Let me remember.

My love is Infinite

* Edited *



Sunggyu woke up to a throbbing headache that he was used to. Everytime he close his eyes, the past will come back to haunt him. But who can he blame. It was his mistake. If only he had taken extra precaution .. Nana and Hoya will still be here.

" Sunggyu hyung,  are you alright ? "  Woohyun was leaning against the door, his eyebrows knitted together.  If Sunggyu was experiencing the worst, Woohyun doesnt have it any better. He was the closest to Nana. Though noone chose to speak up. They knew that Woohyun did love Nana more than he should. And because of this,  they believed that he should be the one to Nana. But understanding his feelings towards Nana, Sunggyu knew that Woohyun will not be able to make any rational decision, but he had never expect Hoya to do the same thing. It was his fault for overseeing this loophole.

" Woohyun. My memory is fading. We have no more time left. What should we do?  " Sunggyu was devasted. How can he forget his love?  Woohyun was about to answer him when Myungsoo walked into the room, not sensing the awkward atmosphere.  " What are you all talking about?"  He sat casually on the bed.  " Nana and Hoya .. " Woohyun answered while signing. Myungsoo was confused. Why are they talking about someone that he had no idea who they are.  " What's with this 2 people? Your Friends? " Myungsoo just shrugged. "Leave me out of this "    With this, he just exited the room,leaving Sunggyu and Woohyun dumbfounded.  With a shakey voice, Woohyun asked the key question. " How long do we have ?"

"3months, Woohyun, we have only 3months"



 It was a sunny day, A prefect day for a trip to the beach. But to Yui na, it was just another normal day. Like any other teenagers at her age, all she want is to have fun, make a couple of crazy friends and spend their weekends shopping away or watching the latest blockbusters at the cinema. But .. she has an image to keep up with. And that's is to be a good daughter to her parents, model student who is well loved by the teachers and to be the Ideal girlfriend for all the boys in school. To be honest, she's really tired of her life. Pretending to be someone that she's not.

Yui na plop herself back on the bed. If only .. her dreams was true. It might be weird but .. Since 2 years ago, she had been having the same dreams. Though the dream was short, she felt blissful .. as if she really belong there ... belong in the arms of the boy .. Could this be a sign ?



Done with chapter 2 !!

The dreams that Yui na has been having is the one that is narrated in the previous chapter :)


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Chapter 8: I wonder when they will forget????
hoha28 #2
hehe i love stories like this, please author-nim, keep updating! :D
Chapter 3: I'm so confused.
Hopefully I figure out what they're talking about in the next chapter.
mcflurryxx #4
IM so confused but I like it...whats her power? Update soon
PLEASE UPDATE SOON """""""""""""""""""""" <br />
<br />
<br />
ppyonglove #6
This story is unique and interesting! Please update soon~ I would like more of sunggyu , Hoya , myungsoo and sungyeol. Please. Keke :3 (I'm a Singaporean too (^-^)v )
OOOOOOMMMMMMMMMGGGGGGG i was freaking the whole time please update before i pass out
I love the poster !<br />
Yeollie is absolutely adorable ><
Your poster is already ready~ Didn't you see? o.o <br />
Anyways, here's the link: http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/91030/10/lovely-loves-graphics-cafe-open-graphics-korean