She Was Just Standing There..

A Lost Lover

(A/N: everything since the beginning of the first chapter is from 6 months in the past. The very beginning of chapter one is the only thing taking place in the present so everything you've read after Taehyung's POV in chapter one is from 6 months ago and everything after is slowly closing the gap between the months. The farther the story progresses, eventually it'll get to present day matching up with the very beginning. Very sorry for any confusion. Thank you all for reading.)

Taehyung's POV:

"Hobi can you stop.. I'm trying to sleep.." I said to J-Hope who was trying to wake me up by jumping on my bed. "Come on, you've had enough sleep, you're gonna start getting dark circles if you keep this up." He smirked

"Uggghh, but my bed is so comfy" I groaned. "Pfft I'll show you comfy" He said picking me up and throwing me on our couch a room away. "Come on hyung, I'm tired!" I said closing my eyes. "You want some coffee..?" My eye popped open at the end of his sentence. He looked at me with a sly look on his face. He knew my weakness.

"At the coffee shop around the corner..?" I asked waiting for an answer like a puppy waiting for a bone. "Maaaaybe" he said walking out of the room. "If you don't get up then I'll just have to go over there myself and enjoy it alone" he snickered. I ran to the bathroom to wash up. I really like just walking around the city but the smell of coffee shops and cafes were so intoxicating.

I changed into a pair of black skinnys, a gray tank top, black vans and a white SnapBack. Hobi finished getting dressed and we made our way downstairs without waking any of our roommates. After walking disown the street for a bit, we finally made it.

We walked in and sat in our favorite seat next to the window. After ordering our coffees, we just chatted about some stuff. Hobi got up to go get some napkins because I always manage to spill something at one point or another.

As he sat back down, I looked outside to see something that really caught my eye. She was just standing there on her phone, but her just doing that caught my attention. Without taking my eyes off her, I went to take of sip of my coffee, but instead missed the straw and my mouth chased it around the lid of the cup.

"Um Tae..? You good?" He said as he tried to see what I was looking at. "Ohh I see" he said spotting the girl outside pacing back and forth talking on her phone. J-Hope passed his hand in front of my face to grab my attention. "Huh- what?" I asked confused as I escaped from my daze.

I glanced back just in time for her to hang up the phone and make her way into the entrance of the shop. I froze as she walked in, the wind blowing through her hair, styling it unlike any hairdresser could.

The cafe was virtually empty. Besides us, it was only her and an elderly couple a few tables away from us.

She grabbed her drink and chose the table between us and the elderly couple. As she sat down, she took her sunglasses off and placed them in her bag. I was instantly stunned by her beauty, and suddenly felt my palms get sweaty and my throat became dry.

"Dude go talk to her" he said pushing my shoulder. "So you want me to die right?" I lashed back. He knew I was terrible at talking to girls, much less ones that stun me with their beauty.

Ahri's POV:
"Hi mom" I said answering the phone. "No not really, I'm not doing anything important unless you call getting coffee important." I chuckled. "Yeah my flight landed yesterday and I've just been wandering around the city taking everything in." I continued. "Yes, yes the flight was fine, I'm here aren't I?" I said making her laugh. "Well I'll call you later ok mom? I love you too" I said hanging up the phone.

" I really need to call her often, she'll go berserk if I don't start talking to her more." I thought to myself 

I put my phone away and went inside to grab a drink. I went up and ordered a caramel macchiato. As they prepare my coffee, I admired the simplistic design of the shop. The neutral colors on the walls and the big glass case showing off some drinks and deserts. The woman on the bus told me this place was known especially for that.

I grabbed my drink and took a seat in the nearly empty shop and took out my laptop and sketchbook and grabbed a few pencils, putting my sunglasses in my bag.

I took a better look at my surroundings and noticed an elderly couple that looked like they were having a date. It was so cute. I looked in the opposite direction and noticed a couple guys by the window. One of them turned and looked at my direction. The moment our eyes met I couldn't look away, but after a few seconds his head snapped back breaking the glance.

He was really attractive. Like wow. He had a sharp jawline, and brown hair that got lighter as it reached the front and dark sideburns. I looked back at him and took in all his features.

His friend looked at me and noticed me staring. He chuckled and whispered something to his friend causing his friend to smile. He had the cutest rectangular smile and a little birthmark on his nose.

I blushed at his adorable smile and looked away to take a sip of my coffee, not noticing the small bubble of whipped cream that had collected next to the straw. As I drank, it managed to pop leaving a small dollop of cream on my upper lip.

I didn't notice until I noticed him turn his head in my direction and chuckled.

I didn't do anything worth laughing about, I didn't notice the foam on my lip until my nose felt itchy and my hand brushed up against my lip, leaving me to mentally face palm at my awkwardness and I quickly removed the rest of it with my tongue and patted my mouth with a napkin.

After regaining some of my dignity, I flipped through my sketchbook. I popped up a picture of my brother that I'd been drawing for a little while but it's been a while since I've drawn at all.

The portrait of my brother was almost done, all it needed was a few details and touch ups here and there so practicing with that was a good start.

I drank the rest of my coffee and decided to go and buy another one, not having coffee for so long and then having a macchiato like that, you can't have just one ya know.

I got up and placed the empty cup in the trash and went up the barista and ordered. "Another caramel macchiato please" I said. "One not enough for you?" He joked. "That'll be ready shortly".

The elderly couple left so it was just me and the boys by the window. "Should.. I talk to him..?" I thought to myself. "Ugh I'm terrible at talking to guys, especially to attractive people. If Ji Woo hadn't made the first mov-.." I let out a deep sign as I remembered how that ended up.

"Excuse me?" "Huh what..?" I said "Your coffees ready" the barista said holding out my cup. I grabbed it and went back to my seat. As I sat down, I looked down at my sketchbook and remembered that it was a gift from Ji Woo from last Christmas.

I shook my head and tried forgetting. I looked at the picture of my brother on my laptop and went along with that for a while. About 10 minutes passed and I noticed a couple interlocking fingers walking into the cafe. I closed my book, grabbed my phone and ran the restroom.

"Of course they'd pick this cafe out of all of Seoul." You've got to be kidding me. Angela and Ji Woo walked in and made their way to the line to order their drinks. They turned around, taking in the atmosphere, when Angela noticed a laptop and a book just on the table without anyone there.

"Is that somebody's?" She said nudging Ji Woo. "I don't see anyone sitting there or paying much attention to it." Ji Woo said as he ordered and waited for his coffee. "I'm gonna go see if there's anyone's name on it." Angela said. As she walked up to the table, she glanced at the boys sitting by the windows since they were the only ones here but they seemed to have no interest in the items...

Except they did actually. The handsome boy kept his eyes on the table and her, making sure that she wasn't going to take anything that he knew wasn't hers.

Ji Woo grabbed his coffee and made his way to Angela's side. His eyes widen as he saw that it was the same book that he'd given to me earlier in the year Christmas. His throat grew itchy and he coughed awkwardly clearing it.

"What a coincidence right?" She smirked. I stayed in the bathroom for what felt like an hour but in really was around 10 minutes. I took a deep breathe and made my way back to my table.

It didn't take me long to realize my sketchbook wasn't there and saw Angela standing next to the trash can flipping through the pages. She noticed me standing there frozen as she walked up to me. That good looking boy from earlier was eager to get out of his seat just by the look in his eyes.

"What a coincidence running into you here hmm?" It was like she was some evil step mom in a k-drama. She threw my book on the floor and before I could even attempt to grab it, I felt her slap me across my face, stinging like crazy. This one action made that boy stand up out of his seat, but i was so shocked that I didn't even notice. I just glared towards the floor.

"If I were to give you some advice, don't get in my way again" she said to me as I placed my hand on my now red cheek. I saw her arm go up ready to hit me again and I just shut my eyes tight and waited for it.. But it never came.

I looked up and saw that boy.

Taehyung's POV: 
My jaw dropped as I saw her getting slapped across the face, shooting adrenaline through my whole body jolting me out of my seat. I saw as the same girl was going for a second hit and I immediately lunged in front of her, grabbing her arm and stopping it in mid-air.

"Don't..touch her.. again." I muttered out while staring at her confused face.

J-Hope's mouth fell open and his eyes grew large. "When I said he should talk to her or something, I didn't mean that." He said baffled in his head.

I came back to my senses and flung that girls arms away from her. I picked up her sketchbook and handed to her. The girls hand that I grabbed brushed off my touch and started walking away.

"If I could give you a word of advice, stay away from her, or you're going to be dealing with bigger things." I said to her as the guy she was with gave me a weird look.

J-Hope stood up and walked up to the guy and gave him an intimidating look. "Or I'll have to deal with you." J-Hope said looking down at him.

They left the cafe and I asked the barista for a bag of ice for the girl. I pulled out a chair for her to sit down. "Are you alright?" J-Hope asked her.

"Y-yeah I'm fine, thank you." She said stuttering. He eye smiled to her. "Um- you didn't have to do that, it was my own problem, I'm sorry to of involved you" she said looking up to me as I handed her the ice bag.

"I'm sorry, I couldn't just sit there and watch. I apologize if I embarrassed you, that wasn't my intention." I managed to make a full sentence despite how nervous I was.

She took the bag from my hand and placed in her face, her eyes closing as the ice met her skin. She wasn't applying the ice on the right spot, so I took her hand with the bag still in her grasp and placed it on the red mark on her cheek, my heart skipping a beat as I touched her hand.

I placed her sketchbook on the table. "I was keeping an eye on your stuff while you were in the bathroom." I said giving her a half smile. "Thank you, that was really sweet of you" she said giving me a cute smile.

She looked down and I could see her smile getting bigger. She looked me in the eyes. "I'm Ahri." She said. My heart felt like it was on fire and I couldn't speak. J-Hope came out from behind noticing me hesitating and introduced himself. "Hi I'm Hoseok, and that's Taehyung."

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Nabanita #1
Chapter 20: Such an amazing story! Loved it! Could you perhaps make a sequel?
shxrxx #2
Chapter 20: is this it?? this is just ending??
PandaPistache #3
Chapter 20: Your story is very great ! You are really talented !
heegrand #4
Chapter 20: Great story. you've got writing skills, hun.
Vtae84 #5
Chapter 16: Huh? She didnt remember Taehyung likes her? Is she going to lose her memory?