Elimination Sh/t.

Cold Summer, Hot Winter

The first elimination begins. I feel like i was just becoming a trainee last week and suddenly here i am, at the first elimination.

And no, in this elimination, VIXX isn't going to be here.

Damn it, i thought any of them would've been here to participate in selecting us.

"We will begin our first elimination"   Willy begins  "I will become one of the judges, and just like your audition.."  he glances at the door  "Please come in.."  we're all looking at the door. Kim Won Il comes in and followed by Choi Hong Joo. Remember that Lay look-a-like? He looks even better now. I bet everyone's forget about the elimination for a second.

"We will begin this elimination right away. Willy might had told you about this elimination concept, so further explaination is not necessary."  Kim Won Il ssi is very firm.  

"Now every one of you will randomly picks one of these papers and what's inside will be your number"  he looks determined  "you know, this is all about your performances so please give your all" 

But then I see willy smirks. What's with that?

"One by one takes this"  willy offers the papers


I get the last turn

Being the last one is the worst, you know. Judges get tired after some performances and, if your first impression isn't good, they're just gonna judge you halfheartedly.

"Okay now, everybody gets out. But number one stays here"  

Oh? they're going to do it here in our practice room? And we're just going to sing and dance in front of them? Why does this look like an ordinary elimination? I mean, two eliminations is all we got right? Why don't they make it even more challenging than this? Something's not right.

~                ~                ~ 

We're all waiting outside the practice room. "Haneul-ah, dont you think this is strange?" i ask Haneul who is currently sitting beside me

"What? No.. What's so strange about this?"  she doesn't feel it

"I dont know, this is THAT elimination that we all have been talking about and practicing for, but this doesn't feel like it"

"How? Last time we're performing in an empty room and now they're REALLY there, in front of us. You dont know how they will actually react to us. You dont know what would they say to us either.  So, I think its pretty scary." I'd probably look blank because she says "Maybe you'll get the chills when you enter the room"

"EEEHH??"  she laughs at my reaction

"Just kidding, don't take it seriously" too late. 

I just realized it. What if she's right? What if i'm gonna be trembling at the moment i enter the room? This is no good.  "But really, Young Gi, you dont feel a thing? Like, nervous?"

"No.."   But I'll probably freak out later.. for sure

~                ~                ~ 

10 minutes.. 15.. 20.. 25..

"CRACK"  The door opened and Bomi runs out from the room. She looks like she's crying. Hyemi looks a bit shocked and follows her.

"Number two please get in immediately"  Jin Hee stands up and gets in the room after one-second hug with Ji Soo. She looks uneasy. Everybody looks uneasy. The first who gets in the room took about half an hour and came out crying. Who won't be thrilled?

Haneul was right. This elimination isn't what it looks like. 

"Young Gi-ah, let's follow Hyemi"  asks Haneul. Bomi and Hyemi are our roomates.

"Bomi-ah, what happened?"  Haneul is the first to speak. As soon as i meet Bomi, i get my thoughts straight all over. I think about this and that  and  urgh

"I'll get beverages for you guys, stay here"  Without waiting for their response, i get out from the toilet which Bomi has been hiding in.

I need to cool down. Eliminations are all the same, they may seem light but when you messed it up, even if just a little, this elimination is all you've got. Damn it. I have no motivation. This is not what i expected to be. Everything's slowly going down. 

Now feel like i've been walking around with my thoughts and didn't pay attention to where i was going.

. Where am i? I should've found the beverages by now.

One month in the building doesn't mean you can go anywhere you like. I am a curious person but if my curiosity is not necessary, then i wont be trying to find out wh- Isn't that  VIXX's Love Equation? 

I try to follow the music and it brings me closer to a room where i've never been before. Could this be.. VIXX's practice room? Are they here? Behind this door? Ottokajjiii???

You see, I still have my control.  I will not just get in and get myself crazy over them like, HUGGING THEM AND ASK THEM TO DATE ME.

ofc not


WHAT SHOULD I DO? i've come this far. I mean, YOU don't coincidentally find VIXX's practice room in this big , complicated building. I cry out in my heart

Suddenly i hear a deep voice comes from my back "Young Gi-ssi?"   huh?

I turn back and find Seung Hwa, the PIC of my audition before "Ah, yes, good afternoon" i bow

"Good afternoon" he looks confuse "I suppose you're having your elimination today, right? Why are you here?"

"Ah.. i-im sorry i was going to cool my mind down but i dont know why i ended up here"

"You must've heard VIXX's song and comes here... right?"  oh damn, he could tell

"Pretty much?" i chuckled in embarrassment

"Wanna come in?"  he put his hand on the handle of the door i've been starring at for the last 5 minutes  

"VIXX's here, they're practicing."  WHAT DID I JUST-  "You want to cool down your mind right? Maybe seeing them practicing live will helps"  he laughs. But its not a joke. He really does invite me to come in

But if i do, then i would just disturb their practice..  

"That's okay, Seung Hwa-ssi, I'll just disturb them if i go in, therefore i'll go back to the waiting room"  or stay here a little longer..

