


Wonshik lets himself fall on the couch after his third tequila shot, the taste of salt and lime still tingling on his mouth. His head starts spinning and he grunts slightly, sensing someone sitting next to him and trying to snuggle closer. Around him, the music is loud, although he can hear very clearly Hakyeon nagging about god knows what and someone's barking laugh echoing a bit farther away, over the thumps and bass.

"I'm sorry, I'm taken," he groans, eyes closed, trying to push away the person nearly craddling on his laps.
Jaehwan's twinkling laugh makes him dizzy, and he's fairly sure it's not only because of the alcohol. "It's me, stupid."
"Oh, that changes all."
With a grin, he winds up an arm to let his boyfriend come in his embrace, gladly accepting the peck laid down on his neck. Jaehwan smells like a mix of his shampoo and rhum, a strangely addictive scent.
"What's up?" He asks, and Wonshik can swear he hears something click near them, but doesn't bother to look.
"Third shot didn't get in quite well. You?"
Jaehwan kisses his temple. "I'm still very fine! I have something nice for you, also."
Wonshik flutters his eyelids open, turning slightly his head to look at him.
"You want some?"
Behind the loud music and the people's cheer, Jaehwan's voice sound like a whisper to his ears. He is holding a balloon in one hand, something fairly ridiculous to Wonshik given the fact that they are partying in a student residence and not celebrating a child's birthday, a mysterious metallic device in the other.
"What's that?" He asks, bewildered.
"One of the perks of being a medicine student," Jaehwan replies, with that glint in the eye that gives
Wonshik goosebumps everytime. "So... do you want to try?"
The challenge is far too appealing not to accept.
"Of course I do."
Jaehwan smiles. He gives him the balloon, instructing him not to let any air -or is it?- coming out, as he takes out another one out of his pocket, along with a little silver cartridge. Wonshik can't do anything but watch him with lidded eyes, putting the little thing in his weird device, then closing it, covering the tip with the end of the balloon.

Jaehwan then turns the cap open, and there's a little whistling sound along with a bit of refrigerant vapor coming out.

"Woah," he comments as he sees the tip of the balloon freezed, and Jaehwan blowing on it to warm it up, "What the hell is going on?"

"Depressurization, my friend."

Jaehwan is about to put his stuff back in his pocket when Hongbin arrives, plopping on the couch right next to them. He smells like vodka and curaçao, something that doesn't surprise Wonshik, and laughs way too loudly comparing to his usual composed self, a strong indicator of his current drunk state.

"What did I hear Jaehwannie? Are you taking proto without me?" He pouts, and Jaehwan chuckles.

"Do you have your cartridges on you?"

"What's that question? I always do!" Hongbin rumages in his pocket, getting out two more cartridges. "Here's one for my junior Hyukkie. Where is he? I have to make him try!"

In the blink of an eye, he's gone, and Wonshik watches again Jaehwan making the same process, as they stay here, displayed on the couch, music blasting in their ears. Put, close, cover, open, blow, remove, repeat.

"What is it, really?" He asks again, feeling a bit dumb, because Hongbin knows something he doesn't, and this is irritating.

Jaehwan takes a conspiracing tone, giving him Hongbin's balloon. "Ever heard of nitrous oxid?"

"I'm a music major," he states, and he feels even dumber.

"Do you trust me, then?"

Wonshik doesn't have much of a choice. Of course he does.

"Well, I--" he starts, before getting cut by Hongbin and Sanghyuk coming back, giggling stupidly.

"Hey hyung!" The junior exclaims, "Fancy to see you! I heard you got something for me!"

"Aren't you underage?" Jaehwan laughs. "Should I really give you this?"

Hongbin snatches the balloon out of the latter's hand. "Quick! This song is perfect!"

They have each a full balloon when Jaehwan put his stuff back in his pocket, everyone looking at him expectandly.

"So... Wonshik and Sanghyuk, you're new to this, aren't you?"

