Deadly Crusade ︻╦╤─ | Code Name: Falcon | Spear

Kwon Jihoon


Kwon Jihoon


username: MangaAnimeLover

nickname: N/A

activity rate: 5/10


name: Kwon Jihoon

nickname: Ji

birthdate: June, 15 2069

birthplace//hometown: Vancouver, Canada // Seoul, Korea

Current location: In an abandoned warehouse

ethnicity: Korean-Canadian

language: English: Fluent

outer image

face claim: Lee Dong Hoon

gallery Link

backup face claim: Tae Yang



fashion style: Casual - Link 1 | Link 2      Battle - Link 1



He's very casual in appearance, with straight brown hair. He doesn't normally like to deal with his hair since it never gets overly messy even when he wakes up. He's the type who just wears t-shirt, jeans and sneakers on a regular basis and maybe a hoodie if it gets chilly outside. But that's really it. 

Inner image

He's very playful and fun. Ji really likes to go out and be adventurous with his friends. You can constantly find him outside somewhere whether if it's at the mall or in the park. Although, he can be very worrysome, especially for his guardian, because he never goes home until it's midnight. 

If you happen to be sad or out of it that day, he's the man you look for to consalt your woes with as he cheers you back up. He always knows how to put smile on people's faces and is good at keeping secrets. Skillful with his words to be direct without being rude. 

The secrets he keeps aren't only just abut other people but also about himself. This makes him mysterious and secretive because he may seem very open and happy 24/7 but in truth, he has never revealed anything about himself. If you want him to reveal something to you, you'll have to know how to get to him and pry it out of his mouth without being forceful.


A way he does this is that he constantly wears a poker face. You can never tell if he's sad, mad, truly happy or bored because he always wears a smile on his face. No one is able to tell his true emotions because he had grown up to not worry people by ever letting them know his negative emotions making him more or less decieving. But becareful of what you say, because if you make him angry, he won't ever show it but he'll let you know by getting back at you with some "friendly" revenge. And by that, he'll either physically hurt you by "accidentally" tripping you with a smile on his face or giving you mean and rude comments to hurt you emotionally, also with a smile.

He's also your everyday playboy you meet in high school. Knows just how to get girls to like him and how to get himself noticed. If you ever see him in the hallways, you'll always catch him either chatting away with his guy friends or flirting with some girls. He has dated numerous girls before but mostly ends up breaking hearts after less than a year because he is never whole-heartedly committed to a relationship. However, even if he has dated someone before and they've broken up, he knows well how to keep the friendship between them without making things awkward. 

But when it comes to working for either other people or academically, he will never be the first the back out or give up. In fact, he'll never give up until he gets it done. The bad thing about that is that if he ever gets overly passion about something, he'll over work himself without any food or sleep. He can overstress himself which is not only bad for his health but also causing those around him to worry. He's overly persistant and won't stop thinking about it or doing it until he reaches his goal. Just like a Falcon, he'll set a goal and head straight towards it without any hesitation.

Altogether, this makes him overly selfless. Others always comes before himself which causes him to get into dangerous situations often. 




Ji was born an orphan. His parents were unknown but he never questioned why. He knew that his parents left him for a reason and that his parents had left him at the orphange for his own good. 

He was right to assume that because the truth was that his mother was pregnant with him when she had divorced with his father. His father was an abusive alcoholic. If he had known that she was pregnant with him, he would've wanted the child and abuse him like a slave. However, she was completely incapable to take care of herself let alone a child. So when he was born, she handed him over to an orphanage. His mother had left him and completely disappeared, leaving him with a name after her own last name, Kwon.

No one at the orphange had ever adopted him because all he did was wait. On days when to-be parents came into the orphange in search for a child, he would always "accidentally" miss the meetings by deliberately hiding somewhere in or out of the orphange because he doesn't want to be adopted. He wanted his old parents back to come back and take him away. But that day never came. But he was never mad at them for not coming for him. He knew that they must've had their reasons.
The woman responsible for the orphanage looked after him instead throughout the years as if he was her own child but never claimed him to be for she knew he held his name closely to his heart. 

Growing up, he became friends with many childern at the orphanage. But because those children were always adopted and never came back, he grew to never really be committed to a friendship. He knew that friendships didn't last and that made its way into his romantic relationships too. He turned into a complete playboy as he made his way into high school, with friends of all different sorts. 

In elementary, he always took an interest in airplanes, which was a career he dreamed to pursue. He later went to college to become a pilot and graduated at the age of 20. He became a trainee for many years. 

At the age of 23, he was to ride on a plane set to go to South Korea from Canada. Accepting the job, he landed right into a desserted battlefield. Everyone on the plane was kidnapped, including him, and taken into North Korea to get their chips implanted. But the soldiers failed to do a proper head count so he managed to escape at night when the soldiers slept on the road.


Currently, he lives in a clothing warehouse where he sleeps on piles of clothing and goes out once in a while for food. 


- playing
- joking around
- making people happy
- music


- people who try to pry words out of him

- bugs

- watching people cry



- throwing darts
- piloting an airplane
- running



- smiling 24/7

- skillfully avoiding questions concerning his background

- over working himself
- flirting with every girl he enconters



- he was taught to play the guitar by a homeless man on the streets

- graduated college to become a pilot

- currently a pilot trainee

- took up wushu since his late elementary years and mastered the spear

- can cook



•Im Eun-bi | 60 years | She's the owner of the orphanage that Ji lives in. She's currently still alive since she's back in Canada


He never had any real or permenant friends


plotline: Spear

Main weapon: He carries around a bag of wooden spears that he has made himself. Later on in the story, he is given a proper, steel spear which has a detachable head for different uses. The head can be switched to different heads for uses such as grappling, killing, etc. It can also retract for easy transportation.


In his late elementary school years, he had taken on Wushu and was taught to master the spear. He has amazing accuracy and strength, allowing him to strike his victims up to 50 meters away. He also has a very nimble body which allows him to move very fast. 


comments/suggestions: I came up with this idea from the prologue. I hope he fits in with the storyline!

scene requests:

- After seeing what kind of weapons Ji has been using, Boss provides him with a new and better weapon as described in the Mastery Section

password: "Don't you trust me?"

turn inback to the story


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