"Go there"  he points to my right side  "and turn left. That's a one-sided mirror. You'll be able to see them practicing. But they won't be able to see you. Your welcome." and then he gets in the other room behind me real quick

Oh god, Thankyou.

I walk up to the spot where he told me.

I could see all of VIXX' members dancing to their song. They looks so energetic. They're probably excited about their comeback. 

Seeing them practicing, gives me my strength back. If they could do it until this far, so can i. They've gotten through my phase and they did it, so can i. 

I gather my spirit and go back to the elimination room after saying one-sided-goodbye through the mirror and finding some beverages for Bomi and the others, of course.

~                ~                ~ 

It's my turn.

"Please close the door"  one of the judge seems impatient. See? i told you they're gonna be tired of the elimination already. 

I close the door and take a deep breath before turning back and face the judges.

Here I go.

~                ~                ~

I don't want to talk about the elimination. And no, I didn't cry.

In fact, the didn't say a single thing to me. Did they do that to the others as well? Is that why they're crying right now? -Because the judges didn't say a single thing so they think they've failed miserably?

Well then, should I cry too?


You have a message

Oh it's puffy~ Hey, how is it going?

Fine i guess? But everybody's crying right now.  i swear as soon as i hit the enter button she replies me


Hehe sorry. I wonder what happened to them. At this moment, should I cry too?  I giggle at my own and it pretty much makes everything awkward because everybody is crying. 

LOL. You heartless bastard. You're SO not sensitive!  she has been telling me that i'm not sensitive since forever. But anyway, why dont you cry? It should've been tough, right?  pretty much? 

Well, WHY DO they cry?  Actually, i was nearly myself when i'm about to go in to the audition room. When i get in, the atmosphere sure is heavy but i think it's alright? The only thing i was wondering is that the judges didnt say a thing. Literally not a single thing to me. Maybe to the others as well? I bet that's what makes everybody else cry because maybe they think they didnt do well? I dont know, i couldn't ask any of them right now. They would burst out crying even more.  So not a good time to ask.

Oh God. I wish I was there to see your awkward reaction being the only one who didn't cry.  i bet she's laughing over this But chill, maybe you did well though, nobody knows:)

Thank God you're not here. I giggled at our text just now, and here's pretty awkward already. By the way, Jin Hee didnt cry.

OMG HAHAHA CANT IMAGINE :'D. Oh, she must've did well? Whatever, you're not crying either~ That means you did well too!  Amen to that  Have a good day~ Good luck!

Thank you puffy! Have a good day too!  I put my phone down and get my concentration back to Haneul. She's crying too. 

~                ~                ~ 

Everyone has calmed down. Haneul, Hyemi, Bomi and me gather up. They want to talk about the elimination. I dont really want to, so i just sit and listen.

Bomi is the first to speak up since she's the first one.  

"They asked me how hard i've been praticing."  she starts to cry again  "they said 'is this what you got after all this time?' Kim Won Il pointed out my vocal error and Willy complained about my dance moves so much."  she takes a breath  "he asked me where were i the whole time we were practicing and why didnt i develop my moves"  she chokes a little  "he said i look like an error cyborg and nobody would want to see that thing dancing on stage"   she cries again.

Oh god. they really said those things?   

"I'm so sorry Bomi, they really are sound terrible"  Haneul pats Bomi's shoulder.

"Wh-what did t-they said to you guys?" Bomi tries to ask while sobbing

"They were pretty harsh to me too."  Hyemi begins  "Like,' who tell hell taught you to sing?' and 'your dance move can save you here but if you dont develop, i will refuse to see  your next performance' "  oh my.

"Looks like you're gonna be saved by your dance, Hyemi"  Haneul smiles. But i could see something wrong with her.

"What about you, Haneul? What did they say to you?"  Hyemi asks

"Same here. They said my vocal saved me. But my dance is terrible and i look like i've never dance before. That's crazy because i've been dancing since my junior high school."  she looks like she's about to cry.

Haneul has been dancing since junior high school and they said she looks terrible? For god's sake i've never actually join any dance club and choir.

Is this what Willy really means by "you've got natural talent"? or- 


Jin Hee passes by and i hear a glimps of her convo with Ji Soo  "They looked concerned and said that i need to upgrade my vocal because i sound terrible. Other than that, i dont hear any complains. they sad 'thankyou' and 'next' "

they complained to Jin Hee too? I..

I SWEAR THEY DIDN'T SAY ANY OTHER THAN  'please close the door'  'thankyou'  and  'next'  


I am so not stable right now.

I need air.

"Sorry I.. I have something to do"  i stand up and walk away. 

I wanna go outside. 

I could feel that the others are starring at my back but i don't turn back to see them. Just no.

~                ~                ~

 Outside the jellyfish building, i call Puffy.

"Hey what's up? Is everything alright?"  no everything's not alright. I probably am the worst right now. i'm freaking out.

i try to slow down but i can't

"No, no, everything is not—  They complained to Jin Hee as well, even if it's not as harsh as the others. But they didn't—  BUT THEY DIDNT SAY A SINGLE THING TO ME?!"  Eun Hee doesn't respon "I-i mean.. they didn't even—how disappointing was I?"  i take a breath  "I tried my best. I swear to god. But i dont think they saw it, i mean, knew that i did my best.. you know? This is frustrating." 

