
Deadly Crusade ︻╦╤─ | APPLY CLOSED








Character Name: Choi Alexanya
Face Claim: Kite
Plotline: Scythe

Author's Message
Hihi! So this is my character Alex aka Jet! 
My app is still continuously going under construction but what is in the app will be overall of who my character is. 
Please feel free to read it and get to know her!

You may use this app as an example if you are unsure of anything. I have written a lot in specific detail but yours don't have to be as detailed if you don't want to. But please try to be specific if you can.

Click the name at the top for the link to the blog post!

northmelon — chosen



Character Name: Lee Kangji
Face Claim: The J
Plotline: Guns & Grenades

Co-Author's Message
I got too lazy by the last part...but here's my app it's finally done!!! I'm writing this at night so bad grammar? it I ain't writing the chapters XD But's definitely gonna go under construction so there will be editing every now and then cause the character will be developed more as I come up with more ideas for the story. I already thought a lot when writing about him but it's only the beginning XD But oh well...we'll see what happens...

smhh9837 — Chosen

Hound dog


Character Name: Chang MinKyung
Face Claim: Lee Dansom
Plotline: Hand-to-Hand Combat

Author's Review
OK! First of all, thanks so much for being the first to apply! Both Ming and I are very excited to have started this!
Now, let's get down to business.

Face Claim: First of all, let me just say that I really like that you chose Dasom as your face claim. She really suits your character and MAN is she hot!
Appearance/Fashion Style: I like your description here. It's very detailed and reflects her personality a lot!
Personality: Same goes here of what I said about your appearance/fashion style. Very detailed and I appreciate how you bolded all her traits to show her good and her bad. Great balance! However, you used the word "" quite a bit in your final paragraph. Can you find a word to substitue that? First of all, it sound repetitive and second, the word "" doesn't much explain why or how she is so.
Background: I'm a little confused on something, her brother died when she was sixteen due to a street fight? That kind of doesn't make sense story wise. The war started 3 years ago and your character is currently 19 years old. This means that her brother got involved in a fist fight and died the same year war was going on.
Also, being three years into the war, can you explain more about her life during that time? Also, it's war. Yes, there will be people alive here and there but most of them who remain in Korea are either controlled by the government or in hiding, making it so that there actually isn't much "mobs" or "crowds" to hide in. It makes sense if you're talking about the mobs against the government (because there will always be those who are not under the mind control who will try to go against the government and rebel) which causes them to get killed but that'll be earlier on in the war which kind of doesn't make sense now.
It's an interesting background! The fix really added onto tension of her past. Great job!
Trivia: This section is generally okay. I just want to know, what do you mean by "she sleeps around?" I just find that a little confusing...
Friends/Family: This is fine. I'm feeling a little uncomfortable of the fact that the descriptions are all very vague. You wrote breathing/not breathing to explain their current state but do you mind explaining how they died and such? You don't have to do that but it would be nice if we can know a little more about the people your character associates with.
Skills: I really admire of how detailed this section is. I can visualize her being a part of the team quite well. Her skills are truly amazing.

Overall, I like your character. We can definitely have someone like her on the team. The main thing I found was the background but that's really it. Your grammar overall was fine too so don't stress out!
I'm sorry if this review was a little long for you (> <) I have a bad habit of writing a lot. You will be put under pending until you fix your app.
Your app looks fine now. You're still under pending since we're still waiting for Ming's review. 
Other than that, great job and thanks for being the first applicant! 

Co-Author's Review fixed everything before I can get to you ._. loool I guess I'll just say the good parts then XD. I really like the character...she's like very just and I could clearly see how her childhood experiences actually developed her personality. Plus you gave me a lot of ideas for chapters like meeting up with Eunmi and Henry or getting close to one of the girl and do some brother talks XD And the background is ok I mean orphan becoming street fighter does exist and Lee Dasom suits the character so well...on point! And this girl likes vodka not beer guys XDDD that's prob smth I could use XDDD but yea, you character was really attractive and she sounds like a interesting person to portray.

-birdy — ACCEPTED



Character Name: Hao Jia 
Face Claim: Niaomi Neo
Plotline: Nunchucks

Author's Review
Overall, Jia is a cool character to have in the team. I can picture a lot of the conflicts that may arise with her around which might be quite interesting. I also like how she's very tomboyish but not to a point where she's a total tomboy. I like the overall idea.
Just to put this out there, I love her friends (Amber! My bias!)

I didn't find anything wrong with your app. In fact, thanks for being so specific and detailed. I was able to imagine your character quite well. 

I will put you as pending for now until the co-author reviews your app. But great job so far!

Co-Author's Review
She cracks me up XD like no joke XD. When I read the she gets bored of the boys cause they're all the same, oh god it's so true I LOL! Ok shall we do this Mya? I can def see a lot of conflict if we have another power-house on the team XD. Just one question, where's da daddy? I was just wondering you can just answer that in the comments.  I actually dont see any problem...but let me jst tell you the scene requests, I was already thinking of them while reading your app XDDD But yea I enjoy reading your app! Thanks for applying!!!

