2- Chapter two

School AU - Dormmates

It made a loud creek as he opened the door, Jinki was wearing his headphones and the sound was loud enough to be heard through theme, he turned his back, to find Taemin crashing to his bed, he looked overjoyed.

- ‘’That’s my bed’’ Jinki says.

- Who cares? «Taemin was laid fully on his back with large smile on his face "she said yes".

- Huh?.

- The girl I told you about.

- Who?

- I told you about her this morning.

Jinki remember but decided to tease the youngest.

- You did? 

Taemin looks slightly offended and throws one of the pillows into Jinki’s face, Jinki catches it before it landed on his face.

- If you broke my glasses you'd know you have to pay them '' Jinki throws back the pillow.

- "Chill; I didn't break them '' Taemin catches the pillows and goes back to his ecstatic expression.

- "She said yes '' Taemin giggling rolled in Jinki’s bed while hugging the pillow he just caught ''she said yes»

- Dude, gross.

- You are just jealous because you don't have a girlfriend

- You didn't have one either, 30 minutes ago.

Taemin gets up and sits, pillow still in hands.

- I am going to meet her tomorrow at lunch time, should I make her something? Wait is this considered a first date or something? A large smile appeared on Taemin face

 “My first date'' hugging the pillow, he giggles .

- Still gross.

- shut up.

- ''yeah, whatever'' Jinki puts back his headphones, “anyway I have some homework to do, please don’t break my bed “.

- yeah yeah…” Taemin answers not paying attention to what older said ; he was too happy to care about anything at that time ; and Jinki assumed that as well ;he wore back his headphones and focused on his homework while a part of him still worried that something might happen to his poor bed.







It 6 O’clock and  for once he was the being woken up.

- …what time is it '' he checked the hour” dude…its just 6h15…. ''Jinki groaned.

- "Rise and Shine Jinki'' Taemin opening the dorms window; the light shined brightly into Jinki's face, in reaction Jinki hid his face to the sudden light shone on him.

'' It's such beautiful morning" Taemin said in an exaggerated way, ” why would one would stay asleep when the sun is so welcoming this morning.


-''yeah,yeah, whatever" Jinki pulled his blanket to hide his face and back to sleep.

-"What are you doing" Taemin pouted "I said '' Taemin dragging back Jinki’s blanket" It's such" now throwing it away "a beautiful morning”.

Jinki sighed.

- Fine.

Jinki half awake; stood up and decided to get ready for the day; half hour before his usual time.



-Jinki; where do you get your lunch box? I want to get two "Taemin was packing his bag and didn’t pay attention when Jinki went to the shower.


He followed him.


- Jinkii !

 his voiced was muffled  ''WHAAT ?''.


It took Jinki a while before he answers.


'' HOW??''





Taemin had finished packing his stuff, he combed his hair right and since time for breakfast wasn't up it he sat still in his bed for a while.

He looks around his and dormmate room that he just got to know this year, Taemin was still a freshmen and Jinki was a third year; He wondered who used to live here before him with Jinki, His eyes strayed to a spot where a poster was probably was hung, the spot was obvious, and wondered what kind of poster was hung on there.


- "You wanted to ask something?" Jinki got out of shower; he had changed before he got to Taemin, he was wearing his uniform but still drying his hair with a towel.

- You wash with your clothes on?

- That’s what you wanted to ask me?

 "eh no..''Taemin hesitated" did that poster belong to your previous roommate ?"

Jinki checked what poster Taemin was talking about and he noticed the spot of paint that was brighter than the others, he came closer to check it close, it was next to Taemin bed.

- I don't know to be honest, I moved to the dorm this year as well.

- Really? ‘’ Taemin asked surprised” I thought you were here before me”.

- Well yeah, but our family moved last year and I wanted to keep studying here, so I checked into the dorms.

- You wanted to keep studying here?

-  I have friends here.

- I never see them

-  Well we don't hang out much

- How about a girlfriend?

Jinki moved away to the mirror, he answered.

-don't have one; don't plan on getting one.

Taemin kept quiet, and asked with a skeptic tone

- You are not by any chance…g..g..

- no.

Taemin released a fake relief sigh.

- I was scared for myself for a sec there.

-“shut up “Jinki answered, but he smiled afterword.


Taemin checked soon his watch “I guess its time to go now” he tightened his tie “well I guess it's time to meet the Mrs. Lee now;" letting out a small giggle.

Taemin got up from his bed and headed for the door; Jinki looks back at him .

- You forgot your backpack.

- oh right, thanks

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naoli0304 #1
Chapter 6: I feel hurt after rereading this
Chapter 7: Also even tho it was ontae, I cherished the friendship they had and for once I enjoy a story where there's no romance between the two characters
Chapter 7: This was really really sweet. I really liked that the relationship was primarily a good friendship. I definitely want to read more!! Please.
Chapter 3: This is cute, im really liking it ^^