Yixing's News

We Aren't So Different After All

It hasn't been more than an hour after the kiss and Kyungsoo couldn't stop thinking about it. The way he just melted into it like he was in love? It made him want to puke because of how sappy that scene must have looked. It was only the second date! He shouldn't feel like a lead in a drama already! It took the air out of his lungs and replaced all feeling with how good Baekhyun's lips were on his. They didn't even add tongue (okay, maybe not that much tongue) and yet Kyungsoo still felt a little woozy from it. That bread he ate must have been going bad too since he felt so sensitive and weak after the kiss.

It had to be the bread. There's no way he would feel like that otherwise.

Now standing at the door to Junmyeon's apartment, Kyungsoo gained his composure back. At least, as much as he could muster. He sighed and opened the door, to see Junmyeon and Yixing talking in the living room. He said nothing but went inside to hear them better. If there's any way for him to stop feeling weird from that kiss, this would be it (he hoped so, at least).

"Yixing-ah, did you know that Kyungsoo had a date last night?" Junmyeon was already gossiping about him? How dare he? If their ages were closer together, he could get away with hurting him no problem. However, both of them were 2 years older than him so any attempt would be futile and their friendship would probably disintegrate.

"What? Really?" He was so suprised, and Kyungsoo's own surprise almost mimicked his since neither one heard the door open. It's not like Kyungsoo was quiet about it either, he had to take one of the room service carts from downstairs just to get everything in. The wheels squeaked and he used it to push the door open so that must have been loud too.

"Yeah, it was with Baekhyun too." He spoke with a hushed voice despite there were only the two of them in his living room. Junmyeon seemed to love Yixing's shocked and bamboozled reaction. Kyungsoo liked it a little too, but he shouldn't show it. They were gossiping about him and Kyungsoo hates it when they do that, so that took precedence over his happy feelings.

Yixing sipped his tea to calm himself down, and shook his head. "That's so weird! I didn't even know Baekhyun was gay. Well, I could guess but...." He went off on a string of Catonese Chinese and it got quieter and quieter as he kept going until all words just stopped and Yixing kept drinking his tea.

Kyungsoo closed the door with an unintentional slam and it surprised both of them. "Oh! Hi, Kyungsoo!" Junmyeon stood up and was met by a glare. It looked like Junmyeon was going to meet him with a hug but immediately stopped in place once he saw Kyungsoo's face. "What?"

"I could have told him myself." Kyungsoo put the last of his cleaning supplies down on the nearest table and put his hands on his hips. Thank god he was an actor so he could pull this off with a straight face. "You were gossiping about me, weren't you hyung?" Kyungsoo punctuated that question with a raised eyebrow and the slyest smile he could make.

"It's not like that's all we've been doing!" Junmyeon huffed and crossed his arms. The elder looked his way and stuck out his tongue. "I wasn't gonna go in depth on it, Kyungsoo." He faced away in a mock-angry fashion as he used to when he didn't get his way. Kyungsoo just shook his head and looked at Yixing instead. He was in a black suit with a matching tie and shoes, so Kyungsoo could tell that whatever his news was it had to be important. Yixing just waved and finished his cup of tea. "So, anyway, Yixing-ah has some really important news for you and you should be nice and listen."

"If you weren't my hyung I would slap you right now, Junmyeon." Kyungsoo stuck his tongue out at Junmyeon as he passed to sit between them. Yixing smiled at him and couldn't help but laugh at their dumb fight that was happening. Kyungsoo focused his attention at the man who was so light heartedly laughing and wanted to know what was so important he had to be called more than 10 times. "So... What is it?"

Yixing smiled softly once he stopped laughing. "Ah, well, you know how Luhan has got into contact with me again, right?" Yixing waited for Kyungsoo to nod in agreement before he went on. "Well, he's getting married!"

Kyungsoo gasped and covered his face with his hands. He clapped for Luhan and smiled at Yixing. "Tell him congratulations for me, okay? I can't believe it, oh my god..."

"I was already planning on it, but that's not even my big news, so save a louder gasp for that." Kyungsoo nodded and didn't even notice that Yixing and Junmyeon looked at each other. "My big news is that I'm gonna be the best man!"

Kyungsoo managed to gasp louder for that and clapped yet again. He may not be the best at expressing his emotions like this but he was sure that Yixing was getting the message. "Congrats to you too, hyung!"

Yixing smiled thankfully. "Thank you." Yixing glanced at Junmyeon and was urged to finish his big news. "Did Junmyeon tell you why he wasn't going to be here for the rest of the day? Or that he wasn't going to be here for a couple days too?" Kyungsoo shook his head and then looked at Junmyeon who was being silent for this.

