unlike others

neck deep

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zelo (b.a.p) & joy (red velvet)
this is how they are, and they won't have it any other way 

He meets this girl, and she has really cool hair. It's somewhat strawberry blonde, but when he squints his eyes at her hair under the faint blue and white lights and when the proximity between them as they dance and grind and lose themselves in each other gets closer than ever, he realizes it's much darker to be strawberry blonde.  

It's like a faint, pastel color that he doesn't see much on girls. The song changes and it's upbeat and so she moves closer and her hand is behind his neck and he's breathing in her scent and their lips are just inches apart that if one of them takes one step forward or even one step back, their lips will connect and they'll be off to euphoria, totally lost in each other's arms.

Her eyes are fiery, and she smirks and he thinks it's so hot that he can't help himself down there. She leans in and is right on his ear, and his grip on her hips tightens. "I'm Sooyoung, by the way." it's a whisper and it's low but he can hear it despite the constant dum dum dum of the speakers above their heads. "Park Sooyoung." 

He swallows. "Junhong." He's not as smooth as her, she might as well be silk and he, rough cotton. "Ch - Choi Junhong." 

"Pleasure to meet you. Shall we go somewhere private?"

He worries over how she leads him by the hand, how she directs and guides him through the swaying bodies and heavy scent of the people around them. He gets nervous all of a sudden when they reach a door, and when the bouncer steps aside, nodding, to let them through. Junhong wants to scream for help at him because he's no good at anything that requires a bed except for sleeping, it'd be his first time, and he knows nothing.

Another door opens and it's cold all of a sudden as the wind blows in and they step out, her hand still very much in his. 

Her idea of 'somewhere private' was far from different than his own. 

"Where are we?" he says, blinking to adjust to the dim surroundings. It looked like a rooftop of sorts, and he was right because she confirmed it. He suddenly felt foolish for his thoughts. "The rooftop," he repeats her words and the color drains from his face. He suddenly can't look at her.

"I know it's cliche and all, but.." she places her elbows over the railings and sighs when she looks up at the sky. 

There are no stars, the lights of the city are too bright for them to be seen. 

She never finished her sentence, but Junhong doesn't want her too. He moves closer towards her, their arms brushing when he places his own over the railings, letting his hands dangle as he looks at her. "Don't worry, we all like cliche from time to time."

Sooyoung turns to look at him, and when she smiles, he feels so good inside that he smiles back.

We went to the same school, we were classmates, we were neighbors, we were childhood friends, we went to the same library, we went to the same gym, we met at work, she was an old friend, we met on the airplane, we met on the bus, we met on the street when I dropped my things and she helped me pick them up - a billion excuses for first meetings, and Junhong met Sooyoung in a club, on his birthday. 

They didn't kiss, they didn't even hug. She gave him her number and a smile so sincere, he felt like that was more than enough. 



Junhong feels as though he's stupid, because he's blinking in confusion when he looks at Sooyoung, his hands still outstretched with the bouquet of red roses in his left while a teddy bear carrying a pillow with the words "you're my number one" etched on it was on his right. He had chocolates in his bag, and he was going to give it to her after she was going to hug him but that never happened.

"Wa - wait, you don't want these?"

Sooyoung leans against the doorframe to her apartment as she shakes her head, a smirk forming. "Junhong, I thought I told you I don't celebrate Valentine's with my boyfriends. I know you like cliche, but this is too much. Just drop those and come here, we can have a cuddle fest and some movies."

He feels even more stupid now because how could he forget the words she said to him a few days ago? He shakes those thoughts of and places the bouquet and teddy bear on the ground by her door, thinking someone from her floor might take interest in it. "I'm not going to give away the chocolates though." he says when he enters her apartment.

She closes the door behind her, then shrugs. "That's fine, I could use some sugar."

He smiles, and she wraps her arms around his neck in a way that seemed like she had been doing that for a long time now. Their lips find each other's and he kisses her as if he's breathing in oxygen for the first time. 


It was always Junhong that made a fool out of himself during special occasions, always clumsy Junhong that would get embarrassed but would be kissed to comfort later on by his girlfriend. It's because he's forgetful, and not to mention careless, that he gets into trouble sometimes when it comes down to making Sooyoung feel more than the sum of her parts. 

But now, the tables have turned and Sooyoung is in front of him as he crosses his arms and looks over at her, with the bewildered hair and the wide-shocked eyes and the y get-up that consisted of a cocktail dress too short for his standards.

"Oh God, don't tell me, it's -" she places her fingers on her temples and closes her eyes shut, trying to remember what special occasion fell on today's date. "it's.. our monthsary? Ten months now, hm?"

"Nope," he says, shaking his head.


"Not at all."

"Let me think, let me think," she says in a hurried tone that lets him know she really is worried, and she really does care of what he thinks. It's endearing, in a way, and it makes him take a step closer towards her, just to envelop Sooyoung in a warm hug. "It's the day where we shared out first kiss?" she tries, hopeful, but even her tone suggests she's not sure. 

She places her hands on his strong arms as she's trapped inside his hug, and she places her chin on his shoulder, tilting her head a little to the side in defeat. 

Junhong laughs and shakes his head again. "Not even close, Sooyoung." 

"I - it's... oh." she has this epiphany and Junhong tries not to laugh when he looks down at her beet-red, totally embarrassed looking face. "Oh, it's, it's, October 15 today... isn't it? I am such an idiot."  

"That's fine." He feels himself grinning, despite himself. He's not hurt in the leas bit, just a little amused. Okay, maybe a lot more than 'a little'. "This is how we both are, and I won't have you any other way." he tries to kiss her, but she ducks and avoids him by hiding her face in her hands and burying herself on his chest, away from his view.

"You're not mad?" she says, parting her fingers so he could see her sad, sad eyes. He thinks she is fairly cute like this. "I'd feel better if you were. I'm sorry. I'm a terrible girlfriend."

"You're not. You're fine, actually, you're more than fine." he pries her hands from her face and kisses her nose, making it crinkle when she looks up at him. "You're an awesome girlfriend, Sooyoung."  

It makes her smile, and she still seems down but she tells him; "Happy Birthday" in a bright tone, nevertheless. 





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Chapter 4: Wendy x hanbin or Wendy x bobby pls? x)
jaegi_ #2
Mino x Seulgi juseyo. Hanbin x Seulgi juseyo like wth i love ya.
mrschenchen #3
Chapter 11: Mark and Wendy, Krystal and Seungyoon please
Chapter 11: L.joe and Sohyun!
Yerin and Yugyeom? hahaha
Wendy and Chen
Luna and Onew hiuhihiuh
Minhyuk (CN Blue) and Krystal
hyeyamong #5
Chapter 11: Jinwoo and irene ! I ship them so much I even don't know why .. they doesn't have any interaction but I just can't stop to ship them ! And yeri and jungkook .. I don't know why I ship them too .. lol
nadxiaT #6
Chapter 11: Mino and seulgi pleaseee or joy and hanbin
Chapter 11: mark x wendy
mino x seulgi
pls o/
Chapter 11: Jimin (15&) x Jimin (BTS) please...
cleopatra123 #9
Chapter 11: I'd like to read Kang Seungyoon x Wendy .it would be nice if I have read this couple from you (:
Chapter 11: JinhwanxSuhyun please? Hahaha