First meeting

we got married

Script session 1



As Sehun was already sitting in the room , he was waiting for his virtual wife. He was a little nervous about whos his partner was. He knew he was about to start a new romance with someone he didnt know.

And the door opens....

Suddenly what appear in front of him, was no one but his favorite noona...


Sehun is now shock and gets up from his chair : noona what are you doing here ??

BoA: sorry i forgot to introduce myself. My name is BoA and ill be your virtual wife on We Got Married.

Sehun cant still not believe whats going now..

Sehun: but noona i thought you already decline it...

BoA : yes i did but after i thought about that it again, its not a bad thing right? Its not like i committed a crime so why should i care about what people think about me ? And also i wannatry something new and know more about my dongseng. Since i am in the first line of sunbae, the experience will make me become closer to you guys .

Sehun: you really meant it ? Youre not lying ?

BoA: come on Sehunnie, why would i lie to you. I dont lie you know

After hearing this, Sehun heart feels lighter and the corner of his lips finally curved :)





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D-Hime #1
Chapter 10: Hahahahahaha. Way to go, Sehun! I'm sure he's so happy!!! Me too. Maybe BoA is his ideal girl? Her height is 163 cm, right? Close enough. Hahahaha. XD
Yay HunBoA :D