"Hyung what are you doing?" Kyungsoo asked, getting a big smile that made Junmyeon's eyes crinkle from his hyung.

"Yixing's taking me as his date." Kyungsoo gasped yet again. He felt like a bad drama right now from all the gasping he was doing. Junmyeon smiled proudly. "I know, crazy right? He could have chosen anyone else, but chose me!"

Kyungsoo looked around the room and it was now very obvious that there were two suitcases in the corner of the room like they were already leaving. "When's the ceremony?" He asked Yixing, chosing to ignore how prideful Junmyeon was being right next to him.

"It's in a couple days, but we're leaving today to meet Luhan and his beautiful bride-to-be, Xiao Fan." Yixing bit his bottom lip and stared at Junmyeon. "Well, that and we're going early so Junmyeon can polish up his Mandarin so he doesn't embarrass any of us at the wedding."

"Hey, it's pretty good, you said so yourself!" Junmyeon defended his Mandarin pronunciation by speaking it, and even Kyungsoo could tell it definitely needed work.

"Pretty good isn't enough to make sure you don't embarrass either of us." Yixing replied before grabbing his phone and checking the time. "Hyung, we should start leaving, it's almost 11."

Junmyeon checked the time and almost jumped out of his seat. "I'll be right back!" He yelled as he disappeared into his room. Yixing just sighed and rolled his eyes.

"So you're gonna make sure this apartment is clean when we get back, right?" Yixing asked softly, wincing when he heard something crash in Junmyeon's room. Kyungsoo nodded and smiled at him, still happy from all of the news he was just told. His expression turned concerned when he heard Yixing sigh like he was disappointed. "Y'know... I told Junmyeon he should have put on his suit before you got here but he just had to practice his Mandarin... Then you finally called him back and he went off on that and I really worry about this one more than I really think I should."

"I'm sorry?" Kyungsoo didn't really know how to react to Yixing complaining about Junmyeon while they were both in his apartment.

"He almost didn't eat breakfast because he was so excited about Luhan and what was going on with you, which he seriously neglected to tell me until you were walking through the door..." Yixing looked back at the door to Junmyeon's bedroom once there was another sound of things falling when they shouldn't have been. "I love Junmyeon, I really do, but I honestly forget just how ditsy he is."

"He can't really help it, maybe all those years being a trainee and our leader took a toll on him." Kyungsoo replied, getting a small smile from Yixing.

"It's not that." Yixing sighed again when he heard Junmyeon running around in his room. It was so odd to Kyungsoo how this man could keep a smile on his face while complaining about Junmyeon. "I know he's excited about the wedding and about you and Baekhyun being together and sometimes his excitement clouds his focus on the things that actually matter."

Junmyeon burst out of his bedroom and ran to the kitchen. Kyungsoo couldn't help but laugh at how disheveled he looked without trying to make his suit look good on him. He turned to Yixing who had started laughing with him and rolled his eyes. "This is the man you're taking to a wedding."

"I know. He's perfect for me, huh?" Yixing stood up and watched Junmyeon run by again. He leaned over and started to whisper in Kyungsoo's ear so not even the dust bunnies beneath the couch could hear them. "I'm gonna ask him to be my boyfriend during the wedding."

Kyungsoo gasped and then smiled. He knew they always had a thing for each other since the group broke up, but he never thought it would go further than this. Yixing practically lived at Junmyeon's apartment and they went out frequently with each other whenever they had the same days off. Without having to say it, Yixing and Junmyeon shared looks from time to time that couldn't be called anything but loving. It was so obvious to Kyungsoo that they were going to get together at some point, and he (more like every single member of Junmyeon's friends group) wondered if Junmyeon could see just how hard he had really fallen for Yixing. "I'm sure he's gonna say yes." Kyungsoo whispered back.

"Say yes to what?" Junmyeon asked standing at the edge of the living room with his suitcase next to him. His shirt still wasn't buttoned all the way up nor was his tie tied at all, and he held his belt in his hand while staring at them.

"I asked him if he thought Luhan was going to really marry her or not." Yixing walked over to the man kind of in a gray suit and started doing his buttons on his shirt. "What did you think, hmm? Are you excited for Luhan's wedding?"

"Of course I am." Kyungsoo stood up while the two of them were trying to get Junmyeon dressed enough to go outside without being embarrassed, and started his cleaning duties already. "It's, like, the only thing I've been talking about for days!"

Yixing smiled and pat down his shirt so it would look nice. He started tying Junmyeon's tie while the elder was tucking in his shirt. "I know. I just had to be sure though, that's all."

"Yixing-ah, everything is going to be perfect." Junmyeon stood proudly once his outfit was on and looked nice. "I'm going to be perfect, you're going to be perfect, everything is going to be perfect."

