To hell mid-terms

Fluffy vice president!Hongbin and prankster!Hyuk requested by anon


Hongbin's day starts with his phone blasting a very annoying song as an alarm clock ; in a word, bad. He resists the urge to throw the little device on the wall, instead grabbing it angrily to turn it off. The hour displayed on the screen just above a familiar teenager's dumb face makes his blood boil with anger. He's going to wreck that kid. The worst thing about this is that Hongbin is the kind of person that can't fall back asleep after being woken up ; therefore he gets out of bed, annoyed to no end, to take a shower at freaking five in the morning, planning his revenge on the most obnoxious person on earth.
He's ready by six, and has the time to pace lazily into his living-room, munching on a lotus chinese steambun, to find his outfit ugly, then fine, then ugly again, before having to leave for school. He immediatly regrets not taking a jacket, as a chill wind blows against him, making him shiver. Even though springtime is there, it's still cool in the morning, and Hongbin wishes he could cross paths with Hakyeon so that he could drive him there. The student council's president is the only one he knows who has a driver's license and a car ; sometimes he even admits taking a bit advantage of his friendship with the latter to be driven back home after exhausting days. However there are only students riding bikes passing before his eyes, instead of Hakyeon's navy blue mini, and he's forced to walk all the way with his tiny shrimp legs -as his sister says so. 
He steps into the hall with his earphones on, bobbing his head in rythm, trying to find the object of his previous anger, this morning ; a tall stupid kid, with way-too-dishevelled hairs and way-too-cute eyes.
"Yah! Han Sanghyuk!", he shouts as soon as he notices the redhead perking above the others in the crowd -how can that kid be so tall at his age is a question that will forever tickle him.
He quickly makes his way to the boy, grabbing him by the back of his collar.
"Oh, hello hyung!", Sanghyuk greets him with that cocky smile of his, that makes him want to shove his face against the nearest wall.
"I'm going to ing end you.", he growls back, taking him in a headlock. "Did you never learn to respect other people's sleep?!"
The younger smiles mischeviously, winking at him, before trying to wriggle out of his hold, yelling:
"Hakyeon hyung! Hongbin is bullying me again!"
"You little brat!", Hongbin swears, forced to let go, as Hakyeon appears before their eyes.
"What's going on?", the older asks, raising an eyebrow. "Are you two fighting again?"
Hongbin shakes his head, already retrieving back to his locker. "Nothing. I was just -he pats Sanhyuk's head, although a bit harshly- greeting my favourite dongsaeng."
Sanghyuk nods, smiling innocently. "I just called you over because I wanted to see you."
"... You two. Stop. Fighting." Hakyeon warns them fermly. "Meeting after lunch. Until then, make up, is it clear?"
They both agree, not wanting to make the older angry -which is a really scary thing. Hakyeon doesn't usually get angry at them or even talk to them harshly, truth be told he never did, but they feel like this day could happen sooner than expected if they don't stop getting at each other ; at least for now.
"Great.", he smiles again, patting them gently on the head. "See you later!"
He leaves ; however just as Hongbin is about to take Sanghyuk in a headlock again to drag him down all the way to his classroom, he turns back a last time, shouting at them accross the hall:
"Be nice to each other!"
"I'm outta here", he grunts, knocking over the younger with his shoulder.
He is nearly calmed down as he reaches his locker, fistbumping Wonshik who is standing next to it. 
"Hey mate.", his friend greets him.
"What's up? Man, you look upset."
Hongbin sighs, fumbling with his locker to open it. "Woke up at five this morning because of--"
He's cut by his locker's door opening abruptly, as if bursting out from the inside, as glitter and fluff falls all over him.
"Han Sanghyuk!", he yells, slamming the door shut to get the younger, sending a dark glare at anyone daring to laugh at him.
Wonshik stops him by the arm. "We have to go in class, Bean."
"This kid is ing dead to me.", he grunts with gritted teeth.
"I'm so done with you two... When will you stop that?"
"Tell that to stupid Hyuk, not me."
Wonshik sighs, scratching the back of his head. "Are you really that dense?"
Hongbin makes him a face. "Seems like it."
His mood stays terrible until lunch break, despite Wonshik's attempt to cheer him up. On his phone, there's still that picture that makes him cringe as a wallpaper, that selfie Sanghyuk snapped of them together, taking Hongbin unaware ; he's too lazy to change it though. He decides to type a quick text to Hakyeon, pacing through the corridors with Wonshik.
'Is it alright if we eat in the meeting room w Wonshik?'
