3- Chapter three

School AU - Dormmates




Jinki spent his lunchtime with his classmates discussing one of his finals subjects; their final exams are getting close and everyone seemed to be focused on their preparation.

Jinki was a good student; he worked hard and all his teachers thought the same way,

He had wanted to become an architect and all he had to do was work hard to get in the university he wanted; and that is exactly what he had been doing for three years now:



It was probably the first in a while since Taemin hasn’t come by in his lunch time, and it felt for once lonely to be eating without him.

Everyone was stressed over exams, only one week left and their future was set.

Jinki's class during lunch time is way too gloomy; he talked to  his classmates about it to realize It has always been this way, Jinki hadn't noticed before perhaps because Taemin always bothered him at lunch time,  He was always energetic; how was he supposed to notice when it took all his attention to keep up with  his roommate.

 It felt too quiet for Jinki and somehow lonely.


After finishing his lunch, one piece of chicken was left it reminded him of the piece Taemin always used to pick.

 Jinki smiled as he thought to himself '' You didn’t ask for it this time" he wondered if he should eat it or not.

The bell rings, he closes the lunch box, and hides it in his back before the teacher comes.






Classes have ended and everyone got back to their rooms, It was about 8PM ; Jinki and Taemin were in their room.


 Jinki was immersed in his work, Taemin takes his chair and sits next to him

- Don't you ever get tired? Taemin asks as he looks at Jinki, Jinki looks back at him.

- Tired of what?

- You know homework and stuff

- Well I have no choice

Taemin puts his hand on Jinki’s shoulder

- Look man, life is more than just homework and exams get yourself a girlfriend.

“Don’t You ever get tired of this” Jinki takes Taemin’s hand away ‘‘how many times I have told; I don't have an interest in that, beside...’’


A phone rings, it was Taemin’s he looks at the number.

"It's her;" he whispers as he points out his cell phone. 

 Jinki gestured with his hand for Taemin to excuse himself.

Taemin doesn’t move away, he brings up his phone to his ears and answers

«Hello there hun-bun"

Jinki weirded out by the answer points out his mouth mimicking the motion of puking , Taemin pushes him playfully and smiles,  he stands up and walks away, Jinki assumed Taemin didn't want to hear his all lovey-dovey convos  Jinki chuckles at the parts of smooth words he hears Taemin saying but soon goes back to his homework.

Author's note : Hi there ^^, If you are readin this far , I thank you for that. I hope you have enjoyed the ride .

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naoli0304 #1
Chapter 6: I feel hurt after rereading this
Chapter 7: Also even tho it was ontae, I cherished the friendship they had and for once I enjoy a story where there's no romance between the two characters
Chapter 7: This was really really sweet. I really liked that the relationship was primarily a good friendship. I definitely want to read more!! Please.
Chapter 3: This is cute, im really liking it ^^