Who is she?

My Student, My Punisher.


At Jaejoong's house. 
Eunjung was the first one to get in their house.
She don't usually went home early, but she was obligated to do the house hold task, 
So went as early as it it. 
Aiggoo.. . Ottokke? trans: what to do? 
should i just used my power to clean this house? 
ah! andi! my God father said, I should not use my power for my own sake. 
I'll just pretend that I'm working like what I usually do. 
Past Memory. 
Mam. Our director's demands are arising, 
They are about to complain your decision in your stocks. 
Eujung's secretary's word. 
tell them, That i am going to meet them for an emergency meeting. 
I need all of them later. ok? eunjung's word. 
Yes mam. 
Eunjung turned to his computer, She called her best friend "suzy" 
to find every details around the department in their company to solidify, 
the issue regarding on eunjung's decision to give the 10 % financial stocks of the company, 
to their employee. The Directors never agreed on that said decision, it's because, 
They knew that If that would happen, 1 Million US dollar would be taken away from each and everyone of them. 
An Intelligent eunjung glow, when she found out that some of her most trusted director, are betraying them,
by taking money secretly in their company, As the CEO of HAM GROUP OF COMPANIES, She must do some things about it. 
She took every single details on the director's financial report and summarize it, for her to fight in a logistic reason 
The meeting was about to start. 
the Directors are already prepared to give eunjung a criticism about his unrecognizable decision. 
This is so rude, Miss eunjung. 
how could you do this to us? You took 10 percent of the shares in the company and gave it to the employees, 
plus, another 15 percent for the so called foundation? 
but how about us, we are just earning, 500 thousand US dollar every month, and then, you are going to take it away? 
how dare you? 
Eunjung smirk, As she stood out, commanding suzy, to give the folder to each and every one of them, 
As soon as the Board of directors saw those files, Their eyes widened. 
Mr. Kim, You told me that, you only receive 500 thousand US. dollar every month but how come you bought a yacht in London? 
and another, You both 2 luxury house here in korea, plus, we checked you bank account and It says, 
you have 5 million in your account. 
Do you think I am fool not to know this corruption that you lead in this company? 
Your mistress went to canada, and I heard, You gave her a jewelry worth of 800 thousand US. Dollar. 
oh another, you opened a new account named, Kim Sangwook. Is that your son? 
So tell me Mr. Kim, As the leader of this board of director. should I just ignore this situation? 
I know everyone of you receive 1 million US dollar as a partial payment of your monthly stock, 
Isn't it too much? 
now tell me? what punishment should I gave to everyone of you here? 
Should I take 5% percent of your stocks? take all of your corrupt moneys? or fire you all?  oh, there is another option here, 
would you tell me what is it suzy? 
Good idea! but as a CEO of this company, I will be the one to choose for your punishment. 
and My decision is, 
You Guys are fired, Your shares will be taken away from plus the back account will be confiscated and to be 
returned to the financial department, Don't worry guys, I am going to give you, 300 thousand US dollar as your separation fee,
and as a respect to this company, I am giving you 2 days to submit your resignation letter. 
and that would be my final decision, so Bye guys. have a wonderful week end. 
but... how could you do this to us... 
why.. ottoke.. 
a lot of murmur came along but eunjung stood up, and ignore it for once. 
She left the conference room bravely, as she took a praise coming from suzy for a job well done. 
and the next step. Find out new board of director members. She mutter.   
A poor eunjung started to clean the house, but before anything else, 
She went to the kitchen to prepare a food for jaejoong.
In a moment of silence, Eunjung remember how her mom prepared a dish for her and her dad. 
A sudden flow of tears came un expectedly, but she never intend to cry all day just because of the past. 
Eunjung is a strong person, but when the accident happen, She became more stronger and better. 
after a while, Her specialty meal is done, She hurriedly went to jaejoong's room to start the cleaning session. 
When she's about to start, a sudden voice saying
" Unnie " eunjung turned to where the voice is, and she saw a a cabinet.
She slowly walk towards the place but the cabinet suddenly opened voluntarily, She doesn't know what happen, 
but some old photos was drop in the floor. 
Out of her curiosity, Eunjung took the photo. 
and she saw jaejoong and a petite girl with a bright smile, They are wearing the same clothes, 
A pink t-shirt with text design saying " LOVE " 
She's a familiar girl. she mutter. 
she Doesn't know what to feel, but when she saw the picture, something different came along. 
"why am I feeling this way? " It seems like I know that girl, but I can't remember anything. 
Note: Eunjung's God father intend to loose some of eunjung's memory, including some info about her family. 
Eunjung is about to bring the photo back to cabinet but, 
Ige Bouya? trans: What are you doing? ! 
with a shock face, eunjung turned to him and accidentally drop the  picture. 
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Princess910603 #1
Update please
Ramjung #2
Chapter 8: Please update the story soon ^^ i like the story because i found it enteristing and have a new idea ^^ i don't know excactlyi want to happen but i think happy things is ok ^^ i liked all the chapters ^^ i'm looking for the new chapters i'm so curious to know about jungie past and her family and what will happen bettwen her and jaejoong and if he will open his heart to her .. plz update soon & thank you ^^
T-araFans #3
I really hope you will update this story soon...
T-araFans #4
Please update soon...
pioushej #5
Chapter 8: please update soon im curious abt eunjungs character her thank you!
Chapter 8: author keep updated this story please..
Chapter 8: I love this story <3
I wonder what happen next~
I dont how make a good story but in my opinion,
i prefer the triangle-love,lol
it's nice..finally JoongJung couple~~xD
i love this chapter ;D
T-araFans #8
Chapter 8: I really like this story...
Chapter 8: Eunjung is human or angel??
Chapter 8: Love this story because Joongie and Junguie here,,
I want both of them become a coupLe in future,,
I Like when Jungie use her magic to interfere Joongie,,
How cute they are,,
PLease update soon chingu,,ᵔ.ᵔ