Alien and.. Dream?

Cold Summer, Hot Winter

 "WHO'S THAT??"  Puffy asks impatiently

"It's.. hong..bin.."  i'm pretty sure Puffy couldn't hear me because i'm slowly losing my voice. Hongbin's walking towards me and he's 2 meters away now


I hang up the phone and text her directly  "ITS HONGBIN"

"OH. MY. GOD.    Well then, GOOD LUCK! XD"  Puffy replies.


Hongbin looks like he's waiting for something.

Crap. Wh-what was that? What did he say? I couldn't remember a single thing. I got too distracted by the presence of him. Ottokaji??

Calm down Young GI. Just question his sudden presence. "H-how long have you been here?" 

"Just now?"  he looks unsure. Is he lying?

"I dont think that's the truth.."

"I'm telling the truth."  now he looks certain.  I swear i was about to believe him when he suddenly chuckles and says  "I'm so sorry but i listened to your every sentence since the beginning."


"Since the beginning?"  that means he..

"Yeah i was going to the convenience store to buy beverages but then i saw you, like, rushing out the building"



"And then i followed you."  he smiles. Actually that's kind of creepy action but those dimples make him looks innocent. I bet he'll be forgiven by whoever got creeped. Example: me  "You looked like you're gonna do something bad"


He looks at me and laugh. I know exactly why he laughs. I bet I look like a fool right now.

He stops himself and says "Today's the first elimination, right?"  i nod  "You looked so anxious just now. I was about to asked you whats wrong but then I saw you were calling somebody"

"A-and then you.. overheard everything?"

"Um.. that way i could know whats wrong, right?"  he smiles again. For god's sake those dimples are sooo-  "So, wanna talk about it?"

What?  "No"  I directly answer. He looks shocked. Maybe it's because.. nobody has ever turn him down like that? Oh no, did i do something wrong? what if he hates me?  "Eh, I.. I'm totally fine! I was just-"

"Don't forget the fact that I heard everything"  he cuts my sentence  "Don't try to lie, Young Gi ssi"   darn it.

"I'm not lying.." I just CAN'T tell my problems to him, to hongbin, out of nowhere.. right?

"Young Gi ssi, it is normal to talk about our problems to other human being"

"Wh-what? Human being?"  i chuckled. What is he talking about? 

He grins and looks somehow proud. Of his silliness?  I try hard no to laugh  

"Hey, take me seriously. We both are human being, right? That means, you can talk to me about anything"

"Hongbin ssi, are you feeling okay?"  i dont think he is. 

"I am"  he smiles  

No you dont. "I think you've been practicing too hard"  he tilts his head in confusion  "I mean, maybe you're really tired that you talk nonsense"

"Yah!"  he disapproves  "I'm not talking nonsense. We really are the same human being!" 

"Okay okay i get it. We are human being."  I give up  "But, you know, i can't just say my problems just like.. just like that."

"What are you talking about? We.. i mean, VIXX always do that. We talk about our problems to feel better. So why dont you just tell-"

"Hongbin ssi"  i cut him  "That because you're close to them"  This 'human being' in front of me is definitely a flower 'alien' boy.

"Right, but-"  he pauses 


He shakes his head, denying his own thoughts.  "Okay then, I'll get close to you so that you can talk to me about anything comfortably"

WHAT? What did i just hear? That's a joke, right?

"Yeah and I'll be dead killed by your fans before my debut"  he laughs

"You are funny! But no, that won't happen." he smiles

I exhale in disapproval. "Most of your fans are probably sangsaeng fans cause you're the visual. I'm in danger right now." I look around to see my surroundings

He chuckles and says  "No, I'll prove you wrong"  

Eh? Prove? Does he take me seriously? I didnt mean i would literally killed by his fans. What i meant is like I'll be hated and stuff.. might be killed too idk T.T

Suddenly he adds "If you dont want to talk to me now, its fine. But you will later on"  I dont know what to say  "I need to go now"  he slowly walks away

"Get a rest, Hongbin ssi!"  like, really.

"I will!"  he waves with a big smile on his face. No. I didnt mean that you should rest because i care, but because you talk nonsense.  I hope he get it.  

Eh, it doesn't mean that i dont care! I do care about him! But-  ah forget it.

~                ~                ~


I get back to the waiting room and everyone's already there.

"Young Gi-ah!"  Haneul makes me startled  "Where have you been? Are you okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine."  Not really, Hongbin mixed up my head.  "You okay?"

