Red sneakers

My love is Infinite

* Edited *

Hope to receive your comments.

And do share with me  the scenes that you would want to have with your BIASED !!

Lovelies >3



Yui Na was making her way to school as usual. After grabbing her breakfast which consist of a chesse bagel & green tea. Yui na sat at the bus stop. Yes, she was rich enough to hire a driver and get her own car. But .. taking the public transport and going to a public school make her feel more human.

Yui na was nibbling on her bagel when a group of boys started approaching her. They were chatting loudly and it seems that she had managed to catch their attention.  Yui na shifted uncomfortably in her seat, hoping that she will go unnoticed. But of course, it didnt succeed. Yui na turned her head slightly and gulped when she saw one of the boys smirking at her. Back in school, boys follow her around as well. But , she know that no harm was intended but heree... She wondered if anyone will actually bother to help. Yui na was lost in her thoughts when suddenly a hot air blew right next to her ears. The contact made Yui na yelped in surprised.  "  Hey MIss, Do you wanna have some fun?"  Before she can responsed, the guy sneaked his arms over her shoulders. " You dont look like a goody girl, see how short your skirt is .. Come on, let's skip school. Oppa will make you happy. " As he whispered the last sentence into her ears, Yui na shivered in disgust and an uneasy feeling spreaded in her stomach.

Yui na was about  to step on his foot when the weight on her shoulder disappear and instead of the flirty voice, it was replaced by a deep one. " Listen,  I dont care who you are, what you do. Stay away from my schoolmates. Consider this as my first and last warning " Though Yui na was unable to look at his facial expression as the boy was standing behind her, his voice was full of authority. And ..... he was standing too close .. too close for Yui na's comfort. She can feel the heat that is rediating off his body. And if it wasnt for the situation now, Yui na was sure that her face will have gone red from embarassment.

Yui na heaved in relief as the group of boys dispersed immediately.   * The boy must really have a deadly glare .. *  Yui na cleared , ready to offer her thanks to the boy but cold air greeted her when she turned back  .... he was already walking away. Yui na was disappointed. But her face soon light up when she saw the uniform on him.  *  Woolim High ... and red sneakers



Yui na was walking down the halls when she heard a commotion outisde the office.  " Omo .. Did  you see the transferred student? He's totally my ideal type !! "  " I heard that he's a really great dancer " " I heard that he's been staying in America for 5 years "   * A new transferred student? *  Yui na chuckled while shaking her head. * He's gonna be surround by fangirls all day *  Just then, a boy ran past her, but not before stopping to pass her a letter.  Yui na opened it and frowned.  < Hey Yui Na, wanna hang out? I'm having a party  tonnight. At my house.  From Jong >  Jong was the biggest playboy in the school and this was not the first time that he had tried to ask her out. Yui na crumpled the paper and threw it into the bin carelessly.  

Yui na was jotting down her notes diligently when the class was distracted by the knocks on the door. An unfamiliar figure walked in. Girls were starting to whisper among themselves and guys were giving him stares. The maths teacher, Miss Lim seems amused by the students' reaction. " Introduce yourself please. The girls cant wait.  "  The boy nodded his head. " Im Hoya. Its nice to meet You. "  and he ended with a slight bow.  " Okay class, settled down. Hoya, Sit beside Yui Na."  * Me? * Yui na looked around her. Girls were giving her dirty looks and some were even complaining shamelessly to the teacher. But Miss Lim was not a pushover. Ans so it was decided. Yui na has a new desk mate.

Throughout the class, Yui na was distracted. She can literally feel the girls drilling holes in her head by their staring. And then there was him. Yui na took a peak at her new partner. Unconsiously, she was checking him out. His jet black hair .. his thick eyebrows which frame his face prefectly.. and his .....  Yui na jerked her head back abruptly when Hoya's cold hard gaze met her's. * Good. Now he's gonna think that i am one of his crazy fangirls * 

It was 5 mins into lunch time. Yui na was taking her time to pack as her next class will be music, which is located in another block. But .. she was not alone in class. Sitting beside her, Hoya was still trying to finish up the maths assignment .  * Should I invite him for lunch? * Yui na was debating with herself. * But ... it will only attract more attention * Taking one last look at the new boy, Yui na decided to just leave. She stood up and walked past his seat carefully, avoiding contact.  But what happened next was unexpected. Yui na was about to make it to the door when she tripped over her own legs and fell flat on the ground. * Aishhh. What's wrong with me today *  Before Yui na could pick herself up, someone has extended his hand out to her. But her focus was diverted. It was then that she noticed .. something else about the new boy other than his striking features. He was wearing bright red sneakers.



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Chapter 8: I wonder when they will forget????
hoha28 #2
hehe i love stories like this, please author-nim, keep updating! :D
Chapter 3: I'm so confused.
Hopefully I figure out what they're talking about in the next chapter.
mcflurryxx #4
IM so confused but I like it...whats her power? Update soon
PLEASE UPDATE SOON """""""""""""""""""""" <br />
<br />
<br />
ppyonglove #6
This story is unique and interesting! Please update soon~ I would like more of sunggyu , Hoya , myungsoo and sungyeol. Please. Keke :3 (I'm a Singaporean too (^-^)v )
OOOOOOMMMMMMMMMGGGGGGG i was freaking the whole time please update before i pass out
I love the poster !<br />
Yeollie is absolutely adorable ><
Your poster is already ready~ Didn't you see? o.o <br />
Anyways, here's the link: