
My Student, My Punisher.

Jaejoong gained a moment of fear because of what He experience, but Instead of changing his self for good,

He decided not to listen and just drop the warning upon his way. 


1 week has passed, and it seems like the Fierce Man remained the same as yesterday.

Every night, as he closed his eyes to sleep, He often dreamed of the girl who warned him,

and It kills every part of him. 

He ended up working too much just because of the fear of seeing the girl again in his dreams. 


Until One day, The time came for jaejoong to meet the Mysterious girls again. 

It was a great sunny day, Jaejoong is on his was to the university,

He drove his ferrari car, 2010 model worth a billion of won.


The day seems like an easy day for him, Carrying his Samsung Galaxy Tab who serve as his daily student grade recorder on his left hand

and a cup of Starbucks coffee in the other side.


Jaejoong's daily routine looks really boring, He was bit weird but in the same time a good looking boy. 


When he finally arrived at his office, He found his assistant holding a piece of paper as She greet him saying, 


Good Morning Sir. 


What's good in the morning? Jaejoong creepy answer. 


The smile of his assistant fade away as she took a step to give the paper that she was holding for a long period of time. 


Sir, We have a New Student here at the University. " She said" 


Who is She? Jaejoong's word. 


She's Miss Ham Eunjung. 


Ham Eunjung? Where is she? Didn't I mention you once that, don't ever accept any late enrollee this Semester? Jaejoong's frustrated word. 


But Sir, We can't just ignore this girl, Her IQ level is on beyond top, we might used her to represent our school in any Academic Afair and... 


Jaejoong cut her word saying "Are you trying to teach me Miss Park?"



Miss Park vow her head as he calmly say " No Sir," 


Your responsibility is to do what I am telling you and not to interfer my decision. 

So Do your job and GET OUT! Out! Out! Jaejoong's Terrible word.  


Miss Park went out, leaving a piece of paper at jaejoong's desk. 




After a few hours, jaejoong stood up to meet his first class.


When finally, he reach the  room, The glow of the his students sorround the corner of the room,

He started the conversation by saying


"Good morning Class", He's serious face made his student fear him more.


Ok, Our subject will be English and....


but one of his student cut it off by saying


Sir, Aren't you going to introduce our new student here in university, "Yoochun's word.


Yah! You, what are you talking about? His answer


Suddenly the door opened and a gorgeous girl enter the room, almost everyone of them amazed with a beauty of this 

girl, but when jaejoong turned to the Girl, his eyes widened, with a big shock on his face.

His hands was shaking, holding his breath off, He throw his body into the corner of the room as He shout,





But Eunjung hurriedly twist her hands to stop the time. 




Good Morning Sir, I am Ham Eunjung, Your New Student. 


N..Nn..No way! This is Impossible! 


This is possible Sir, She answered. Eunjung came closer to where Jaejoong is, as she pointed his fingers to jaejoong's

forehead saying "You Don't really understand what I've been throught just to make it up to you that you must change! 


I can't change myself, Further more, You Don't have any authority to command anything from me, "He said" 


Aiiisshhhh!!! YOU! JERK! Stop trying to be good enough as you are, because if you are good enough, 

Then I don't have to waste my time just to bother you to change! Eunjung's answer. 


What do you mean?  A curious word coming from jaejooong. 


I don't have to explain anything from you. From now on, I will be your normal student, but You have to remember this word. 


eunjung crossed his finger saying, ABBRRROOCCAAACCHHOOO poiting the nose of Jaejoong, 

as soon as his finger pointed on jaejoong's nose, His nose became wide. 


Jaejoong freaked out seeing his nose wider than before, He Yelled out saying, 

BRING MY NOSE BACK! arrassoo I'll keep it, while crying in fear


and after a few minutes eunjung returned the figure of nose that jaejong has. 


Eunjung slightly smiled as She mumbled around saying Fix your self and let's start Fun. 





















Creepy right? lol























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Princess910603 #1
Update please
Ramjung #2
Chapter 8: Please update the story soon ^^ i like the story because i found it enteristing and have a new idea ^^ i don't know excactlyi want to happen but i think happy things is ok ^^ i liked all the chapters ^^ i'm looking for the new chapters i'm so curious to know about jungie past and her family and what will happen bettwen her and jaejoong and if he will open his heart to her .. plz update soon & thank you ^^
T-araFans #3
I really hope you will update this story soon...
T-araFans #4
Please update soon...
pioushej #5
Chapter 8: please update soon im curious abt eunjungs character her thank you!
Chapter 8: author keep updated this story please..
Chapter 8: I love this story <3
I wonder what happen next~
I dont how make a good story but in my opinion,
i prefer the triangle-love,lol
it's nice..finally JoongJung couple~~xD
i love this chapter ;D
T-araFans #8
Chapter 8: I really like this story...
Chapter 8: Eunjung is human or angel??
Chapter 8: Love this story because Joongie and Junguie here,,
I want both of them become a coupLe in future,,
I Like when Jungie use her magic to interfere Joongie,,
How cute they are,,
PLease update soon chingu,,ᵔ.ᵔ