Memoyera20 — rejected



Character Name: Haruko Misao
Face Claim: Sul
Plotline: Fan/Tessen

Author's Review
I like Mi. She's a really nice fit to this type of weapon. I can imagine her very well.

Birthdate: I'm sorry if I'm sounding a little mean, but I would like to know, did you read the cheatsheet? The cheatsheet says "keep in mind that it's currently the year 2094; your character can't be born in 1994 and be 100 years old" but in your app, you actually wrote that she's born in 1994, which means she's currently 100 years old and she's probably dead by now. 

Current Location: The cheatsheet also says "please write down where your character is sheltering" but when I read your app, you didn't do so. 
See, we need this information because when a character in the fic comes to recruit your character into the team, they need to know their location in order to find them. Please fix that.

Background: I like how you have described how she lives and what she's learned (her dancing skills really work well with the fan btw). But currently, we're 3 years into the war, can you describe more of what happened? How did her parents die? Where was she when the war started? Now that she's alone, how is she keeping herself alive? Please expand on things like that and add more if you can.

Although I really like your character, I'm quite disappointed in your app because I have stated specifically in the rules that you need to follow the cheatsheet. The cheatsheet is there for a reason and it's to give you reminders as well as tips on how to fill out your app. It's not supposed to be something you randomly skim over and say "okay! This is easy! I'll just fill it out!" Even so, I think you didn't read through the whole storyline in the foreword either because the title also specifically says "In the Year 2094". That storyline gives out hints of what's currently going on in the future Korea and what it looks like, giving you a brief idea before filling out the app. 

I'm sorry if I sounded mean or rude in this review. I truly am. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings in anyway but it really makes me feel disrespected when people don't follow the intructions. Please read over the cheatsheet carefully and the storyline before fixing your app. 

Thanks for making those changes. I no longer see any problems with your app. But I will still put you under pending until Ming does her review.

Co-Author's Review
Haha sorry for the late review>< but since you fixed up some minor mistake then shall we get going? One thing I saw first is in the personality part where you say she doesn't say nonsense but in the beginning you also mentioned how she will get flustered and say something stupid idk but i feel it is somehow conflicting but if its my misinterpretation then I'm sorry. Other then that, I love how she learned the fan from her mother and it really became better after you fixed up your app.

since the thing i mention might be my mistake, I'll accept you appliction now^^ Thanks for applying!

Twiillaa — ACCEPTED



Character Name: Lee Eunmi
Face Claim: Baek Sumin
Plotline: Fan/Tessen

Author's Review
I didn't actually originally imagine the one who wield the Tessen to be as clumsy as she was. :P I was actually a little shocked from the amount of tattoos this girl has because her personality doesn't make her seem like a person who would constantly go get tattoos all over her body. But I thought this character was quite interesting! It would really be interesting to have her a part of the team. I can imagine a lot of the different scenes in the story! 

I didn't find any problems with your app so I think you're perfectly fine. 
Your app will be currently put under pending until Ming does her review. But great job!

Co-Author's Review
Lol she gave me a good laugh XD Shall we get started then? Like North said, I didn't imagine a tessen wielder to be clumsy either but you know i think its a nice twist and beside, she still acts like a mother right? XD The description and background are all good I really don't see any problem. Not too much to say but she did give me a good time reading about her XD and lol Mark is not her love interest XD maybe we can still get him in the story or smth idk I gotta talk to North about it...but other then that, you're all good! I'll put you under accepted!


esmkseunmi94 — ACCEPTED



Character Name: Kwon Ji Hoon
Face Claim: Lee Dong Hoon
Plotline: Spear

Author's Review
First thing's first, thanks so much for being our first applicant to provide a male character (besides Ming's of course)! But I was honestly happy when I saw that there's FINALLY a male character newly added into the mix.

Getting back to business, I really like how your character is really different from this rest. The war wasn't brought to him but instead, he accidentally brought himself into the war. I really liked that difference. I also liked how he's not those cool and -hole like playboys either. I like the overall concept of him.

I found no problems with your app but until Ming does her review, you'll be put under pending. Great job though!

Co-Author's Review

Thank you so much for waiting for my review>< sorry it took sooo long XDDD First thing first hey there the first boy who applies ;u; ily just saying ;u; but on to the chara shall we? ugh VANCOUVER! YES! MY PLACE MAN ;U; even tho i moved to toronto BUT I LOVE THAT PART XDDD I really like your charac as he does suit the poltline well. I really have this feeling that if we have a all-serious or kinda aggresive character, then I could see him filrting with them just for fun??? idk XD and I feel like if he does get chosen, he'll become the man my chara goes to for love infos ;u; or filrting info...? XD I just feel like he'll be a nice chara to protrait. Nice sobs story but its realistic so it fine^^ and its really funny how he got caught first XD but ya know, its fuuny XD btw face calime is cuuuuute! loool ok that's all i got to say so yeah thanks for applying!

mangaanimelover — ACCEPTED



Character Name: Shin Inhye
Face Claim: Kang Hyeyeon
Plotline: Bow & Arrow

Author's Review
I like Shinhye, she's a cool addition if we ended up choosing her. To be honest, I wasn't expecting the person weilding the bow & arrow to be as cold as she was. But in any case, she fits the storyline really well. I like your back story too. Although it's really sad, it's realistic. 

