It'll Just Take A Second..

A Lost Lover

Jin’s POV:

My eyes stung, my back drenched as I got off the bed. “Woah… wh- what happened..?” I thought to myself, my hand resting on my forehead. “What the hell was I dreaming about.” I said out loud, frustrated, not being able to recall anything.. except. Ahri was there.. Yeah she was definitely there.. and.. it was dark.. Flashes of my dream flickering through my head.


I looked over to the clock. ‘9:29a.m.’ I guess we don’t have any schedules today since the boys didn’t wake me. I changed my shirt, throwing the sopping cloth into the laundry bin. I walked into the living room, Tae sleeping on the couch, a note left on the table besides him.


“We’ll be back soon, don’t worry~”



I glanced around the room, Ahri nowhere to be found. “Hm.. so that’s what he does on his days off now.


Ahri’s POV:

“Where are we going??” I called out, Jimin's hand wrapped around my wrist, dragging me down the street. “Jimin!” I yelled, stopping him in his tracks. He turned around, his eyes wide. “Hmm?” he mumbled, wanting me to say whatever I was going to say.


“Where are you taking me.. You’re hurting me a little bit..” I pleaded, looking down at my wrist, red marks decorating it. “I’m so sorry..” he grabbed it again, but, more lovingly. “I’m just really excited, that’s all.” he replied, his lips connecting with my wrist. “Better..?” blood rushing to my face.


“Any-anyways. Where are we-” “Shhh.. You’ll see.” he shushed me, continuing to walk down the street, but now at a slower pace, keeping me besides him.


After a fairly lengthy walk, he stopped in front of a large white building. ‘ArtBox’ written in large blue letters. “Here we are~ Get anything you’d like!” he sang, opening the door and gesturing his arms for me to go in.


We walked in, there were shelves upon shelves, upon aisles of art supplies. “Jimin..” I started, his eyes looking in my direction, cocking his head forward a bit. I scanned the visible merchandise, my mind running wild. “You really don’t have to do this, I can just get this on my own-” “Ya.. You talk too much. I want to do this, it’s my treat~ now go~” he nudged me into one of the what appeared to me dozens of aisles.


He grabbed a small basket, walking behind me by a few steps, watching my eyes gaze at everything on the walls. “You want these? Do you like this? What about these, and those?” Jimin went on, asking me and just grabbing random things, placing them into the cart, filling it in no time.


A few cases of pencils, acrylic paint, and kneaded erasers later, we were out of the door.


“So..? How was it?” he asked, looking over to me, plastic bags filled with goods in his hands. “It was amazing.. We don’t have anything like that in America.” I spoke, my mind still spinning. “Let me at least take the bags, I mean, you bought it.” I said, reaching over to them, Jimin pulling them from my grasp. “Ah, no no no.” he wiggled his finger at me. “Don’t worry about it.” he smirked, looking away from me.


“Jimin.” I said sternly. His face turning back towards me. “Why are you doing this?” I questioned, not understanding all of his kind gestures as of late. “I just felt like it, besides, you do a lot of things for us. It’s like a thank you gift. All those times that you stayed until 2 or 3, waiting for JungKook and I to finish practice, and driving us home those times.” he explained, his head hanging towards the ground. “I’m just really thankful.”a small glint in his eyes. After that, the walk back to the dorm grew quiet, the tension between us rising.


“So, um. How’re you and Taehyung..?” he muttered out, avoiding eye contact. I let out a frustrated breath, looking over to him. “Why do people keep asking that? We aren’t anything, he’s just nice to me. I don’t like him, you guys need to stop asking me, it’s getting irritating.” I huffed, crossing my arms. “You guys? Who else asked you?” he questioned, his arm swinging besides him. “Jin asked me yesterday and he wouldn’t leave me alone about it for a while, it just bugged me. Can we not bring it up again.” I asked, looking to him. “Whatever you’d like~” he hummed, his eyes disappearing into slants.


