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Devils And Fairies

'' I dont care if Soyeon say hat to you, because i know she hate you too.'', i turn back at her, i dont want to see her face , i hate her with all my life. But when i want to go out ---

''I know your feelings, now, i know that you are hurt because Soyeon and Minhyuk are now in relationship'', she said to me, i quickly turn back at her.

''I dont care----

''Really??/ You don't care???, you only said that because you hate me, but i know deep in ur heart, youre jealous , you love minhyuk right???.. she said to me, i cant say anything word, because all she say is true.

''Ho---w did you know????--, i said .

'' I know it alreadyy, , you hate me for now , and if u will go back to them, you will feel more pain, seeing Soyeon And Minhyuk together, they are so sweet,, so happy....,, But if you need  a person to take care for you??? im here, Devil land is so welcome for you.....

''huh. if you think im so dumb to listen to you, well i dont want you to take care of me, and i want to be a  devillllll like you!!!!!'', i shouted to her.

''you dont know that soyeon know that you love Minhyuk???"', she asked me again ,,,,

''What????'', she know my feelings???''.

''yes, she's very jealous to you, because you are popular in school and everywhere and then she want to revenge she want Minhyuk away from you...'',

''what??? Soyeon can do that to me?????, huh,, youre lying!!! ,'',

''no- im not--- , try to realize it, you are famous than Soyeon right????

''i dont want to talk to you---'', i quickly go out in that place,,,, ... I'm so hurt now,, my left side said that it's not true, but another side say it's true , what side i should listen????...




While for Jessica:

''hahaha , it's my time to get revenge from your twin's , boram my dear sister, later on, they will fight to each other and if that will happen, taeyeon will come to me , and taeyeon will never be a fairy , she will control the devil land, and the Fairy LAnd can't exist , HAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHAAAAA,,

''What A Nice Plannnn!!!!!!!!!!



Late update!! hehehe sorrry

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T-araFans #1
Chapter 19: OMG!!!
Nice update ^^
T-araFans #2
Chapter 17: Is she the one that Jessica send???
Nice update ^^
T-araFans #3
Chapter 16: Such a loving family
Nice update ^^
T-araFans #4
Chapter 15: Taeyeon don't
Nice update ^^
T-araFans #5
Chapter 14: OMG!!! Taeyeon you shouldn't listen to that
Nice update ^^
T-araFans #6
Chapter 13: OMG!!! Careful Taeyeon
Nice update ^^
T-araFans #7
Chapter 12: Now Taeyeon in danger
Nice update ^^
T-araFans #8
Chapter 10: What will happen to Soyeon???
Nice update ^^
Princess910603 #9
Thanks for update.. i love this story.. keep update
dhareun #10
Chapter 1: hehe im so upadated where they are hehe