3 conditions.

My Student, My Punisher.


Eunjung slowly opened her eyes, without any idea that She's at jaejoong's house. 

She Lift her head and rolled her eyes into the four sided room, every corner contained a lot of porcelain housewares. 

and at that time, She force herself to know where she is, and who brought her here. 

She keep on reminiscing what happen yesterday, but her mind is missing. 

She slowly walk towards the door saying, 


Is anybody there? 


but  no one answered, The only thing she can think about is the food to eat, 

suddenly Jaejoong appeared from the kitchen, 


ahh.. Eunjung's reaction,


YAh! Do! trans: You! , Why am I here? her added word. 



Did you had an amnesia? He smirk

If I remember, Yesterday your asking me for a help,

and then you run out and broke down in the middle of the street, So I tried to help you and brought you here. 


Really? Should I say Thank you?  Eunjung's word. 


Yes, That's the best word that you can say right now.  Jaejoong's answer. 

Are you hungry? I prepared some food to eat. He's added word. 


No Thanks, I'm not hungry, Eunjung's reply, But suddenly, 

Her stomach growled.   

Jaejoong turned his eyes to eunjung's stomach saying, 

Your Not really hungry huh? 


Eunjung smiled slightly saying, Just a little bit. 


Jaejoong Laugh out loud, and for the first time, someone saw the other side of him. 


Eunjung quickly run out to the table when she saw the variety of food that jaejoong prepared. 

Ohh..Mashta trans: Delicious 


Jaejoong then sat to the chair and started eating his breakfast, But eunjung paused for a minute while looking at jaejoong's face.


What's wrong? Is there any dirt in my face? Jaejoong's question. 


Anieyo Trans: Nothing, Your just, 


Your just what? Hurry up, and eat!


Arrassoo... Eunjung smiled slightly saying Your Cute when you are a smiling, Opz.  It's just in her head:) 


While eating, Jaejoong started the conversation by saying,  

I am going to let you here in my house in 3 conditions. 


Huh? what is it then?  


Number 1 condition: You have to do the entire household works in my house including the washing of my clothes. 


What? Are you serious? Your house is too big, Then you want me to clean it everyday? Her complained


If you dont want to do it, Then my door is wide opened, You can leave. 


Oh. aNdi! trans: No way! I'll do it! without any hesitation eunjung agree on the first condition. 


Number 2 condition: Do not tell anyone that your living with me, If you do,

Then I have no choice but to push you away in my house. 


Oh. Araassoo.  Eunjung's reply. 


Number 3 condition: Don't you ever fall inlove with me, either kiss me or touch me. 

cause if you do. I will give you a horrible punishment. 


Am I crazy? If I go fall inlove with, I'd rather stay in hell than to be with you. 

Her answer. 



Good, Then I'm going. See you at the school, Jaejoong's farewell bye bye with his sarcastic smile. 


Aiisshh, This boy is definitely the most cruel boy that I meet in my entire life. 

aIGGOO.. Eunjung mumbled. 



























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Princess910603 #1
Update please
Ramjung #2
Chapter 8: Please update the story soon ^^ i like the story because i found it enteristing and have a new idea ^^ i don't know excactlyi want to happen but i think happy things is ok ^^ i liked all the chapters ^^ i'm looking for the new chapters i'm so curious to know about jungie past and her family and what will happen bettwen her and jaejoong and if he will open his heart to her .. plz update soon & thank you ^^
T-araFans #3
I really hope you will update this story soon...
T-araFans #4
Please update soon...
pioushej #5
Chapter 8: please update soon im curious abt eunjungs character her thank you!
Chapter 8: author keep updated this story please..
Chapter 8: I love this story <3
I wonder what happen next~
I dont how make a good story but in my opinion,
i prefer the triangle-love,lol
it's nice..finally JoongJung couple~~xD
i love this chapter ;D
T-araFans #8
Chapter 8: I really like this story...
Chapter 8: Eunjung is human or angel??
Chapter 8: Love this story because Joongie and Junguie here,,
I want both of them become a coupLe in future,,
I Like when Jungie use her magic to interfere Joongie,,
How cute they are,,
PLease update soon chingu,,ᵔ.ᵔ