He receives a reply nearly immediately after. 


"Let's go eat in the meeting room", he decides, showing Wonshik the text.
"Why do you want to eat there?"
Hongbin shrugs. "I don't feel like hanging out in crowded places today."
They arrive in the empty meeting room just as Wonshik ends his joke, laughing, to Sanghyuk slurping a bubble tea, sitting on the table. The moment their eyes meet, Hongbin's smile falters, whereas the younger's face light up.
"Hyung!", he chirps happily, waving cutely at them.
Wonshik waves back and Hongbin groans. Sanghyuk gets on the floor, approaching them, still his bubble tea in hand.
"Hey", he moves closer to Hongbin, eyes fixed on something in his hair, "You've got a little... Something here."
He removes the little shiny thing. "Oh? It's glitter."
"It was you, wasn't it? Who the hell told you my locker code?"
Wonshik sighs again, placing a hand on Hongbin's shoulder. "I'm gonna go have lunch with Jaehwan, see you later."
"But you--"
"Settle it together okay?"
With that, his friend leaves, nodding curtly at Sanghyuk who bids him goodbye with another cute wave of the hand. Hongbin is by now boiling in resentment. He jams him between the table and his body, face moving dangerously close.
"Talk.", he splits out.
Sanghyuk takes a fake offended expression, but Hongbin isn't fooled. "I didn't do anything, hyung!"
"Are you mad at me or what? Why won't you stop doing that?"
"Why would I be mad?"
"I don't know.", Hongbin lies, because he perfectly knows. "You tell me."
They stare at each other for a little while, Sanghyuk still smiling, eyes flickering between Hongbin's gaze and lips. At some point, Hongbin finds himself looking at the younger's mouth too.
I'm not doing it again, he swears in his head, but with the other so close, it's hard to resist. He steps back.
"Leave it.", he sighs, taking a chair.
Sanghyuk seems almost disappointed, but he tries to ignore it. Silence dawns upon them as he retrieves his lunch box, and before he can actually open it, there's a peach one shoved in front of him by a blushing Sanghyuk.
"Are we even?", the younger asks, motioning to the creamy box.
Hongbin doesn't aswer, rather takes Sanghyuk's box and sends him his. He figures that it's a way to make peace ; at least the freshman looks happy with that. When he opens the contener, though, there's only white rice before his eyes. He shots his head up.
"I swear if that's again one of your stupid jokes...", he trails off, before getting cut by Sanghyuk's giggle.
"Mix it up!"
"Mixing up white rice with white rice is the stupidest thing I ever heard."
He complies anyway, diving his spoon in the meal. He stirs it one, two times, and there's curry sauce magically appearing, making his eyes sparkle.
"That's curry!", he exclaims, as excited as a kid.
Next to him, Sanghyuk is already happily munching on the bibimbap Hongbin cooked, smiling with rice grains laying on the corner of his mouth.
"Are you doing this on purpose?", Hongbin scoffs, wiping him with a paper towel. "I'm not going to kiss you, you know."
Sanghyuk whines.
Hakyeon arrives in the room five minutes before the meeting, as they finish both of their meals in silence. He smiles upon the view.
"So are you two good?"
Hongbin lets out a hum, and Sanghyuk nods franctically.
"This better be true. I can't afford having tensions in the team."
Hongbin rolls his eyes. "There ain't nothing like tension between us, okay?"
"This, Hongbin-ah, is why I am president and you're only vice-president. You don't have enough experience. I sense those things!", Hakyeon declares, putting his stuff out.
"You're a year older, that is all. I'll be president next year."
"You wish.", Sanghyuk nudges him, with that smirk Hongbin doesn't know yet if it gives him the urge to rather slap or kiss him. He settles on smacking his arm lightly, making the other wail weakly.
Hakyeon is about to split them apart when Wonshik and Jaehwan enter the room laughing, followed by a very quiet Taekwoon. The meeting starts as soon as they are all sat down, Hakyeon mediating them. Hongbin and Taekwoon are the most serious ones, due to their important roles ; whereas Sanghyuk, freshman representative, can always be found daydreaming, doodling on his notebook.
At the end of the meeting, there's still a little time left ; Sanghyuk takes advantage of it to steal Hongbin's phone. He's about to unlock it when he sees the same wallpaper he installed the day before.
"Hyung! I'm your wallpaper!"
Hongbin shoots his head up. "What are you doing again with my phone?"
He snaps the device out of the younger's hand, furrowing his eyebrows. Sanghyuk smiles innocently. 