I'm glad you like this applyfic! 

I didn't see any problems with your review. However, you will be put under pending until Ming does her review. Great ideas!

Co-Author's Review

Hi there Hyun~ SHall we get started with Shinhye? first thing first, I love you face claim XD it really suit the chara and its also really cute! When I first read it, I wsas thinking "great here we have another cold person due to the war...." and tbh, I wasn't looking forwar to reading how the war changed the person and such but as I read your app more, the more excited I go as I read till the end of the background. I actually lovve her story and its really sad when she had to kill her own sister. It's a good sob so good job ;u; lol you included Kangji in your app XD I guess she bother to talk to him eh? LOL btw love the quote ;) other than that I can't say much other then praising you XD you did a wonderful job on the app and thank you for applying!

hyunieamakusa — ACCEPTED



Character Name: Kim Jaehyun
Face Claim: Park Hyun Seok

Author's Review

Just so you know, I litterally broke out in excitement and happiness to see your application. ANOTHER MALE CHARACTER! Lol. Anyways, back to the review.
First of all, I have never imagined a erted character on the team AT ALL so that was new. I like Hyun Seok. He would be a really nice addition to the team. I can also picture really well, incorporating your scene request into the story. The only problem I have is that you never talked about the family and friends that he has. The cheatsheet did say that you need to specify whether they're dead or alive and their relationship. Their relationships being how close they are and what kind of people he associates himself with. Also, for the mastery section, you must specify how he uses the sais to his advantage and how he came about learning to use it. If you would like him to learn how to use the weapon later on, please specify so.
The cheatsheet has also mentioned something about the password which you left as it was. Thus, I must ask you to re-read the cheatsheet CAREFULLY as specified in the rules and fill out your app accordingly. You will be put under pending until your app is fixed. However, I must warn you that if you do not follow the cheatsheet after the second review, your app will not be accepted, also specified in the rules.

Sorry for taking so long and thank you for fixing the app. You are now accepted.

Co-Author's Review

Ohhhh hello another male applicant ouo. I'm very happy that you applied as a malewhich mean we're one step closer XD. Of course the mistakes you made was pointed out by North already so I won't mention them again but I do hopeyou fix them. One thing I want to point out is that I feel like our chara will go against each other for a while consider my chara likes to plan everything out clearly and of course he uses gun XD. But you know, its gonna be fun and such^^ and seriously, I want to see him act around some of the serious girls on the team XD it would be really fun to see their reaction too XD. On the other hand, I feel like he will find good friendships and such and maybe some who can "tame" him XD. But that's all I'm gonna say but please make sure to fix your app^^ thanks for applying!

Amazonazafrina — accepted



Character Name: Hwang Jaeha
Face Claim: Nam Woong
Plotline: Battle Axe

Author's Review
Ok, first of all, thanks for being the third ever person to apply for a male role! Ming and I are so greatful of that.
Second of all, holy crap. You were the ONLY person who followed EVERY SINGLE POINT OF THE CHEATSHEET! THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR DOING THAT! I WAS SO HAPPY! 
Thirdly, I love Jaeha's sense of humour. He reminds me so much of my friend who also has quite the morbid sense of humour. So I can imagine writing him into the story so well! He'd fit in so well!
Fifthly, I see nothing wrong with your app. I adore how much details you've incorporated and I absolutely love Jaeha so so much! Thanks so much for applying! You will be put under pending until Ming has done her review.

Co-Author's Review

Coming Soon...

exotic_213 — pending



Character Name: Hong Kitaek
Face Claim: Janghyeon
Plotline: Battle Axe

Author's Review

Co-Author's Review

_hooray — Reviewing



Character Name:
Face Claim:

Author's Review

Co-Author's Review

username — status



Character Name:
Face Claim:

Author's Review

Co-Author's Review

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Character Name:
Face Claim:

Author's Review

Co-Author's Review

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Character Name:
Face Claim:

Author's Review

Co-Author's Review


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Character Name:
Face Claim:

Author's Review

Co-Author's Review

username — status

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eheh, happy birthday North.
/pops dollar store confetti
esmkseunmi94 #2
Chapter 13: Good luck to all the applicants!
Chapter 13: Omg i completely forgot abaout this because holiday ;;;; gotta finish my app asap ddskjsbdjdbs
Chapter 3: The deadline is pretty close so I hope you guys get more apps soon. I can't wait to see who you guys choose and read the story when the time comes.
Chapter 2: this is interesting ouo
but maybe I should put extra effort in this lel
esmkseunmi94 #6
Chapter 2: w-when is the deadline again? ;;
Chapter 3: I fixed everything,or so I hope!
The red is what I fixed/added.
Chapter 2: hey!!
is it okay to use a model as faceclaim? i know you've said you only want ulzzangs to be used, but it's really hard to find "normal-looking" male ulzzangs (imo, they usually wear too much makeup).
adasdakdj the adv on my wall ;-; im in the middle of filling my app tbh