"I'm okay now"

"Okay, That's good" i smile


Kim Won Il, Choi Hong Joo and Willy enter the room. Suddenly it's so quiet that I can hear my own heart beat. We all know, the sh/t is going down.

Willy takes a breath and begins  "Now, the announcement.."  he pauses for a second and continues "Only 3 of you who are in your safe zone" 3? 3 out of 9? Are you serious

Kim Won Il looks at his note. He looks concerned and says  "Many of you have disappoint us"  I gulp.

"Even then, someone have left us startled"  Hong Joo added. Is he just trying to make us feel better or there really is someone who left them startled?

"Let's start directly. The first one who successfully pass is-"  Willy stops when Won Il-ssi whispers to him. Won Il looks determined as usual. "Are you sure?"  Willy asks him. He nods. 

What was that?

Willy continues his announcement "So, we are not going to mention those who pass. Then, for those who are mentioned, should pack your things and go home directly"

What? Why is he so cruel? 

Even Hong Joo looks shocked to hear that. He tries to stop Willy by putting his hand on Willy's shoulder and then face Won Il.

"Won Il-ssi, this is no good for them" Hong Joo looks concerned. 

"Didn't you see how was everyone in the elimination?" Won Il sounds angry "They dont take this seriously as we are" he face Hong Joo and says "Hong Joo ssi, do you forget that they're going to debut next year? We don't have much time. This is how it should be" and then he looks at us, the candidates "One year is not a long time"

Hong Joo nods. But somehow, he looks mad. Why does he..? Is it because he couldn't stand up for his objection? He sounded like he's defending us. I feel bad for him.

Willy's looking at Hong Joo and Won Il the whole time. When they look like they're done arguing, he clears his throat and continues.  "So, the one who should pack your things is" he looks at us for a second "I'm sorry, Sohn Nam Il, Kim So Eun and Yoon Bo Mi"


They directly turn down 3 girls?

The 3 of them hug each of us and head directly back to their dorms. Of course, they're crying. God, i feel so bad for them.

What if those who failed were just nervous and couldn't do well at the moment? I raised my hand to express my objection. I know i shouldn't be doing this, stating disapproval and stuff, but I'm just gonna say it anyway.  "Excuse me but, what if those who failed were just nervous and couldn't do well at the moment? Can't you give them another chance?"  Everybody's looking at me with 'I can't believe you said that' face, and Willy is no exception. Hong Jo and Won Il are staring at me. I feel so pressured but relieved at the same time because i've stated my objection.

"No"  Won Il answers firmly.

Willy looks concerned  "Young Gi ssi, we didn't just come up with our decision directly just like that. We've been observing your development in your training sessions. And this elimination is actually just an additional chance for you to show us your development. This chance, may save you from being eliminated."  he kindly explains  "Those who are eliminated are the ones who ranked at the bottom and couldn't be saved by this chance either"

Ah.. I see.. So, they've been observing us since day-1? Thank God I committed to myself since day 1 as well  "I understand, thank you very much"

Hong Joo raise his right eyebrow, smirked and looks away. What was that?

"Okay everyone, break. Go send your friends a goodbye"  Hong Joo adds.

Now Won Il is the one who looks shocked  "What are you doing? We should tell them right now"

"Easy, hyung. We got all day to tell them and set up the game" Game? What game? 

"I told you not to call me hyung when we're- EHM"  Won Il clears his throat. "Okay.. now breaks."


~                ~                ~


Everybody's rushing out the room. Running back to our dorms like crazy. Except Jin Hee and Ji Soo, of course. Cause they have no one they truly cares except themselves. They looks like they don't care at all. That's not something new. They do it all the time. But this time, it gets on my nerve. Our friend is failing in the worst way possible. Yet. they still dont give a sh/t. I dont freaking care about what they dont care about but this is not something I could stay away from.

"Jin Hee yah! Ji Soo! Why are you staying here?" I stop myself from running out the door, which makes Haneul stops too

"Young Gi-ah, we have no time"  Haneul pulls my hand 

"You go ahead. But tell Bo Mi to wait for me I'm coming soon."  But Haneul doesn't move an inch. She decides to wait.

I turn around to face Jin Hee and Ji Soo. "Answer me. Why don't you follow us to say goodbye to them? cause you dont want to?" i raise my voice.

