


“You’re such a gold digger,” Hongbin snorts, standing in his doorway, when Sanghyuk unpacks the new set of clothes he just received in the mail, all nice and thoroughly folded, and to this Sanghyuk only replies:

“You’re just jealous because I am made of sugar and you aren’t.”

“Allow me to correct: I am jealous of you getting presents, not of your relationship based and maintained on plain materialism disguised as a romanticized and meaningful interaction going on between two people,” his roommate huffs but comes closer, unfolding his glasses and putting them on his nose to take a better look at the package. Despite his big talks and apparent disdain for everything, the litterature and philosophy major still have a weak spot on nice clothes, Sanghyuk smiles while checking out every article.

The fabric is soft under his palms, obviously of one of the best quality. Sanghyuk unfolds two suit pants, dark with idly patterns printed on it, a scarf that feels like it’s been knitted in heaven, and a long, warm-looking coat. Over his shoulder, Hongbin whistles.

“That looks like designer clothes,” he comments, his tone softened by the luxurious clothes in front of him, “It’s the new winter trend. They look like what has been presented during Paris’ fashion week.”

“Who knows? Maybe they come from Paris’ fashion week runshow,” Sanghyuk jokes half-heartedly, already gathering the things to put them in his closet.

“Don’t be silly,” Hongbin chuckles, “That can’t be. Unless your sugar daddy is some kind of modern Cresus, the cost of those and the price of the delivery… No one would spend all of that on a college student. You aren’t sugar’d enough for that my sweet child.” He pinches Sanghyuk’s cheek then, making the younger whine.

“At least I’m not bitter like you!”

“Oh, please. I too could have all the sugar daddies that I could wish for if I didn’t have any moral sense.”

“I already told you, he isn’t my sugar daddy.” Sanghyuk flushes – and he doesn’t really know if it’s out of offense or embarrassement, “We really are in a relationship.”

Hongbin raises an eyebrow, crossing his arms as he backs up to the door, his break already finished – Sanghyuk can hear his alarm clock bringing him to heel.

“Okay… That sounds fake but, okay.”

“Just go away,” Sanghyuk laughs, although not completely sincerely, throwing a plush at him as a threat.

Hongbin really goes then, closing the door behind him, and leaves him alone with his thoughts and expensive clothes. Sanghyuk unfolds the coat completely, tries it on.

“Damn,” he swears, looking at his reflection in the mirror, turning to every angle to try and find any flaw, any sign that would prove him wrong.

That really is the coat coming from the runshow in Paris, he has to conclude when he doesn’t find any, sitting on his bed to overcome the shock. It really is the coat that Sanghyuk saw on internet pictures of the show, the one he said on the phone that would look good on him, wouldn’t it, and that he should buy one like that for winter.

He buries his hot, flushed face in his hands, letting the realisation sinking in.

With shaky fingers, he dials the first contact in his favorites list – right after his mother, of course – and puts the phone right next to his ear, nervously waiting for the ringing to end.

“Yes?” A low voice replies after the fourth ring, a voice full of sleep and Sanghyuk checks the hour – right, he must be jetlagged.

“Hyung,” he whines, “What did you do again!”

“Oh, it’s you Hyuk.” He can hear the smile in the voice. “I guess you got your present?”

“Do I have to tell you every time? Does it even ring a bell? You don’t have to do all those things for me.”

On the other side of the line, the man stirs, humming.

“What if I like doing this?”

“You should save your money to spend on other things, Wonshik hyung,” Sanghyuk’s voice gets tender when he says his name, and he scratches his palm with the tip of his fingers as a reassurance gesture. “Hongbin thinks I have a sugar daddy now, because of all the stuff you send me.”

There is Wonshik’s barking laugh echoing next to his ear, making him smile.

“Haven’t you told him already?”

“Hyung, I don’t think you realise of much of a fanboy he is. If he learns about you, he will spend the rest of his life following you and asking you if you can make him meet Park Hyoshin, and I can’t let that happen. I already see you so rarely.”

“After seeing me ten years already…” Wonshik trails off, “You still think that’s not enough?”

“We were in middle school,” Sanghyuk deadpans.

There is a silence before he can hear a rustle of blankets in the background.

“I’m coming to yours then. To see you.”

“Shouldn’t you sleep? And work on your next album?” Sanghyuk tries to sound reasonable but the thought of seeing him after such a long time makes his heart flutter in his ribcage. “Someone might see you. What will your manager say?”

“Promotions have ended, Hyuk, no one is going to follow me. I dyed my hair anyway, and you know I always wear glasses and a mask outside.”

“Still, you–”

“I’m hanging up, Hyuk. I’m coming over.”

Wonshik hangs up then, rather abruptly if you ask Sanghyuk, and the younger just stay there staring at his phone screen for a few seconds, scandalized.

Wonshik is coming, he realises though, after a moment, and eyes the mess in his room.

“Hongbin?” He asks tentatively.


Wonshik arrives just when Hongbin is vaccuuming Sanghyuk’s room, mumbling under his breath, ‘that better be worth it’. Sanghyuk jumps on him almost immediately, although he has never been the kind to cling on people – but he guesses love can do wonders – and it makes Wonshik wince but laugh, as he wraps his arm back around his figure.

“Hey,” he greets him, “Sorry I couldn’t see you earlier.”