"Okay.. take a deep breath Young Gi.. Take a deep breath.."  i take a deep breath  "Calmly think about what do you think you did wrong?"

I think about it for a while  "Nothing.. i-i tried my best. Like everybody else, i..   OH GOD"


"Do you think thats because i skipped most of the dance class?" yeah i've been skipping most of them since then

"YOU—  WHAT?"   

I just remember that I forgot to tell Eun Hee about that. So i told her everything. 

How i wasn't able to follow dance class. How suddenly Willy watched our audition records and couldn't believe i'm actually danced to VIXX's Eternity. About the natural talents Willy thinks i have and his suggestion; not to follow his dance class but to create the choreograph on my own, if that's what i need. And how i've been skipping most of the dance class since then. But still. I practiced on my own and worked real hard on it.

Eun Hee couldn't help it. She freaks out and obviously it doesn't make me feel better. "OH MY GOD, YOUNG GI!"  she begins  "Thank God, you followed my suggestion to join the audition! Or else, your talent couldn't be discovered. Those incredible things would be a waste!"


But yeah, I dont know how to thank. Really, thanks to her, now that i am here. But I dont know how to say it. I'd never know things like this. It's always hard and awkward for me.

"Hook me up with Hongbin"  she laughs 

"Hook you up with.. who?? I barely see them.. i mean, Hongbin."  I giggle  "But okay, i'll try"

"Wh-what?? I was just kidding!"  she cracks  "Young Gi, listen to me. Hearing those LATE incredible news of you,"  she emphasizes on 'late' ..maybe she's a little bit angry cause i forgot to tell her sooner  

"I believe that your talent is unrecognizably amazing and beyond everybody's prediction."   no.  She takes a deep breath before saying  "I know you wouldn't believe it but look at what you've done lately." Now i have a flashback in my mind. "You tried your best at the audition, right? You thought the idea of you dancing to VIXX's Eternity was the worst too, but then everything came out astonishing!"   she exhales  "You just need to believe in yourself, do your best, and everything's gonna be alright"

I exhale

"Right.."  i did my best just now  "I.. I really tried my best and whatever the result is, I'll just receive it gratefully because it's my achievement from my own hard work."  i could picture she's smiling over the phone  "Thank you, Puffy. I don't know what.. ugh.. um.."

"What would i do without you?"  she chuckles

"No, i dont want to say that!!"  oh dang she could read my thought  "I just wanted to say that.. that I dont.. that I dont know what do i do beside calling you!"

"WHAT? That's not even make sense! You can call your parents or siblings!"  Right.. bad excuse "Whatever. You never say what you really feel to anyone either  she sounds angry but then she laughs anyway

"I.. uh.. forget it.  Thankyou once again, Puffy. I feel a lot better. I guess I really need to work hard to hook you up with Hongbin"  and we both burst out laughing.

"Seriously, who's that? Who are you trying to hook me up with?"  a deep voice comes from behind me.

I turn back and gasp

I whisper to the phone

"Oh my god, Puffy. You're so not going to believe this"    

It's Hongbin


~                ~                ~  


-Chapter 3 ends~

Hongbin? What is he doing there? What is about to happen between Young Gi and Hongbin? And by the way, how is the audition gonna be? Why were the judges didn't say a single thing to Young Gi? Was she really that bad?


Next Chapter Hint

Willy takes a breath and begins "now, the announcement.." he pauses for a second and continues "Only 4 of you who are in your safe zone" 

Kim Won Il looks at his note. He looks concerned and says "Some have disappoint us"

"Even then, some have left us startled" Hong Joo added. Is he just trying to make us feel better or there really is someone who left them startled?


Author's note:
Thankyou for reading and i hope youre looking forward for the next chapter. 
I would like to apologize for any mistake and if the story doesn't please you. 
Have a good day x

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Chapter 5 has been reconstructed. I think Young Gi wasn't too friendly back then~ Please kindly re-read it~


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starlighthoney #1
Chapter 11: omg so excited i wonder who she gonna be paired with. hope you updates soon. fighting!!!
Chapter 10: omg haha i had fun reading this chapter !! chapter 6 will be interesting i think :p ! please update soon ^^
Chapter 9: waaah awesome fic !!! I can't wait to read the chapter 5 (*x*)!! please update soon <3
Kuroneko_sinclair #4
Chapter 8: OMG! Who is she gonna be paired up with?!?!
Can't wait for the update !!! :)
Allisonra2002 #5
Chapter 7: Chapter 5: Please let her be paired up with hongbin and also loving the story so far please update soon!!
Chapter 7: Let her pair up with Leo pleaseeeee~. >.<
LexJinx #7
Chapter 5: OMO!!! I would be freaking out. Poor girls. T.T Thank you so much for the update!!! Love the story. Cant wait for the next chapter but I will be patient!!
inspiritcassiexoxo #8
Chapter 3: You should feel very confident in your writing, as the story is really well written. I am enjoying it, and your oc is more realistic than usual which I also really like. Keep it going please! :)