"Little s." Hongbin cackles.

Jaehwan smirks. "You might want to get seated comfortably. The only thing you have to do is emptying your lungs, then breathing in that balloon several times, without inspiring anything else. You think you can handle it?"

They both give him a weak indignant sound, to which Jaehwan replies with a short laugh and a light kiss on Wonshik's lips.

"Are you ready?"

They lift their balloons in the air, faking cheers.

"Three!" Hongbin shouts happily.

Wonshiks looks at his little balloon, nervousness and excitement growing.

"Two!" Sanhyuk mimicks, grinning from ear to ear.

His gaze drifts to his boyfriend, eyes sparkling. Do you trust me, then?

"One!" Jaehwan finishes, and the next second, they are all closing their eyes, bringing their balloon to their mouth.

At the first inspiration, there's only a slight sweet taste on Wonshik's tongue, as the gas comes down his throat and to his lungs. Then everything spins and the music invades his mind in a psychedelic way.

It's like a fog filling his head, his lips stretching into a stupid grin without him being able to control it, his laughter coming out almost forced, every sound resonating to his ears. It feels like a slow motion of things, a patchwork of noises around him, with Jaehwan's hysterical laughter mixed with the thumped beat and Sanghyuk's high pitched giggles. Up becomes down and down becomes up, as he feels himself fall back down on the couch, shaken by an uncontrolable laughter echoing in his mind. Lips are pressed against his neck, head buried into his chest, and his hand comes up to the smooth hair, while the weird falling feeling is fading out, leaving the ghost of a smile on his mouth. Music still resonates for a few seconds, before everything goes back to normal, except for his exacerbed dizziness.

He opens his eyes to see Jaehwan's happy face, cheeks flushed and mouth distorted in a cute yet too wide smile.

"How was it?"

"Awesome," he breathes, and he leans in to kiss him, still a bit disoriented.

