
School AU - Dormmates

It's Midnight; one student was still awake after the light was off.



“Hi Jinki, hope I didn't wake you up.”

Naah I was just studying, why are you still awake at this time?”

“My roommate snoring sounds like a running bulldozer, I can't sleep.”

 «And you called me because you couldn't sleep?”

“That’s a part of it. Just hold on a second”


Jinki could hear some random noise through the phone.


“I am back, anyway Jinki; you are not going to believe it.”

 Even through the phone this scene was too familiar.

“Lemme guess, there’s a girl that likes you.” Jinki answers, sarcasm in his tone. 

“Whoa, how did you know? “

“Lucky guess” Jinki chuckles.

“Anyway look, I found this girl, she's really nice and top of that she’s kinda cute and I think she has likes me.”

“Of course she would, who wouldn’t fall for the charms of Mr. Lee Taemin.” Jinki  teases.

“Shut up” Taemin replies “this one is different; I think I might have a chance, wish me luck”

“Is this why called me?”

“Just wish me luck”

“Good luck Taemin.”

“Thank you.”

“Are you going to keep calling me every time to talk to me about this?”

“Well If you thought about anything else beside your studies, you'd know that you have to call me back too you know.”

“I do call back… sometimes… when I don't have exams, well at least I don't call you to tell you about my girlfriend.”

“Ok whatever "Mr. i-got-a-girlfriend-even-though-I-said-im-not-interested-in-girls.”

“Shut up'' Jinki laughs, and he could hear Taemin laughing as well.

“I bet she's a nice babe.”

“That’s my girlfriend you are talking about.”

“Yeah whatever Mr. I got-a-girlfriend-now-and-I-wont-let-my-dear-friend-taemin-talk-about.”

''Are you going to say that everytime I say something?"

'Probably, yeah" Taemin answers teasing.

Jinki chuckles it’s been a while since he had such fun chat with anyone, since he had a fun chat with Taemin and he realized for a moment that he had really missed him..


“We should meet up sometimes.”Jinki says suddenly

“What?” Taemin surprised.

“Like yeah, why not?”

“I dunno” Taemin answers in a sarcastic tone “Maybe because we live in different cities?”

“Yea but still it won't take that much time; it's only like a  4 hours ride.”

“I think your studies have turned into a crazy person.”

“My parents live there so you know I can go there on weekends and we can meet.”

 Taemin hesitates.

“How about your studies?” Taemin asks, he was slowly getting convinced by this crazy suggestion.

“It’s only one weekend it's ok for me, and I suppose you don't have much homework to do ?”

“You lived with me for a year; you already know how I deal with homework.” Taemin answers in a cynic tone.

“Yeah”Jinki laughs at Taemin’s answer.


'' I really can't believe it's been almost a year now." Jinki says.

“Me neither, I still sometimes think you'd wake me up in the morning.”

'' What about your new roommate? "

“A first year; I never thought someone could be as lazy as me...I was very wrong."

Jinki chuckles once again. 

"It took me a while to get used to be woken up by a clock, and I still wake up late sometimes, how did you get used to that?”

''Habit… I guess?” Jinki shrugs.and he adds

“I think if I could up finish all my work this week we can meet up this weekend..”

Taemin doesn’t answer back and Jinki thinks that Taemin’s line might have gotten cut off..

“Hello, Taemin?”

«I think the supervisor is checking the dorms, got to go now.” Taemin suddenly whisperes

" Oh ok .. take care."

you, too … I’ll be waiting for you this weekend, don’t be late.”.

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naoli0304 #1
Chapter 6: I feel hurt after rereading this
Chapter 7: Also even tho it was ontae, I cherished the friendship they had and for once I enjoy a story where there's no romance between the two characters
Chapter 7: This was really really sweet. I really liked that the relationship was primarily a good friendship. I definitely want to read more!! Please.
Chapter 3: This is cute, im really liking it ^^