Found You

Forget Me Not
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“So, is Taehyung going to try and work things out with Juhyun now?”

Wendy’s question had caught him off guard, after all this was supposed to be their night. It was her idea to spend the evening together in the first place since according to her, it felt as if they haven’t seen each other in forever. He had happily obliged, thinking this was the one time where the only thing they would be focusing on was them, but he should’ve known better, ever since Seungwan had learned of Taehyung’s attempted closure with Sooyoung, she hadn’t stopped bugging him about Taehyung.

“Babe, you know it’s going to take longer than a week for that boy to move on,” he responded.

“It’s been eight years. How much longer does he need?”

“I know, but Taehyung’s been in love with her for eight years, I’d imagine it to be harder than we think, you know saying goodbye and all.”

He heard her scoff, but knew she had understand from the way she had repositioned herself in his arms meaning the conversation was now closed. The two were currently laying on the couch watching god knows what after a delicious dinner cooked by Seungwan herself, another reason why he couldn’t possibly say no to their evening together; Seungwan was a fantastic cook plus dinner was always accompanied by dessert.

And besides, it wouldn’t be fair to Juhyun if Taehyung went immediately back to her, though he wanted nothing more than the two of them to get back to together. To be honest, it hadn’t been fair for her since the very beginning of their relationship, but the past was the past and if Juhyun was willing to forgive him and wait for him, then so be it. He really couldn’t see anyone else that fitted better with Taehyung than Junhyun. The only problem was, he didn’t exactly know how much time Taehyung needed and if Juhyun was really willing to wait as long as he needed her too. He could only pray that Taehyung wouldn’t take too long, because by the time he realized it may be too late.

“I do wonder where she is though, Sooyoung I mean. Like what exactly happened to her to cause her to disappear from the face of the earth. From the way you were describing it, it seemed like not even the townspeople knew what happened to her.” Yoongi nodded his head, he wondered that too. No one just picks up their bag and leaves like that. Could she perhaps been running from something? Whatever the reason, he knew that the only person other than Sooyoung herself was the grandmother who had raised her, but unfortunately Taehyung had come too late for she had already passed on by the time he had returned.

“She died from a broken heart,” they had told Taehyung. The whole ordeal was quite sad and the more he thought about it, the more he thought he could understand where Taehyung was coming from. If love was indeed what he had felt at the mere age of 16, he could only imagine what it must have felt like having to move half way across the world only to come back to learn that his love one was gone and the only family member of his loved one had left, was no longer living thus no explanation of what was going on.

His eyes went down to where Seungwan was nestled against his side. The thought of her suddenly disappearing crossed his mind and for the first time since learning about Sooyoung, his heart ached for Taehyung for he didn’t think he could ever forget Wendy if he was to one day loose her like Taehyung had lost Sooyoung.

Taehyung wasn’t really a coffee person, but for some reason that particular evening as he was making his way home from work, he suddenly had the craving for some. As soon as he entered the coffee shop, he was suddenly overcome with a feeling of ease. Perhaps this was why Hoseok loved getting coffee or it could just be that Seulgi happened to own the particular coffee shop he visited frequently. It wasn’t too busy and after getting his drink, he situated himself at an empty table by the window.

From the window, he watched as on goers made their way to their destinations. He assumed most were headed home and he quickly looked at his watch.

6:15 pm

He really ought to be getting back, but decided he’d stay a little while longer. Besides, it wasn’t like there was anything he had to do and there was definitely no one waiting for him in his apartment. A group of students pa

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setirram08 #1
Chapter 1: hi! no more update? please update authornim
ShawolElf4EVah #2
Chapter 5: fgdjhdkfgsfg i love love love it already (ofc it's your story omg) please update soon authornim ;; <3 hwaiting!
rrinna #3
Chapter 5: pleaseee update authornim...
Vilyesss #4
Chapter 5: please update authornim...
i really love it
Chapter 5: I have something in mind about joy's job...but i really hope it isn't that tho.
Update pleasee:)
victoriaiueo #6
Chapter 5: Okay this is interesting^^ so what is sooyoung job? And what exactly happens to uri sooyoung until she change completely? Hope taehyun can make sooyoung back like before. And what about juhyun? Just don't let her ruin joy and taehyun relationship okay? Update soon please I'm waiting^^
shinjein #7
Chapter 5: Update pls
Chapter 5: I'm dyinggg what happened to Joy? What is her relationship with Sehun? And are we going to see more of SugaxWendy?
Please update soon or I'm gonna suffer.
heartwilldrive #9
Chapter 5: Waiting for updates!