Next to them, Hongbin and Sanghyuk are still laughing, and Wonshik doesn't know if it's because of the gas or simple happiness -or, more logically, the amout of alcohol they have in their blood. He doesn't care much anyway.
Jaehwan lets his hand travel down his cheek, neck, and chest, playing with his mouth. He nibbles and , bites and , just the way Wonshik likes it, and it makes the latter feeling aroused in the slightest bit, longing for more of his . 
"Let's make one on our own, upstairs," Jaehwan whispers, as fingers graze under his navel, caressing the skin above his belt. 
"My room's not far," he replies, hand sliding under his boyfriend's shirt. 
They exchange a collusive gaze before Jaehwan gets up, fleeing away. Wonshik's on his back, and it feels like a movie, with the other sparing him mischevious glances over his shoulder, hips swaying in a far too arousing way to be completely innocent, the both of them alone in the corridor. Wonshik chases after Jaehwan and his appealing smiles, who stops every so often on his track to peck him on the lips before turning away and walking fast, as if flying, to his room, too fast for drunk Wonshik to keep up and be able to pull him into his arms.
Jaehwan eventually stops in front of a door, and Wonshik takes advantage of it to corner him, kissing him senselessly against the wooden surface.
"I got you," he chuckles lowly, lips an inch apart from each other. 
Jaehwan's eyelids flutter nearly close, as he laughs breathlessly. "Where are your keys?"
"I don't know... Wanna look for them?"
He tries to smile in a seductive way, but seeing Jaehwan's fond look, this isn't very effective. Nonetheless, the other brings his hand up, feeling his through his back pockets.
"Not here," Jaehwan enounces, rummaging uselessly in the pockets, pinching his in the process, "maybe in front?"
His hand travels up the thigh, making Wonshik shiver. He retrieves the keys from his jacket and starts to unlock the door, nonetheless Jaehwan doesn't bother to stop. Fingers past his clothed member, and Jaehwan lets out a malicious giggle.
"Oh? What do we have here?"
Wonshik groans in pleasure as the becomes more insistant, Jaehwan breathing in his ear.
"That's so hard," he says like in a moan, and it makes Wonshik's stomach flips, "I should probably take care of it for some time..."
Suddenly, there's a click two doors away, and in a moment of panic, Wonshik turns the knob abruptly, making Jaehwan and him stumble into the tiny room, falling on the bed only a mere feets away. There is a light clap as the door shuts, and a little silence before both of them erupt into fits of laughter.
"What was that?" Jaehwan cackles, cupping Wonshik's face in his hands.
The younger rubs playfully their noses together. "I want you."
He leans in to seal their lips together, hands slowly coming down to Jaehwan's smooth belly, that he loves so much. There's a twinkling sound, as he brings his fingers down his pockets, and cartridges fall on the bed, rolling until coming down to the floor. It makes them snicker -but, really, Wonshik wonders, what does not?
"How many of these are in there?" He counts the silver tiny things.
"I'd say... ten? More? I don't know anything anymore!"
Jaehwan's loud voice fits perfectly into his room, Wonshik decides, but it's time for him to shut up. A drunk Jaehwan is never a calm, nor a quiet Jaehwan, and the students living in the other rooms are going to wreck him for waking them up at this hour of the night, hence the shushing kiss he presses up his boyfriend's obnoxious mouth. Jaehwan gives in easily, running his hands through his messy hair, legs wrapping against his waist to pull him closer, earning a slight grunt in reply. Somewhere along the way, shirts are removed, as well as belts and pants, and positions are switched, with Jaehwan sitting comfortably on Wonshik's stomach, fingers tracing the outline of his chest, and Wonshik's hand resting on Jaehwan's hips, the soft skin, occasionnally sliding under his underwear.
It's a common thing by now, and yet everytime Jaehwan looks down at him with that tender gaze, Wonshik feels like falling for him all over again. It's like his lungs are collapsing, as his breath itches and he can't do much but take sharp inhales of air, and his insides ignites as if set on fire. It's somehow painful, the way his heart swell like it's going to explode, and yet it's a good kind of pain, the kind Wonshik wants to keep in him forever, as a mark of his love for Jaehwan, as mark of him, being Jaehwan's.
"I want to love you," Wonshik says, and it makes Jaehwan laughs fondly because the younger has always such a charming way to say crude things, despite his franctic and bold looks.
"Well, then, me."
Wonshik takes an offended look. "I don't just want to you, you know."
"I know," Jaehwan breathes, bending down to peck him on the lips.
"I want to try something though."
"Whatever you want."
Wonshik smiles, taking one of the cold cartridges lying on the side of the bed. "I want to do some again. And kiss you."