"You kept it~ That's so cute~"
Hongbin rolls his eyes, gathering his belongings a little harshly, before leaving without a word.
"That was cold.", Hakyeon comments. "And he said there wasn't any tension between you two. There obviously is."
Sanghyuk waves it off, smiling. "Nothing I can't fix, though, trust me hyung."
Behind him, Taekwoon smiles knowingly.
Hongbin is the last one of the classroom to leave, after asking a few questions to the teacher. He gets out of the school lost in his thoughts, mind drifting slowly towards Sanghyuk's stupid face and obnoxious laugh. At one time in the year, he probably found him rather worth-dating, but right now, with mid-terms exams approaching added to his duties in student council, he can't afford getting distracted like at the beginning of the year, dragging Sanghyuk in empty classes to make out, walking him home talking nonsense until dinner time, dropping by pretexting tutoring sessions that ended up in the younger's bed.
Hongbin stopped that a while ago, right before Sanghyuk's pranks started. He thought that Sanghyuk wasn't hurt though, he thought they were good. But everytime he sees the younger's face, hears his voice, copes with his pranks, he can't find an alternative way that doesn't consist in either pulling him in a kiss or getting excessively mad.
His train of thoughts is stopped by the sudden appearance of Sanghyuk, waving at him with a wide grin on his face. He scoffs.
"What do you want again?"
"Let's walk home together!"
Hongbin grits his teeth, flickering the other's forehead. "What if I don't want to?"
"You don't have to walk me home. I'll walk you home."
"You're going to follow me in any way, aren't you."
Sanghyuk beams. "You know me well."
Hongbin sighs, running a hand through his hair. He starts to walk.
"Fine.", he grumbles, "But keep your hands for yourself, will you?"
They walk side by side in silence, at first ; Hongbin looking everywhere but in Sanghyuk's direction, Sanghyuk happily pacing next to Hongbin, glancing at him from time to time. As they stop at a crossroad, waiting for cars to pass, Sanghyuk leans in to peck him out of the blue. Hongbin groans.
"The hell you're doing?", he exclaims, maybe a bit loud, both anger and desire flowing in his blood.
"You said hands, not lips."
"What is wrong with you, really? Am I not clear enough when saying that we're done?"
Sanghyuk pouts. "Come on, hyung, I know you didn't mean it."
Boiling with anger, upset against the younger and himself, Hongbin spits out harshly: 
"I don't like you. It was funny for a while, but I don't want to do it again, am I clear this time? I don't have time anymore to play with you."
It might be completely false, and Hongbin knows it perfectly, but seeing the hurt look in Sanghyuk's eyes, he knows it has the escompted effect. The younger's smile falters, and he steps back.
He bids him weakly goodbye before turning around. 
Hongbin knows his house is in the other direction, but he guesses that Sanghyuk doesn't want to walk with him anymore. He lets out a sigh, heart maybe tugging just a little in his chest. 
For the next day, and the week after, Sanghyuk doesn't prank Hongbin anymore. It would certainly be relieving, if he didn't avoid him as well. No more "hyung!" happily shouted at him during his breaks, no more bickering during the weekly student council meeting, no more excited bouncing next to him, no even more crossing paths and saying hello in the corridors. It upsets Hongbin to no end.
"What have you done again?", Hakyeon corners him after the meeting, frowning slightly. "There isn't simple tension anymore, now there's awkwardness as well!"
Hongbin purses his lips. "Let me handle that. I just have to catch Sanghyuk before he runs away again."
Hakyeon lets him go, with a last recommandation: "Make up with him!"
Hongbin gives him thumbs up before running after Sanghyuk. He manages to grab him by the wrist and pulls him in an empty classroom -although not without a weird sensation of déjà vu-, slamming the door behind them.
"What is it, hyung?", Sanghyuk frowns, obviously displeased by the way he acted.
Hongbin snaps. "Don't you hyung me, you . You know perfectly what I want."
"What, do you have time to play with me again? You're coming to claim your toy back?"
"Stop that. You know I didn't mean it that way.
Sanghyuk scoffs, crossing his arms defensively. "I don't pretend to know anymore what you mean and what you don't."
"Don’t make this difficult."
"You’re the one making it difficult! I never know what you’re up to! One day you’re saying you want me to get lost, and yet here you are making a fuss because I’m not talking to you! What’s wrong with you?! Why are you upset with whatever I do?!"
"You want know what's really upsetting about you? You want me to tell you the truth?", Hongbin nearly yells. Sanghyuk purses his lips.
