6- The End

School AU - Dormmates

It was 8AM Jinki and Taemin were checking their suits for the last time in front of the mirror.

“You look pretty good looking today “

Jinki turns to face Taemin, he smiles.

 “Thanks, you do too. Hold on '' Jinki turns fully to Taemin, and starts undoing his tie.

“What’s wrong with my tie?” Taemin looks down at his Jinki’s hand.

“It’s not how you should do it when you attended a ceremony."

“Yeah, whatever” Taemin rolls his eyes.

Jinki finishes up, and turns Taemin around.

“And voila!”

“Whoa, that looks so much better”

“I know right!”

The two keeps quiet for a while.

“'I’ll be looking forward to your speech today” Taemin says breaking the silence. “

“Thanks” Jinki answers with a shy smile ''anyway let's go before we are late.”



The ceremony was as normal as it could be, the head master had said a couple of words, teachers were next, and soon a couple of words were said by the top students of the school, they were 3 students in total, and Jinki was one of them; As Jinki said his speech, Taemin has thought that Jinki had different charms on stage.




"That speech was so moving, it brought me to tears” Taemin acts like he was drying imaginary tears.

“Shut up’’ Jinki nudges Taemin in a teasing way as they were walking in the passageway.

“You are not staying for the after party?” Taemin asks.

“Nah... It's probably going to be boring anyway, you?”



‘‘So...this is our last year together.’’ Taemin adds.

 “We were only together one year though.”

“I know, but still.”

“It feels like it was longer than a year.”


“You got yourself a girlfriend.”

“You passed your exams.”

“We spend a full night playing monopoly.”

“We discovered you had no stash, even If I know for sure, you have something hidden somewhere.” Taemin teased, and Jinki soon laughed.

“You had to bring that up, didn't you?” Jinki sighs.

“Whaaat.. every healthy man has one.” Taemin answered.

Jinki laughs at that, and Taemin follows.

“It was a good year, wasn't it? ”

“Yeah it was.”

Taemin suddenly stops walking, Jinki notices.

“Is something wrong?

“Nah it’s nothing.”


The two continue walking on the long way, Taemin keeps kicking a pebble in the road as he walks and doesn’t say a word, his face was saddened, and Jinki didn't know what to say either.

The silence grows; until they find the school portal in sight.

Taemin sighs. And in a sudden movement:

“You know what, I never thought I would be saying something like this, but really I am going to miss you.”

A faint blush taints Jinki’s cheeks, he smiles.

 “I didn't think I would be saying something like this either Taemin, but I am going to miss you too.”

Taemin suddenly hugs Jinki and the latest hugs him back

“I am sure you'll be an amazing architect Jinki”


It takes a while before Taemin breaks the hug, but when he does, it looks like his eyes were a bit teary.



They reach the schools portal.

“Well I suppose, This is it.” Taemin let's out a bitter laugh.

“I might still be going back to get my stuff you know.” Jinki answers hopefully trying to break the sad air.

“Do you really find the need to ruin my moments?”


Taemin laughs at Jinki's asnwer.

“I am sure you'll find a more fun roommate than the bookworm that was me" Jinki smiles sadly.

“I liked this bookworm though.”

Jinki squints his eyes at taemin.


“Whaaat, you were fun, beside I'll miss the chicken though…the meat too.”

“Yeah...” Jinki adds in a low tone.


Jinki and Taemin look back at the portal as they keep standing there, and it looked like the two were lost in their own thought.

A sudden honk breaks the silence, the two students turn.

“Ah, it’s my parents.'' Jinki says

“Oh, ok.”



“This is .. I guess goodbye right?"

I guess” Taemin answers in almost whisper.

Jinki hesitates to say something

“emm...you have my number let's keep in touch” 


Taemin gives his hand to Jinki to shake.

“Good bye Jinki, it’s been fun.”

 “Yeah, it has been a good run.”

 Jinki goes for a hug.

“Please Take care of yourself Taemin”

Taemin stands still as Jinki hugs him tightly,he nods to what the older had just said.

Jinki breaks the hug, even if he was close to tearing up; he forces a smiles .

Jinki thinks he was the oldest he wasn't supposed to cry, and maybe if he smiles enough this goodbye wouldn't be so sad.


Jinki moves away soon to join his parents, they hug him and they looked proud of their son.

Taemin found himself smiling at the scene. Jinki rides the car and Taemin watches as the car rolls away.


‘‘Take care of yourself too, Jinki" he whispers to himself one last time before he heads back to his dorm.

And he wonders how empty would the room feel without Jinki. 

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naoli0304 #1
Chapter 6: I feel hurt after rereading this
Chapter 7: Also even tho it was ontae, I cherished the friendship they had and for once I enjoy a story where there's no romance between the two characters
Chapter 7: This was really really sweet. I really liked that the relationship was primarily a good friendship. I definitely want to read more!! Please.
Chapter 3: This is cute, im really liking it ^^