"Here we go again~"  Willy sings playfully. Willy had seen us arguing for thousand times when we're practicing, so it's nothing new to him. But I forget that the judges are still here and all of them are obviously looking at us. I'm kind of embarrassed right now but It's too late to stop myself.
But then I remember that Jin Hee and me have gotten to many warnings from our fights and this will get us into trouble. So I try to control myself and turn around to finally go back to the dorm.

But Jin Hee doesn't get it  "Now you're running away cause you've just realized that the judges are still here?"

"What?"  I stop myself and turn around to face her for the second time

Jin Hee stands up from her chair  "You're afraid that this argument you started in front of them would affect our grading?"  No, Jin Hee. Not this argument I started in front of them. Do you forget that we've got warnings? I try to eyeing her, but she smirks instead. "What are you doing? Now you're trying to stop me by your eyes? 'cause they're here?" 

UGH. She's really getting on my nerve. But arguing her now won't get this any better. I know that she'll keep on thinking that I want it to stop because I just realized I started an argument in front of the judges. Why can't you get it?? I don't want our warnings to get worse than what we've got.

Hm. What should I do? Should I just agree to her? Like, just say 'yes' and go away? THAT would makes me look like a coward. I ain't doing it.

"No. We've got warnings, remember? Do you want to make that any worse?"  she flinches back. Oh, she gets it.

She left herself motionless. So I snatch her hand  "Just at least say goodbye to them."  I drag her to the dorm.


~                ~                ~


In the dorm, Bo Mi, Nam Il and So Eun are still packing their things, with the help of the other. Jin Hee and Ji Soo come in and everyone's looking at them.

"We came because somebody ask us to say goodbye to you in front of the judges"  JIn Hee eyeing me.  What a B/tch. 

"What? Go ahead."  I say

"Erhm" she clears "Sorry. And goodbye." I smirk. Jin Hee looks so unhappy saying it.

"Goodbye" Ji Soo adds.

"Let's go, Ji Soo ya, we have no more to do here" JIn Hee get out of the dorm, followed by Ji Soo.

I hug Nam Il and So Eun. I tell them that it's okay, maybe this is just the beginning of their adventure. I ask them to promise me, that they would practice harder in the future. They smile and give me a pinky promise with teary eyes. Then I go to Bo Mi. I tell her the exact same things. She gives me a pinky promise and burst out crying while hugging me. I feel something's on me eyes. Tears

No. What is happening? Don't cry here. "It's okay, Bo Mi. Everything's fine. This is no big deal" I hide my face on her shoulders while trying to stop my tears. When she let me go, I duck down to face the floor and slowly walk out of the dorm. Nobody seems to notice.

I lean on the wall and exhale. I hate crying. I really hate seeing own tears. 

I walk around to get a fresh air. Suddenly I hear someone says "Has anybody ever told you that you look like EXO's Lay?" Isn't that Jin Hee's voice? Who is she talking to? EXO's Lay..? Then it must be.. Hong Joo? I stop at where I currently am. 

"Yes" Hong Joo answers. Whoa? He sounds so firm and confidence. "excuse me but I need to tell the others that they've got 10 minutes left." Hong Joo pauses for a second. Neither of Jin Hee nor Ji Soo replies him "Since you both look like you don't need the info, I need to get going" EH? He's going this way. 

I try to go back to the dorm but- "What are you dong here, Young Gi-ssi?" I slowly turn around.

I'm afraid that my face's still teary so I face the ground. "I-I forget something"

"You're a bad liar, know that?"  Hong Joo chuckles. Wait what? He chuckles? He sounded so firm just now.  "You cried, didnt you?   Here,"  he hands me a Handkerchief. Damn it, am I that obvious? 

"T-Thankyou" I stutter. I wipe my eyes and tell him that I will wash the handkerchief first before returning it to him.

"You can have it" he says. I look at the handkerchief, it has the initial 'HJ' on it. It must be from a girl? He wouldn't do this, right?  "Are you looking at the initial written there?" i look at him "That was from an old friend"


Suddenly I remember Jin Hee's question back then. Has anybody ever told you that you look like EXO's Lay?  Heh, what a stupid question. I bet it hits a million times already

"No"  Hong Joo says


"Nobody has ever told me that"

"E-eh?"  Told him wha-- OHHHH! Did i say my thoughts out loud just now??? I'm so stupid! But anyway, why does he answer me and Jin Hee differently? And obviously what he told me just now is a lie. "That's a lie!" I slightly frown.