Sanghyuk shakes his head. “It’s okay. You’ve been busy.”

Wonshik looks tired but happier than ever and Sanghyuk plays with the dark strands of his bangs.

“So you’re back to black,” he says, eyes crinkling in delight. Although blond and silver looked the best on Wonshik, his natural color reminds Sanghyuk of their early days, and makes his heart melt. “Come on in, I should introduce you to Hongbin.”

Wonshik comes in, removing his shoes while Sanghyuk calls out, “Hongbinnie hyung!”

“I swear, Han Sanghyuk,” Hongbin appears in the doorframe with his vaccuum in hand, “You owe me at least a dinner–” Then, seeing Wonshik in their tiny living-room, his face changes. “Oh, hello.”

There is a moment of silence, where Hongbin and Wonshik just look at each other, and Hongbin squints his eyes, possibly trying to see properly Wonshik’s face.

“Shouldn’t you introduce us?”

“Put your glasses on,” Sanghyuk laughs.

Hongbin obeys, putting his glasses on his nose, then looking back at Wonshik, and his face changes again – Sanghyuk can swear he feared his eyes would have popped out at some point. He looks at Sanghyuk and then back at Wonshik a couple times, shock painted on his face.

“Hyung, let me introduce you to my boyfriend, Wonshik,” Sanghyuk starts, all gleeful and happy, “We’ve known each other since middle school. Wonshik hyung, this is Hongbin, my roommate since last year.”

Wonshik smiles and goes to shake Hongbin’s hand.

“I’ve heard about you. Thank you for taking care of Sanghyuk.”

Hongbin nods, shaking his hand back without a word, only slightly bowing.

“Now, if you’ll excuse us,” Sanghyuk chirps happily, pushing Wonshik into his room, “I definitely owe you one hyung.”

They enter the student’s room, passing by a still petrified Hongbin.

“You Han Sanghyuk are rude,” Wonshik says as the door closes on them, “You could’ve at least waited for us to have a real talk.”

Sanghyuk huffs and pushes Wonshik on the bed with him, “You need to rest and anyway, you came for me, not for Hongbin right?”

“Yeah,” Wonshik groans into the pillow, “But still… And i slept already!” He complains but closes his eyes, and Sanghyuk knows he hides it well but is exhausted by promotions and multiple trips. He lays down next to him, letting Wonshik wrap an arm around his waits as he retrieves his handouts.

“Do you want me to tell you a story?”

Wonshik hums. He is already halfway into slumber. Sanghyuk watches his opened mouth, his eyelashes casting shadows over his cheekbones, and he smiles.

“It’s the story of little proteins called HYUK1 and WSHK8…”

Outside, the weather is cold, but their feet are warm against each other. The radio faintly playing in the background broadcasts a song from the popular artist Kim Ravi and his voice mixes with Sanghyuk’s as he continues his story, the radio DJ talking about him, without suspecting that the singer doesn’t listen, asleep in a student’s bed.

Han Sanghyuk ends his story and lesson about proteins and turns the radio off, letting the silence sink in. He snuggles against his boyfriend who for a day is simply his, simply Kim Wonshik, and closes his eyes. It’s probably going to be the best nap he’s ever had in a while, he idly thinks as Wonshik pulls him closer, and he can smell the scent of his laundry and shampoo on him.


He still has to ask about meeting Park Hyoshin for Hongbin, he reminds himself before drifting into slumber, but he has time, all the time that he wants. Wonshik’s not going to go anywhere.


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Chapter 6: OMFG RAKEEEEEEEEN >//////<
shihara #2
Chapter 7: You're really good at Writting HyukBin i swear i will vote you for Hyukbin Presidents fansclub if there is one.. thank you so much for HyukBin stories since there ismt much. your writing skill to the plot.. its really really good.. and i really hope you can write longer like chaptered stories.. i love your stories..
Chapter 7: You could write only hyukbin forever and i wouldn't mind at all bc i am as hardcore a shipper of them as you are //cries ... Also, a top!hyuk wouldn't do any harm would it *winkwink* ily so much!! <3 you write so beautifully i cry
MyCuteBunny #5
Chapter 7: My god this is so goddamn cute idek lucky hyukkie has hongbin to teach him how to kiss while I got no one and no experience (I sound so pitiful otl) bless you for writing this <3
changminri #6
Chapter 7: More NEO pls♥
emmyrose #7
Chapter 7: As a girl that's never been kissed by anyone on the lips before this ff is making me rethink my entire lack of a love life x_x.. i liked it... thank you ^_^ and noooo HyukBin is the reason the earth rotates ☆_☆ keep writing them
Red-tea-Leaf #8
Chapter 4: I loved it... seriously this was the smartest thing u could ever do for your own studying *worships ur creativity*
emmyrose #9
Chapter 4: I'm like beyond happy you don't understand... That was probably the hottest I've ever read..why? Because the attention Hyuk was getting from Hongbin was so oveoverwhelming... like you wrote this in such a way that made me feel as though it was like Hongbin was silently worshipping Hyuk's body and gosh danggit tht was so hot...plus a top Hongbin is always the best ☆_☆ and omg Binnie does look super hot with his glasses and Sanghyuk squirming under his every touch omg yessss Thank you~ I loved this! I swear you write better with a good plot line in your one shots than the entire fifty shades of grey saga...