"I'm mad, because you're so stubborn I want to rip my hair off ; you stick with me when I try to push you away, and when I want to settle things you refuse to listen to me! I'm mad, because I try to study but I can't focus with your stupid pranks and stupid face that I see everywhere, everyday! I'm mad, because I thought ending whatever was going on between us would allow me to work more efficiently, but all I can think of is you, bugging into my life uninvited! I'm mad, because you know perfectly that I don't want you out of my life, neither do I want you to prank me everyday! Am I clear enough now?!"
Sanghyuk opens and closes his mouth a few times, before spitting back:
"Well, what am I supposed to do with that?!"
"I don't know!"
"Too bad because I don't either!"
They stay face to face for a few seconds, glaring furiously at the other.
"I'm not mad-kissing you!", Hongbin lets out completely out of the blue. It's completely false, of course, because after cooling down, he realises that maybe, he wants to go back where things were before all of this prank-crap began.
"Well, I don't want you to!"
"I don't believe you."
He lowers his voice, face coming closer.
This is completely ed up, he thinks, and he also knows there are still plenty things to fix between them, but right now, all that he wants to do is to claim the other his, from the tip of his toes to the end of his locks.
"If you kiss me now...", Sanghyuk warns him a last time, eyes flickering to stare at his lips, "We're not going back at being simply friends."
Technically, Hongbin respects what he said earlier ; he's not mad-kissing Sanghyuk. The kiss is ferm, but not harsh ; he might be a bit too hungrily nibbling on his lips, might slip his tongue in the other's mouth with urge, but there isn't any trace of anger in his gestures, simply the rush to feel once again the younger pressed against him, surrending to him. He doesn't stop at one ; making up for all those missed kisses during the past month, enjoying the feeling of Sanghyuk's lips pressed to his again, the hands behind his nape and the fingers curling up in his hair. They only part when they find themselves struggling for air.
"I'm still mad. And I still don't like you.", Hongbin feels the need to remind the younger, even though the latter statement tends to become more of a lie than the complete truth.
"You're still kissing me.", Sanghyuk observes, a smile already menacing to blossom on his plumped lips. Hongbin must do something to stop it.
He kisses him again.
To hell mid-terms.

Is it just me or does the plot is like the one in "Things Han Sanghyuk does"? (for those who read it) hahahaha I guess I like to write angry Hongbin.

Did you like it? Feel free to drop by to say some sweet sweet words or request something! I write every pairing, people, so don't be afraid to ask for something other than HyukBin (even if I'm a hardcore HyukBin shipper hahahaha) ;))) :nudges nudges:

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Chapter 6: OMFG RAKEEEEEEEEN >//////<
shihara #2
Chapter 7: You're really good at Writting HyukBin i swear i will vote you for Hyukbin Presidents fansclub if there is one.. thank you so much for HyukBin stories since there ismt much. your writing skill to the plot.. its really really good.. and i really hope you can write longer like chaptered stories.. i love your stories..
Chapter 7: You could write only hyukbin forever and i wouldn't mind at all bc i am as hardcore a shipper of them as you are //cries ... Also, a top!hyuk wouldn't do any harm would it *winkwink* ily so much!! <3 you write so beautifully i cry
MyCuteBunny #5
Chapter 7: My god this is so goddamn cute idek lucky hyukkie has hongbin to teach him how to kiss while I got no one and no experience (I sound so pitiful otl) bless you for writing this <3
changminri #6
Chapter 7: More NEO pls♥
emmyrose #7
Chapter 7: As a girl that's never been kissed by anyone on the lips before this ff is making me rethink my entire lack of a love life x_x.. i liked it... thank you ^_^ and noooo HyukBin is the reason the earth rotates ☆_☆ keep writing them
Red-tea-Leaf #8
Chapter 4: I loved it... seriously this was the smartest thing u could ever do for your own studying *worships ur creativity*
emmyrose #9
Chapter 4: I'm like beyond happy you don't understand... That was probably the hottest I've ever read..why? Because the attention Hyuk was getting from Hongbin was so oveoverwhelming... like you wrote this in such a way that made me feel as though it was like Hongbin was silently worshipping Hyuk's body and gosh danggit tht was so a top Hongbin is always the best ☆_☆ and omg Binnie does look super hot with his glasses and Sanghyuk squirming under his every touch omg yessss Thank you~ I loved this! I swear you write better with a good plot line in your one shots than the entire fifty shades of grey saga...