He giggles  "Feel better now?"  he looks at me in the eyes  "Go tell your friends they've got 10 minutes left-- never mind, I'll tell them myself or else, you'll cry again"  WHAT

"I'm not--!!!"  maybe my face is red in anger and embarrassment right now, because he is currently laughing at my face


We all give these final hugs to each other and finally sent them off. A bus is there to pick them up. 

"Were you with Hong Joo just now" Haneul asks from nowhere

"Yeah I met him outside just right before he tell you the time"

"He's so handsome he looks like EXO's Lay" Hyemi adds

I clear my throat "yeah" 


~                ~                ~


"Thankyou for gathering back here"  Willy begins  

"Thus, we continue the announcement for the next elimination"  Hong Joo continues.  Is he not going to let us breath between these elimination?  "All of you have known that there's just going to be 2 elimination, right? So obviously this is the last. Any guess? What could it be?"  

Is he trying to play guessing with us? We are all in a state where we feel happy that we passed but obviously we're not in a state where we're able to play gues-


"Acting?? Are we going to act??"

"A.. Group assignment?"

"Dance cover??" 

"Could it be.. SHOW CASE???"




My thoughts are dumbfounded.

I thought nobody would guess.. I mean, this is the state where we just passed an absurd elimination and receiving a deadly news for the next elimination directly afterwards. 

Ahh.. i forget that he is that handsome Hong Joo whom everybody has been crazy for beside VIXX.

Hong Joo chuckles. Maybe he's also surprised hearing their excited responses "No, we're not gonna act. Group assignment? No, not really a group.." he smiles before he continues "Cover? maybe. Show case? It could be one.. But um.."  

So.. what is it?

"So the next challenge will be testing your adaptability and compatibility with somebody you're not really familiar to be dancing with"  huh?  "All of you, is going to perform with your partner or which you called it as a 'duet'."  Everybody's buzzing about it.

Duet? There's 6 left of us, that would be.. 3 pairs of us. But he said, somebody you're not really familiar to be dancing with? We're all here familiar with each other. Yea, we've never dance as a partner yet, but we're.. you know.. familiar already.

Could it be.. We're going to be paired with somebody who's the least closest to us? The only name in my head, Jin Hee. I glance at her. Damn, she could makes me lose all my spirit.

If this is true,  I am done.

"You're not going to choose your partner. Because we're going to be the one who pair you up."  now everybody's murmuring their objection. I do too, in my head. SERIOUSLY NOW. What if i'm being paired with Jin Hee? 

Ignoring everybody's objections, Hong Joo continues  "There's going to be 6 pairs of  you"  



6 pairs?    

But we're.. six?


"We've decided that each of you is going to be paired with VIXX's members since there's 6 of you now."  






Do i heard it right?


~                ~                ~


-Chapter 3 ends~

What the flack is going on? Each of them is going to be paired with VIXX's members? Who is going to be with who? Who is going to be with Young Gi? What would be the mission for the last elimination? Why would they paired us with VIXX? Could it be another abnormal things?


Author's note:
Thankyou for reading and i hope youre looking forward to the next chapter. 
I would like to apologize for any mistake and if the story doesn't please you. 
Have a good day x


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Chapter 5 has been reconstructed. I think Young Gi wasn't too friendly back then~ Please kindly re-read it~


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starlighthoney #1
Chapter 11: omg so excited i wonder who she gonna be paired with. hope you updates soon. fighting!!!
Chapter 10: omg haha i had fun reading this chapter !! chapter 6 will be interesting i think :p ! please update soon ^^
Chapter 9: waaah awesome fic !!! I can't wait to read the chapter 5 (*x*)!! please update soon <3
Kuroneko_sinclair #4
Chapter 8: OMG! Who is she gonna be paired up with?!?!
Can't wait for the update !!! :)
Allisonra2002 #5
Chapter 7: Chapter 5: Please let her be paired up with hongbin and also loving the story so far please update soon!!
Chapter 7: Let her pair up with Leo pleaseeeee~. >.<
LexJinx #7
Chapter 5: OMO!!! I would be freaking out. Poor girls. T.T Thank you so much for the update!!! Love the story. Cant wait for the next chapter but I will be patient!!
inspiritcassiexoxo #8
Chapter 3: You should feel very confident in your writing, as the story is really well written. I am enjoying it, and your oc is more realistic than usual which I also really like. Keep it going please! :)