"Let's have a double shot."
Something glints in Jaehwan's eyes, something exciting, and Wonshik eagerly complies. He watches Jaehwan taking his stuff, and the short routine repeating twice. Put, close, cover, open, blow, remove. Only this time, Jaehwan puts another cartridge right after, and the balloon gets bigger. Wonshik somehow fear to get asphyxied. He trusts Jaehwan though. Jaehwan would never do anything to hurt him.
"Here, take yours."
He gladly takes the balloon that is handed to him, as Jaehwan blows one again. There is something both soothing an exciting about watching the older doing something meticulously. Wonshik guesses, more likely knows, that he would be able to break his concentration by running his fingers against his clothed member, and the temptation is huge, but seeing Jaehwan like this, eyebrows furrowed and lips pursed, he can't help but simply stay still, studying his features.
There is a floating moment, like in a dream, where Wonshik sees Jaehwan tossing everything aside, balloon fermly pressed between his fingers, before the latter turns to face him, grinning. 
"You ready?"
Wonshik scoffs. "I was born ready."
The second time is even better than the first. Wonshik closes his eyes and inhales the sweet gas, mind starting to drift away with each breath taken. His head spins even more, a smile brought to his lips, as Jaehwan's twinkling laugh resonates in his ears. It feels like leaving his body for a little while, because he can't sense anymore his limbs, can't hear a thing, if not his and Jaehwan's mixed laugh, and the faint whistle of gas coming out of the balloon as he breathes more and more. There are blurry pictures playing in his mind, making him come to his senses, pictures strangely looking like Jaehwan, sounding like him as well. He feels the older falling on him just as he empties the end of his balloon. They are both so high, with their eyes closed, when Jaehwan's mouth crush against his, the ghost of a laugh still landing.
The kiss is slow, and full of unsaid things. Full of little nothings, popping out in Wonshik's head, as he lets the ballon out of his hold to place his hand on the small of Jaehwan's back, enjoying every inch of skin he can reach. Against each other, their bodies have never been warmer, and it's a heated haven he never wants to leave, Jaehwan's limbs enclosing him and keeping him still, pinned on the matress. He pulls away after some time, though, to breathe some air, and Wonshik watches fondly his boyfriend's smiling eyes and plumped lips as they part, not seeming to be able to get enough of it.
"I love you," he says, because it's the only thing coming in his mind at this precise moment.
Jaehwan laughs, bringing his hand up to fix his dishevelled bangs. "You only say that to get in my pants."
"Is it working?" Wonshik smirks.
"Oh, babe..." the older mimicks his way of calling him, sliding the tip of a finger under his boxers, "I'm the one getting in your pants tonight."
"You wish."
Wonshik flips him so that he's back on being the one on top, laughing evily, as he watches with delight Jaehwan's lips coming together in a pout. He doesn't let him protest though, kissing him some more before trailing down his neck, biting and the fair skin rolling smoothly under his tongue and teeth. Jaehwan's hand are coming dangerously down his , feeling him up in a very innapropriate way, and a small moan escapes his lips as he feels his fingers drifting to his hips and inner thighs.
"Jaehwan," he mouths near his collarbone as his own hands travel to the south, making the older whimper weakly, "Hands and knees, babe, will you?"
He asks to be polite even if he perfectly knows Jaehwan won't ever say no, also maybe because he likes to hear him say how much he wants it. Jaehwan nods, breathing a tiny "yes", and Wonshik backs up to let him flip over while grabbing some lube.
"You're beautiful," he says, pecking the skin on the other's back, caressing gently the round presented to him. "Will you let me see you ?"
Jaehwan lets out a mewl as Wonshik removes slowly his underwear, exposing his sensitive skin to the chilled air of the room, making the latter smile smugly. There is such an arousing feeling in every single one of Jaehwan's sounds, Wonshik wants to hear them all, to be the only one to hear them, ever. 
He coats his fingers very meticulously, taking the time to fully cover them, and it earns him a needy whine coming out of Jaehwan's sweet sweet lips.
"The hell you're doing?"
Cursing words are not fit for the older's cute mouth and melodious voice, but somehow, Wonshik likes hearing them. He can't think of a single time it didn't turn him on.
"Easy, baby," he reasons, caressing him with a slick finger before pushing it in, "don't be so impatient..."
Jaehwan is about to express his disagreement when a faint moan escapes his lips. He curses again, and the sound of his voice getting lower than usual sends a vibe of pleasure coming down Wonshik's body.
"," Jaehwan grunts, "that's good."
Wonshik chuckles. "Want some more?"
