5- Chapter Five

School AU - Dormmates

Today was the day, Jinki’s results were up and to no one’s surprise he had passed and was first in his promotion, His classmates were congratulating him yet Jinki couldn’t believe his eyes he indeed was overwhelmed; his work had finally paid off and now he could finally pursue his dream. he was happy and he couldn't wait to tell the news to Taemin as he was the dorm mate that was with him all along his final year.




Taemin was sitting on the bed as he saw Jinki open the door to their room.

"She broke up with me”


Jinki laid back his backpack on his bed, and sat on his bed.

“My girlfriend broke up with me “


“I dunno, she said something about us not being meant to be"

“She was kinda pretty though.”

 “Not helping.” Taemin glared at Jinki.

“Sorry” Jinki answers shortly “So what are you going to do now?”

“ I dunno, I was planning to spend the summer vacation with her'' he laid back on his bed.

“Look at the bright side, you you’ll have extra cash to spend on yourself now.”Jinki said trying to cheer up Taemin

“True," Taemin hugs his pillow; he pouts "I kind of miss her already"

 “Dude gross”

Taemin throws his pillows on Jinki

“Shut up”

Taemin smiles and Jinki smiles back  

After a shirt silence, Taemin gets up and sits on his bed.

“Yeah by the way,  how did your result go though “

“I passed “

“That’s great news! I told you had nothing to worry about, you know what we should celebrate "Taemin gets up

“Isn't it kind of late to go out now?”

“We will manage with something”




It's 7h55 AM

Jinki and Taemin both were dressing up in a hurry

“ I told you we shouldn't have stayed too late “ Jinki says as he tried to put on his blouse.

“Come on it was fun”

“We ended up playing monopoly at 3AM”

“We did more than monopoly”

Jinki ran to the mirror.

“You wanted to play truth or dare but ended up because you said its no fun to play if there are no girls playing”.

Taemin soon joined Jinki beside the glass.

“Yeah whatever "Mr. ihavenostash".”

Jinki hits Taemin in the back of the head.

“heey, I didn't do anything to deserve that.” Taemin pouts.

“Just hurry up we are going to be late”.






"…don't worry; the entrance test are until next month" Jinki answered his classmate that soon left

Jinki hears a crashing sound and a familiar voice apologizing.


"Hey there'' Taemin sits on the chair Jinki’s classmate left open.

“What happened?”

“I just dropped a guys pencil case” Taemin looks at Jinki’s boxed lunch

''no chicken today?’’

“It’s been a 2 week since I ate chicken” Jinki answered


“I thought I would change my meal for once”

“Oh, ok”.

“ I have meat though if you want” Jinki added with a sneaky smile.

Taemin nods energetically.

Jinki picks the meat ball with his chopsticks and feeds it to Taemin, Taemin eats it up in one bite.

“ thvs s dplvcvxs !!”

“ I know right”

“Can I have more?”

“No, I didn’t have much in the first place’’

Jinki takes a meat ball and eats it slowly as to tease Taemin.

Taemin Raised his knuckle in the air  in a theatrical way and said “I shall revenge one day "  making both of them laugh. 



Its Midnight, it was the Graduating eve; Taemin and Jinki were in their beds still awake

“Are you nervous? “Taemin turns facing Jinki’s bed


“Time goes real fast.”

“I know.”

“I can't believe you are going to graduate tomorrow ‘’

“Me neither.’’

“Mr. Jinki setting to be an architect.“

“Shut up.”

- "I didn't say anything» Taemin chuckles and Jinki somehow couldn't help but laugh as well

Jinki turns facing Taemin

“Man I am going to miss this place”

“You already told me so”

“Dude I am having a moment here.’’

“Sorry.’’ Taemin whispers

A Jinki smile at him then lies on his back.

“Man, I am really going to miss this place.”

Taemin turns back on his back looking at the ceiling.

“I know”

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naoli0304 #1
Chapter 6: I feel hurt after rereading this
Chapter 7: Also even tho it was ontae, I cherished the friendship they had and for once I enjoy a story where there's no romance between the two characters
Chapter 7: This was really really sweet. I really liked that the relationship was primarily a good friendship. I definitely want to read more!! Please.
Chapter 3: This is cute, im really liking it ^^