We walked into the door. Jin and Taehyung playing Mario Kart in the main room, both of them shooting us a look as Jimin placed the bags onto the counter. “Where’d you guys go?” Jin asked, both of them still concentrated on the game. “We just went to bu-” “I bought some stuff for her, don’t worry about it.” Jimin interrupted me, Taehyung glancing over to us from the corner of his eye before going back to the game. “Pfft, what’s his problem~” I sputtered, a tad bothered by his presence. “I’m gonna go change, I’ll be right back.” Jimin called out, strutting to his room and closing the door behind him.


“Hey Ahri?” Taehyung spoke up, pausing his game. “Can I talk to you?” he questioned, getting up from his seat. I nodded my head, he looked like something genuinely bothered him. A small breath escaped my lips, Jin leaving the room as well.


“How’ve you been feeling lately? Like since your recovery.” he started, leaning on the kitchen counter, peeking into some of the bags we brought in. “I’m fine, I feel fine actually. Is there something wrong?” I grabbed the bags, taking the items out and placing them on the table next to the couch. “I was just wondering, you don’t talk to me as much as you used to.. Is there a reason for that..? he cooed, his eyes never leaving yours.


“Not really.. I mean like.. we never really talked much anyway-” “Ahh, so are we ready?!” Jimin blurted out, planting his onto the couch, looking at all the items on the table. Taehyung looked down, something noticeably bothering him. “We’ll talk later.” he groaned, walking into his room.


“Hmm.. that was weird, anyways. Yeah let's start!” I pushed everything onto the direction of the chair across from Jimin’s. “So, how long have you been drawing?” “My whole life really, but I started taking it sort of seriously in my last year of middle school. I went on to draw tattoos for people and sell drawings in high school~” I went on, grabbing a sketchpad, getting comfortable in the chair, resting my legs on the table.


“Yaa, I’m excited! Don’t make me too fat ok?” he joked, winking at me. I smiled down at my paper, a sharpened pencil in my hand.



The basics were all drawn out, all the details in the right place, now I just had to shade them. Within the hour of sitting still, Jimin nodded off, his face supported by his hand. I became fond of that pose, rearranging things, now drawing a sleeping Jimin.


Jimin’s POV:

My eyes pried themselves open, waking up to a dark room, the only light was dimmed in the kitchen. I stretched my arm, looking to my watch, ‘3:58a.m.’ “Ahh jeez~ I hope I don’t mess up my shoulder from sleeping like that.” I muttered, swinging my arm, rotating it to make sure it was at a good standing. It wasn’t until I looked up, seeing Ahri completely knocked out in her chair, the sketchpad and pencil still in her hand. I chuckled, seeing her sleeping figure, I carefully walked over to her, not wanting to wake her.


I gently slipped her book out of her hand, placing it and the pencil on the table. Seeing she was comfortable, I decided not to move her, instead grabbing a blanket from my room and draping it over her delicately. “There we go~” I mouthed, tucking it into the folds of the couch.


I looked over to her, being so close to her face. I was mesmerized by the way her hair fell naturally, surrounding her innocent face. My eyes flickering to her lips, a battle happening in my head. “No ..I shouldn’t... or-  or.. should.. I..” my body just gravitating closer to her.


I stopped myself, my body yearned for it, clouding my thoughts. “But..” that word popping back into my head. “Her and Taehyung aren’t even anything.. besides, ..Its just us two.. It’ll just take a second..”

My eyes closed, my lips on hers.

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Nabanita #1
Chapter 20: Such an amazing story! Loved it! Could you perhaps make a sequel?
shxrxx #2
Chapter 20: is this it?? this is just ending??
PandaPistache #3
Chapter 20: Your story is very great ! You are really talented !
heegrand #4
Chapter 20: Great story. you've got writing skills, hun.
Vtae84 #5
Chapter 16: Huh? She didnt remember Taehyung likes her? Is she going to lose her memory?