Yixing handed him his suit coat and smiled at him. "I'm sure it will be."

"Yah, Do Kyungsoo!" Kyungsoo came out of the kitchen when Junmyeon called his name. "Clean this house nice!" Junmyeon grabbed his wallet off the bar and grabbed money out of it. "Here is your payment."

Kyungsoo shoved the money into his pocket and smiled up at his hyung. "Thanks, it will be in tip top shape once you come back home."

"Good." Junmyeon looked back at Yixing who had grabbed both suitcases and was waiting closer to the door. "I'll send you photos of the wedding!"

"I didn't doubt you for a minute." Kyungsoo said with a smile as Junmyeon shoved his wallet into his pocket and grabbed his phone. "Have fun, guys."

"We will, see you later, bye!" Junmyeon took his suitcase and started walking out of the apartment, almost leaving Yixing in his dust.

"Good luck, hyung." Kyungsoo said, getting a nod and a smile from Yixing. He waved and Kyungsoo watched as they both left until they closed the door. He stared at the already pretty spotless aparment and sighed to himself now that he was alone. "Well, time to get down to business."


By noon, Kyungsoo was completely finished with cleaning the apartment. He sat on the couch and stared up at the ceiling and wondered how Yixing and Junmyeon were doing, going through the airport and everything. He didn't want to text either of them just in case they were already on a plane to Beijing (probably not though, airport security is super tight these days and the planes in an out of China have been late more often than not recently), so he decided to check Chanyeol's messages instead. He was surprised at the lack of questions asking if they slept together but one message stood out in particular.

Chanyeol: He knows you're serious about this, right?

Kyungsoo gulped. It was only the second date! Even he didn't know if he was completely serious or not! Kyungsoo stared at his phone in disbelief before deciding to reply.

Kyungsoo: the date was great, we watched movies and had dinner and breakfast together

Kyungsoo: he even kissed me before i left

Kyungsoo: i don't know if he knows i'm serious or not

Kyungsoo sighed. It was much harder to write out his feelings than normally. It must be because of how excited he got earlier that it's still clouding his mind. That must be it. Kyungsoo almost dropped his phone when Chanyeol started replying. Kyungsoo quickly realized why he didn't wake up when Junmyeon called, it's because his phone wasn't on vibrate and it set to making sound instead. The only thing that gets Kyungsoo up in the morning is how loud his phone is when it vibrates on his glass table. Kyungsoo stupidly set his sounds to ones he could sleep to, so he didn't wake up. Why did he do this to himself and why didn't Baekhyun say anything about it?

Chanyeol: NICE!!!!!!!!!!!!

Chanyeol: How was the kiss???? Amazing, I bet!!!

Chanyeol: When is your next date?

Chanyeol: He'll know you're serious if you ask him on another date!

Kyungsoo: yeah the kiss was pretty great

Kyungsoo: I didn't think to ask him on another date

Chanyeol: Call him! Ask him on a date somewhere! Now!

Kyungsoo was going to have to do what Chanyeol says or else he would do it for them. Kyungsoo went through his phone and found Baekhyun's number (he just saved it under 'Baek' rather than ) and was scared to push the call button. What would he think? Is Kyungsoo being too much?

His mind raced around at a million miles a minute and he dumbly pressed the call button. Baekhyun's melodic voice came through with a "Hey, Kyungsoo~" and it made Kyungsoo want to end the call immediately.

"Hey, I was wondering something!" Kyungsoo hoped he didn't sound as nervous as he felt.

"Anything, Kyungsoo."

"When's your next day off? I think we should go somewhere together. I know this good cafe that's right by the park..."

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Abiaar #1
eppelt #2
Chapter 6: I love this story! Glad you got your inspiration back!

Keep up the good work ^^
Chapter 6: baekhyun baby kyungsoo baby. best-day-ever.....!!!!!
inkanara #4
Chapter 5: Omo, Baekhyun and kyungsoo are really cute. They are one of my OTP author-nim. I can't wait for the next update, fighting!!
SuperFluffyCat #5
Chapter 4: Yesssss follow up with that next daaaate~ *^*

Also awwwww Sulay is so adorable, like the practically married couple that just needs to be together already.
Chapter 3: Little sly thing you are Joon XD
SuperFluffyCat #7
Chapter 2: The cuteness is escalating so fast, I'm drowning in it omg <3 <3 <3
jun-kiseob_b2uty #8
Chapter 2: wow, it's really cute. i loved their relationship, wonder how they're going to end up together. well, keep it going. good luck
Chapter 2: omg, i am a mess. you killed me author nim. you killed me. i laughed and cried at the same time while clutching to this baeksoo button that was gifted to me. baeksoo has ruined me
i giggled like an idiot. this was so cute