A new friend

My Student, My Punisher.


My Student, My punisher. 
The bell rang, and The class is about to start,
A sunny day rise up in a cold weather.
but the sound of the noise in Korean Music and Art University
brag the ear of the terror teacher in the university. 
A Handsome men, wearing a white Long Sleve tied up with a 
red necktie, in a combination of his black jeans worn up with his
shiny yet fashionable Black shoes came out. 
His eyebrow arouse when he saw a group of students bullying a poor fat girl 
who's trying to protect the Ice cream that she bought along with a chocolate bar in her right hand. 
What do you think are you doing? He mutter. 
As soon as they heard a voice of their teacher, their motion suddenly changed.
A bulleid turned to be a friend. 
Nothing Sir, We just wanna make friends with her. Their answer, While trying to fix
the clothes of the fat girl. 
Are you trying to fool me? I saw what you've done,  do you think I am going to believe you? 
You! The four of you! Go to my office later, after your class. A punishment should be given by those bully here. 
and that is my Final decision, and For now, Go to your room! Now! he yelled out. 
Then, the group of students run out. Jaejong turned his attention to the poor girl.
Are you ok? He ask. 
The poor fat girl, Stood out. Her hands is shaking, along with his teary eyes.
Ajhusshiii.. She mutter. 
After the beat of her word. She suddenly wrapped her hands to jaejoong's body tightly, 
and she start crying so loud.
Jaejoong's eyes widened, He don't know what to do. 
Should I comfort her or not? The question that bugg his consience. 
but time came out. Her two hands voluntarily took his emotion as he was about to 
gently embraced the girl and comfort her along with his word saying
"Gwenchana" trans: It's ok. your safe now little girl. 
and that fat Girl named Kim Pilsuk. 
A Little fat and ugly girl who loves eating Ice cream and chocolates, 
Her world revolves around her Mom, Dad and her dog named puffy. 
She's a rich girl with an extra ordinary voice, 
being a fat girl means being y to her, It's because her mom and dad told her, 
that she's pretty and their's nothing wrong in loving foods. 
She was well protected in her high school days, She never experience to be bullied 
because her butler guard her all the time. 
Until she felt her world is so small. 
She seek her freedom and decided to stay away to the life that she grown up.
I am now college students, I wanted to be free mom. She ask. 
If that's you decision then go for it my daughter, always remember that I and mom are always here for you.
Pilsuk dad's answer. 
but in her recent condition, Pilsuk regret leaving her rich life. 
She thought everything's gonna be fine, but not anymore. 
Presen time. 
are you ok now? Jaejoong's question. 
dae.  She answer, 
well then, If they bullied you again, just tell me. 
I'll be giving them a punishment that they wont forget ok? 
Dae, "Komowo" Trans: Thanks. 
Jaejoong left the girl for his class. He knew it.
he's late.  but his mind is missing. 
eunjung saw what happen. and she was happy knowing that jaejoong is starting to value a women in his life. 
So the class start. A good looking teacher was seen by everyone of his students, 
He pronounced every single word correctly with the usage of English language, 
Everyone says His fluent in english, and that made them amazed on his natural talents. 
NOTE: (Except: EUNJUNG) 
Arrassooo Arrassooo! His good in english, and so what if he is? 
he is still a monster teacher for me, She murmured.
The class was over, yet the after effect of Jaejoong's humour are still on the spot. 
Girls are mingling around talking about this so called monster teacher for eunjung. 
Boys are so angry knowing that almost of the girls are talking about their teacher. 
suddenly, The Leader of the class named Park Yoochun discover eunjung in a corner of their room, 
She's a silent yet beautiful girl. He utter. 
and It seem's like she's not interested to our teacher, His added word.
He constantly run to eunjung's  side saying, 
Are you free tonight? 
Nope, Her answer. 
You should be free tonight because I am going on a date with you. 
date? I'm sorry I am not into those idea. 
Are you rejecting me? 
To tell you the truth, yes, I am rejecting you. so go find another one to date with, 
and have fun. Eunjung smirk, as she left yoochun hanging around, wondering this is the first time
to be rejected by a transferee girl in their university. 
I am not going to let this slide. I would do anything just to get that girl! No matter what happen! 
His angry voice bloom around. 
Eunjung went to the roof top. for her, It's her secret place in the university, 
She often went their just to have a moment to relax. 
but that day, She found pilsuk, dumpfounded. 
She winks her eyes, and run out to the canteen to buy an ice cream and chocolate for the girl. 
and after that she went to the roof top again. 
Hi. are you alone here? Can I join you? Eunjung's word. 
Dae? Me? you wanna join me here? 
Yeap, as matter of fact, I bought two ice cream and chocolate. wanna have one? 
Chinja? Is it free? 
of course it is. 
pilsuk slighlty smile, seeing a girl offering her an ice cream and chocolate. 
She constantly grab one of it, as she enjoy the taste of her favorite ice cream. 
Are you new here? Pilsuk's question. 
Yeap. I am an intern here. Eunjung's answer. 
why are you alone? You should have friend here. eunjung's added word
I don't have any friend, 
But why? 
They don't want me to be their fried. 
what? are you serious? what wrong with having a friend like you?
arent you scare of me? I'm fat and ugly. 
Being fat dosn't mean your ugly, It means you just love foods. well then, 
If you have no friends here, Can we somehow be friends? 
Pilsuk turned to eunjung with an shock face, This is the first time that someone ask her to be her friend,
and she was overwhelmed that a gorgeous, pretty and glamorous girl offered her a friendship. 
She excitedly answer the question saying, 
Yes. Yes.. Yeess....... 
and their friendship started. 
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Princess910603 #1
Update please
Ramjung #2
Chapter 8: Please update the story soon ^^ i like the story because i found it enteristing and have a new idea ^^ i don't know excactlyi want to happen but i think happy things is ok ^^ i liked all the chapters ^^ i'm looking for the new chapters i'm so curious to know about jungie past and her family and what will happen bettwen her and jaejoong and if he will open his heart to her .. plz update soon & thank you ^^
T-araFans #3
I really hope you will update this story soon...
T-araFans #4
Please update soon...
pioushej #5
Chapter 8: please update soon im curious abt eunjungs character her thank you!
Chapter 8: author keep updated this story please..
Chapter 8: I love this story <3
I wonder what happen next~
I dont how make a good story but in my opinion,
i prefer the triangle-love,lol
it's nice..finally JoongJung couple~~xD
i love this chapter ;D
T-araFans #8
Chapter 8: I really like this story...
Chapter 8: Eunjung is human or angel??
Chapter 8: Love this story because Joongie and Junguie here,,
I want both of them become a coupLe in future,,
I Like when Jungie use her magic to interfere Joongie,,
How cute they are,,
PLease update soon chingu,,ᵔ.ᵔ