Chapter 4. I saw that


I'm running out of things to say in this part I might have to start some Nick and Amber Conversations here XD well anyway, please subscribe, comment and enjoy reading.

Ring. There is the bell signalling lunch. I stand quickly Amber widening her eyes surprised and I say quietly to her "Sorry girl Ill see you in our next class, I need a bit of stress relief before the next class starts" I show her a small half smile before I slip out the door, barely noticing the shocked looks of the new kids. As I walk out the door I brush past the rest of the group from this morning as they head into the class, possibly to talk to their friends. My upper lip curls slightly and I slip unnoticed out the doors and towards the sports hall. I sneak around the back to a slightly open window. I pull it wider and climb in silently, landing on the ground then I swiftly change into only loose tracksuit pants and walk into the center of the room.
I breath out and start moving my body in a familiar routine, Starting as moves that I picked up from watching martial artists and changing between martial arts moves and dance moves. As I move my body gets more and more relaxed with my mind, Getting relaxed as my energy lessens. My eyes turn towards the nearest wall and I sprint towards it and jump from my left foot placing my right firmly against the wall in midair, kicking off powerfully flipping my body backwards and as my feet hit the ground one was slightly off. A stinging pain echos from my ankle up my leg and I fall to the ground breathing harshly my teeth, eyes and fists clenched. After a couple minutes I open my eyes and shift my legs to stand up so my weight isnt on my bad leg. My canine teeth bite the inside of my mouth as I stand and put weight on my bad ankle testing it. I walk towards the back of the gym and slip a comfortable shirt on for my next class. I slip back out the window making sure not to land on my bad left leg.

I keep my expression blank and my pace balanced with no signs of pain as I walk towards the seperate building for dance class. I walk in a second before the bell rings and I blink slightly surprised but walk to the back of the class since the teacher hadnt shown up yet ignoring the looks of the other classmates, I catch an unimpressed look from Amber and smile innocently walking to her side reaching it as the teacher walks in.
"Competition" Bla, blah, blah, "create a dance", yada, yada, yada, "teams of three", chatter- wait what?, chatter, "now go". Wait huh? I look surprised. Amber nudges me "We have someone to partner with" I shake my head mentally "Nick you didnt answer so I took your silence as a yes" I look at our partner and glare slightly but he doesnt seem to notice it. 
"His name is Lay" Amber says and my gaze changes to her with an eyebrow raised. I sigh, I can't get out of this.
"I'm Nick" I mutter recieving a dimpled smile. 
"Oh so thats your name" Lay says and I glare
"Whoops was that outloud?" I huff out a yes and the dimpled guy- Lay, I correct myself looks sllightly sorry and I roll my eyes.
"Lay show us what you can do" He nods and starts dancing to the faint background music. A minute later he stops and I slowly admit that he is a good dancer. Amber then dances aswell a better version of what one of the other classmates had done. I nod slightly proudly and as she stops half way through the song I glide into step and follow through with the rest, ignoring any pain in my ankle and pulling of every move perfectly including and body rolls and casual hip s that most of the class fails at. I finish flawlessly and when I stop there are a few seconds of silence before clapping starts and I glance around the room.
I go back to Ambers side and turn back to face Lay. "So it seems we are all good dancers. Both Amber and I can dance a range of styles." 
"Can we use a song I have composed myself?" I feel Amber look at me and I nod.
"Yes that would be great, it would be a bonus" Amber speaks for us both.
"Any tempo?" Lay asks 
"Yes" Amber says and smiles as I sigh.
"Lets dance for the rest of the time and I will bring a few tracks to decide on tomorrow" I nod at Lay and glance at Amber and smirk as troublemaker starts playing as the background music and recieve one in return. Perfect timing. Amber and I get into positions and dance. At the end I stumble slightly but hide it by adlibbing another move in and when it stops I move back to the back of the room to rest, blocking out everything.


Change of POV

I walk into Tao, Kai, Sehun and D.O's class along with the rest of the group, we all sit there with a random girl, Amber she said her name is. Kai speaks up and tells us what the guy from this morning had said to Tao about Sehun. The story causes everyone to laugh except Sehun and Tao. Tao was too busy shaking until Suho pats his shoulder and comforts him. We all chat to each other and Amber who when we had asked had pouted and said she had been ditched by her best friend.Soon enough we all head to class, Amber with Kai, Luhan, Xiumin and me since we all had dance at this time. 'I wonder why we are leaving so early' I think and Luhan smacks the back of my head "Lay! Dont ask things like that" I blink
"Did I say that out loud?" My question is met with a groan of yes from Xiumin. Amber just laughs and explains that her friend will probably already be there dispite it being 5 minutes before class. 
We walk through the door and Ambers face falls. Her friend mustnt be here yet" We all hang around until the bell rings and I realise there was a guy beside Amber. I zone in and out, catching that we were having a dance competition with a nearby school but only the top three teams of three would participate. I look over at the other three and notice the had left me out. I pout and look at Amber asking if I can join her
. She nods and nudges the guy beside her "We have someone to partner with" I look at them confused" Nick you didnt answer so I took your silence as a yes" I zone out for a moment until I hear my name and look at the guy. "I'm Nick" he says. 'Oh so thats your name' I say and at the glare of him I say "Whoops was that outloud?"
He lets out an annoyed "yes" then continues "Lay show us what you can do" I nod and start dancing to the thoughts in my head. When I stop both of them nod then Amber dances catching the attension of the guys around the class who all watch. When she stops Nick starts dancing smoothly gaining the attension of the girls in the class and even Kai, Luhan and Xiumin seem shocked at his skill. I grin and merong at them before watching him finish his dance and when he stops there is silence then clapping starts. He moves back over to Amber and I "So it seems we are all good dancers. Both Amber and I can dance a range of styles." He says. I think for a moment 
"Can we use a song I have composed myself?" I ask and Amber replies seemingly for them both, "yes that would be great, it would be a bonus" 
"Any tempo?" I question.
"Yes" Amber says and smiles as I grin happily.
"Lets dance for the rest of the time and I will bring a few tracks to decide on tomorrow" 
Nick seems relieved then both him and Amber dance to trouble maker. I watch and close to the end I notice the small stumble and frown how did I not notice he was hurt in some way. Because of that stumble I notice how he moves with it and wonder what his dancing would be like if he wasnt hurt. I shrug it off. If there is a chance I will heal that as well as I can.
I frown before zoning out until the end of class and we all go home, my mind stuck on what songs I will take for them to listen to.

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Latdh1 #1
Chapter 6: just found this really like this
I'm sorry but I just gotta say that the last sentence in your description rhymes (cuz im weird like that XD)
TheTakenUsername #3
I'm so excited! Please update.
dark-angel14 #4
Chapter 6: Keep it coming i am loving this read it has the perfect amount of balance for everything being written.
001030 #5
Chapter 6: pmsl why this is turning into a-
nevermind just keep the great work bruh q u q
001030 #6
Chapter 2: i- that was mean?? s creams.
but still curious where this fic going to lead to. pmsl.