to be funnnnn” He wailed at him, aggressively pulling his shirt so that it could irritate him more.

“Go bother Namjoon or Hoseok” Yoongi grumbled, avoiding Jimin’s pleading eyes or his face for the matter since he would surely blush as red as a tomato. He sent Namjoon a look so that he could help him, but to no avail, he was just shooed by Namjoon and Hoseok started to make kissy faces.


these bastards.


“NOOOOO! I want youuuuu!” there goes Jimin again with his high-pitched voice. Really, Yoongi didn’t even know why he fell inlove with this . Having no way to run, he sighed, “Fine. But when Taehyung decided to kill me, I would haunt you forever” he groaned as Jimin started to jump in happiness, “Don’t worry, I’ll make sure to die with you!” Jimin assured him and he just rolled his eyes, throwing a pebble at Namjoon and Hoseok’s direction.



Dinner was silent and the only noise heard was the usual clanking of silverwares but then Mrs. Jeon cleared that made everyone at the table look at her, “So, I heard that mock exam is just around the corner. Are you guys doing well?” she asked with a caring smile etched on her face.

“Mum, Oppa will probably be first again, as usual” Yein proudly stated, glancing at Taehyung who was in his own world, probably cursing that he already forgot what he memorized, Jungkook blushed at the comment and tried to busy himself with his food.

“You heard that Taehyung?” Mr. Kim elbowed his son who groaned in pain, “What was that for?!” he whined, snapping him from his thoughts.

“Why not learn from Jungkook, Taehyung, I swear this boy is just too perfect. Why did I do to have such a bratty son like you.” He frowned at that comment, glaring at Jungkook who seemed busy at his own dinner, “What are you saying? This boy doesn’t even study for his exams.” YOU AND YOUR GODDAMN GENIUS BRAIN “Seriously, we can’t even catch up about things since he’s always at his room” Jungkook’s mother ranted and Mr. Jeon nodded his head in agreement

“Yah. Oppa is amazing as he is! Unlike this delinquent over here” Yein butted, pointing at Taehyung who wanted to strangle her at this instant. You’re lucky you’re a girl. Good thing she was immediately stopped by Mrs. Jeon, lecturing her about manners and Taehyung’s anger was replaced by a smirk when he saw Yein pouting. You deserve that, you brat.


That night, Taehyung was preparing himself to review his notes when Jungkook’s mother went to his room; he immediately stood up and helped the lady when he noticed variations of fruits that were placed on a plate.

“Uh, For the br—I mean, Jungkook?” he asked politely, and she shook her head slightly, “No silly, this is for you” Taehyung was slightly touched by the action since his mother passed away when she gave birth to him, thus having no mother figure in his whole life. Taehyung smiled at her and gave her a sincere smile, “And truthfully, I think Jungkook’s already asleep by this time” she shrugged, “The kid’s very independent, there’s no fun in him anymore. He used to be soooo cute” Taehyung scoffed when he heard independent, Well, it doesn’t look like that to me. He thought, remembering the reason why he need to study for this ty exam.


When they finished eating, Jungkook’s mother left him in his own room as he started to review his notes, again, for the nth time. But the problem is, he has this habit of spacing off while doing stressful things and would cause his inner 4D-ness to appear so it doesn’t surprise him when he found himself re-enacting a certain part of a drama he and his friends (well not really all of them, it was just him, Hoseok and Jimin, the other two were busy with their business, aka reading and sleeping) were trying learn for a while now.


On the other hand, Jungkook was hesitating if he should knock Taehyung’s door at this moment, well he seemed pretty pissed off during dinner and it was partly his fault for this whole ruckus. But how should he approach Taehyung?

He’ll just be ignored when he asked nicely, Shouting was not an option either. He’s Taehyung, duh.

He was about to lean on the door when he noticed the door was slightly opened.


To say that he’s surprised was an understatement. He saw Taehyung on the floor, kneeling as he was reciting some sort of lines, then he got up, pretending to be in another role.


Jungkook is a genius. But even he couldn’t comprehend what was happening right now and all he could say was





AN: HAPPY 700th DAY BANGTAN! I love you guys soooo much. I didn't really think you would be my BIAS group but then all the feels. just. Ugh. Anyways, Congratulations for your 4TH WIN! You deserve this since you tried sooo hard from achieveing this dream and we saw hoe you crawled from the bottom and now making your names as one of the Hallyu-dols!

for those who were asking about taehyung tripping, here's the link: www.youtube.com/watch?v=jBshs0k1M5k


Thank you for those who keep reading this fic. Sorry for the late update, I've been so busy this week ; u ; I LOVE YOU GUYS SOOO MUCH. :DDD

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Chapter 5: Hi, I am reading this two years too late but I hope you still have the will tp continue this.
fffffff94 #2
Chapter 5: next chapter pleeeaaaaaaaseee,,,,,,,,
iceckrim #3
Chapter 5: Learn to accept the fact you will never understand the alien
fxxkyeahbangtan #5
Chapter 5: thanx for d update author-nim! reading this made my day. ^_^
NikkiGummy #6
Chapter 3: I rewatched Mischievious Kiss and I just came to realize that you mixed the characters' backgrounds, like it's supposed to be Taehyung being a genius and reject Jungkook's feelings and falls for Jungkook after wards xD so I kind of had a hard time not knowing who's more dominant in their relationship haha... but great story though <3
Irayusuf #7
Chapter 5: I waaaant next chapter pls :)
Chapter 4: Omg! Normally i don't read un-rated fics but i couldn't deny reading about my favourite ship in an au about my favourite drama!! I'm so happy right now that i've found this ^^ please update soon!! I seriously can't wait to see how it goes~ and i can't wait for Tae to accept his feelings (≧◡≦) also am i sensing NamJin? /le wiggles eyebrows/
kokochan62 #9
Chapter 4: More!!!! I want more!! please update soon!!