His boyfriend hums in delight, hands grasping the bedsheets tightly. He takes it as a yes.
There is something to Jaehwan being loud during , that Wonshik worships. Even now, as he probs a third finger at his entrance, something he has come to do much during his free time -and he prides himself for that, recalling a time when he couldn't even have the guts to talk to him- Jaehwan is as eager as the first time, expressing his pleasure with sinful whimpers and delightful moans. Wonshik comes to realise each time, that making love to Jaehwan is like falling off a cliff each and everytime, adrenalin running through his veins, and it's something he strangely became addicted to.
"Babe," he calls him softly, and even sprawled on the bed, face buried in the pillow, Jaehwan still has the verve to scoff at the nickname. "I'm going to you."
It's a mere whisper, dropped next to the older's ear, and Wonshik knows very well what kind of effect it does to him. He isn't one to say such things in the ordinary life, only daring to do so during intimate moments ; weirdly enough, Jaehwan seems to find it arousing.
Wonshik likes to take his time, sensing the older trembling under his palm when he pushes in, enjoying every bit of Jaehwan's moans. Around him, he is so tight, Wonshik can't refrain a groan, throwing his head back. Everything about Jaehwan seems made to make him lose his mind.
He kisses his nape very tenderly, staying still for a few seconds. Jaehwan is so precious, he can't help but cherish him and showing it to him every living moment. Despite his sweet and soft looks, Jaehwan is nothing but an invitation to commit sin, and Wonshik is nothing but a sinner, giving in all of himself to pleasure with each thurst, with each moan, with each scratch on the older's back. 
It's a mess each and everytime, and Wonshik can't recall a time when he didn't felt on the edge of fainting as he comes, gripping tightly Jaehwan's hips until the skin becomes livid under the tip of his fingers ; he can't either recall a time when he didn't ruffle his boyfriend's hair, still in the haze of euphory, and kiss every inch of his skin.
His head is still pounding from the too-loud music back in that party, and ancient relents of alcohol -probably some nitrous oxid mixed in too- are clouding his mind, but even without being able to think straight, he still takes time to cuddle and peck Jaehwan until it would eventually annoy him. Although it never does.
"But I'm sleepy!" Jaehwan chuckles as he is nuzzling in the crook of his neck, rubbing his nose against the sweaty skin to tickle him.
"No you're not," Wonshik laughs, "you're all for me now."
The older whines in a complaint, but his hand comes up to his nape to him lightly anyway. "You're so greedy when it comes to me. Am I that awesome?"
Wonshik snickers, letting himself down next to him. He's feeling sleepy too already. He wraps Jaehwan's arms around his waist, installing comfortably the older's head on his chest, pecking the top of his head. Like that, just like that, is the best way to fall asleep.
"Well, what can I do? I'm just that gay for you."
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Chapter 6: OMFG RAKEEEEEEEEN >//////<
shihara #2
Chapter 7: You're really good at Writting HyukBin i swear i will vote you for Hyukbin Presidents fansclub if there is one.. thank you so much for HyukBin stories since there ismt much. your writing skill to the plot.. its really really good.. and i really hope you can write longer like chaptered stories.. i love your stories..
Chapter 7: You could write only hyukbin forever and i wouldn't mind at all bc i am as hardcore a shipper of them as you are //cries ... Also, a top!hyuk wouldn't do any harm would it *winkwink* ily so much!! <3 you write so beautifully i cry
MyCuteBunny #5
Chapter 7: My god this is so goddamn cute idek lucky hyukkie has hongbin to teach him how to kiss while I got no one and no experience (I sound so pitiful otl) bless you for writing this <3
changminri #6
Chapter 7: More NEO pls♥
emmyrose #7
Chapter 7: As a girl that's never been kissed by anyone on the lips before this ff is making me rethink my entire lack of a love life x_x.. i liked it... thank you ^_^ and noooo HyukBin is the reason the earth rotates ☆_☆ keep writing them
Red-tea-Leaf #8
Chapter 4: I loved it... seriously this was the smartest thing u could ever do for your own studying *worships ur creativity*
emmyrose #9
Chapter 4: I'm like beyond happy you don't understand... That was probably the hottest I've ever read..why? Because the attention Hyuk was getting from Hongbin was so oveoverwhelming... like you wrote this in such a way that made me feel as though it was like Hongbin was silently worshipping Hyuk's body and gosh danggit tht was so hot...plus a top Hongbin is always the best ☆_☆ and omg Binnie does look super hot with his glasses and Sanghyuk squirming under his every touch omg yessss Thank you~ I loved this! I swear you write better with a good plot line in your one shots than the entire fifty shades of grey saga...