04. Working Together

Blade X Love

Chapter Four


                The day went well, for the first time Kai and Sunny worked out well. They were able to plan for their escape and transitions. Their ability work together well, and they manage to do things without glaring or cursing at each other.


                It was midnight; Kai couldn’t sleep so he decided to take a stroll. When he opened the door he saw how Sunny’s door opened. They stare at each other for a while before giving each other weird sighs.


                “Can’t sleep?” Kai asked.

                “Yeah, I’m planning to take a scout to plan some escapes.” Sunny explain.

                “Take me with you. Wait I’ll get my keys.” Kai suggested.

                “Okay, I’d be at the parking lot.” Sunny said and left.


                Sunny walk past the hall way with complete silence, she successfully got out of the headquarters and now she’s heading to the parking lot. She was about to look for Kai’s car when…

                “Looking for me?” Kai asked which surprised Sunny activating all her senses resulting to; Kai flying somewhere he’s lucky he can teleport.

                “Gosh! You scared me!” Sunny complained. Kai chuckled.

                “So your throw people when you’re scared?” Kai .

                “No, you activated my defense system. C’mon let’s go.” Sunny pulled Kai “Where’s your car?” she asked.

                “Who says we’re riding a car?” Kai said and started dragging Sunny into his Kawasaki Ninja.

                “Oh, I ride those too. Wanna race?” Sunny challenged. Kai chuckled and smirked.

                “Not bad.” He responded.

                “You’re lucky I always brought my key. C’mon.” Sunny said walking over her Ducati.

                “You own that?!” Kai said in surprise.

                “Well, SURPRISE!” Sunny said and smirked.

                They rode their bikes making it growl with their burning desire to beat each other. Both of them smirked under their helmets and the next thing they know was they we’re racing through the streets and into the Paradise Casino Walker Hill, the biggest casino in South Korea. Both of them arrive at the same time.

                “Not bad for a girl.” Kai exclaimed.

                “Yeah, been racing since I was 17.” Sunny said getting off her bike. She looked around, she spotted few securities in the area. “Let’s break in to the back door.” Sunny signaled Kai, and he followed her lead. Kai just smiled a little, he can comprehend with his thoughts of Sunny using her ability to break in. Just when Kai was about to speak, Sunny grabbed his hands and the next thing he knew Sunny disappeared but he can still feel her hands into his wrist.

                “Hey are you there?” he asked.

                “Shh, someone might hear you.” Sunny said as they walk into the door. They went straight into a stock room. She let go of his hands pulling out a folded paper which happened to be a blue print. So we’ll scout the whole place from here and there. Kai just nodded and they proceeded to their plan.


                They walked together and mixed with the crowd, observing everything and scouting the whole place since Kai couldn’t teleport unless he knew where to land to. Sunny looked every corner or the place but something stopped him when her eyes caught a familiar presence, there are shinobi’s in the place. She scan the crowd to find Kai and saw him talking to a woman, she grabbed his wrist and pulled him somewhere dark.


                “We have to go. There are shinobi’s here.” Sunny said.

                “Yeah, they do have a strong aura.” Kai said sipping his drink.

                “Where the hell did you get that?” Kai said.

                “What? I’m in the biggest casino in Seoul and I can’t have a glass?” Kai protested.

                “Fine, whatever c’mon let’s get the hell out of here.” Sunny said. Kai placed his glass on the table beside him and grabbed Sunny. He teleported them to the parking lot, but before they could even ride their bike a group of people approached them or let’s say a group of Shinobi’s. Sunny felt the hostility but she doesn’t want to hurt her own kind.


                “What do you want?” Sunny asked.

                “Why are you here?” one of them respond back.

                “Why, shinobi’s can’t have good time too?” Kai said with a bored tone.

                “You are the hunter who killed one of our members! We can’t just let you go alive.” One of them said as he changed into a shinobi form, a serpent.


                “Watch out their poisonous.” Sunny warned. “They can even make a hole in my shield.” Just when she was about to grab Kai’s wrist the serpent shinobi spitted a poison to her making them jump into opposite directions.


“Sh*t!” Kai cussed executing the first attack, followed by Sunny. This people are no joke, they are trained really well. Sunny thought. Some of the shinobi’s turned into their shinobi form. Sunny doesn’t want to show shinobi form because in might be harder for her to handle things in the future. She eyed Kai who is currently exchanging punches with one of the Serpents. They continued to exchange punches and kicks.


Kai dodge another spit from the serpent and use his ability to end the fight. His blood is starting to boil because these guys are skilled; he has no choice but to fight harder. When the serpent tried to release another spit, he teleported just a few inches away from his enemy holding his neck; Kai felt a sudden urge of energy travelling to his body filling the energy he lost. He felt like he was recharged and to his surprise his enemy turned into his human for, lying on the ground.


All of them stopped fighting, all eyes on Kai; surprised. Sunny was confused to, so she grabbed the opportunity and snatched the arm of her enemy. Sunny felt a different kind of energy travelling from her arms. She felt like she’s been recharged, she grinned when her enemy fell down. She walked to the remaining serpents who is now retreating, giving them a scared look.


“How’d I say this…” Kai said. “That thing is awesome, I feel like I plugged myself into a big switch charging my system.”

“Yeah me too.” Sunny said while staring at her hands.

“We should inform Kath and Josh about this, I’m sure they’ll freak out!”

Sunny smirked, for the first time she agreed with Kai. He’s not that bad after all.



So this is the first update for today, I'm planning on updating every saturday and sunday if there's no exams or school work. 

I'm going to use EXO members for some of my fanfics. I really wanted to see all members in drama, action, romance and such.

By the way, to my first subscriber. THANK YOU VERY MUCH, I really appreciate it. Love lots!!

I'll try to post another chapter today.



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