03. Gray Eyed Guy

Blade X Love

Chapter 3



                Sunny glared at the guy who introduced himself as Kai, they’re currently sitting face to face in a round table while waiting for Mr. Choi (Tiger) to discuss the mission. Sunny couldn’t understand why she feels Kai’s hostile aura, like there’s a big wall separating both of them. She can sense that he’s strong since he’s a rare type of shinobi just like her.


                “This is the picture of the leader of the syndicate that I’m telling you. They are known for many crime aspects, drug dealing, human trafficking, you name it. They have a lot of operation going on in the country and there has been a suspicion that they collaborated with the outlawed shinobi’s.” Sunny eyed her uncle.


                “Outlawed shinobi’s huh?” Kai interrupted.


                “Yes, since their leader knows that these outlaws are loyal to no one but money.” Sunny felt a hostile aura from Kai again, she felt puzzled from Kai’s reaction but she maintained her composure.


                “So what will be the mission?” Sunny interrupted.


                “Since you two are shinobi’s and gifted. You will be leading the operation and the crew will be outside in case you need help.” Sunny nodded. “This Saturday it is said that Serpent the leader of these syndicate will be having his meeting in the largest casino here in our country. It is said that he will be having a business meeting with the leader of the outlaws for some transactions.”


                Kai gritted his teeth, his blood is raging. Their family used to be outlaws but none was remained but him. He closed his eyes, everything feels like yesterday. 10 years ago his parents and sibling were brutally both murdered by unknown person. He wasn’t there when the massacre happened, he was in school.


                “Kai-shii?” Mr. Choi called his attention; both his and Sunny’s eyes are on him. “Are you alright?” Mr. Choi asked. He nodded as a response. When the meeting was done, Kai headed to his room just in front of Sunny’s. He glared at the door, honestly he hate Shinobi Hunters because he suspects that they are the one who killed his family, but he can’t just kill each one of them without proper evidences. His system craved for revenge, he refined himself for ten years to avenge his family. He opened the door, the room is big and grand. He wanted to refuse Mr. Choi’s idea about him staying at the headquarters but he’s right. We can’t be sure whether we’d be safe in our own house.



                Kai walked into a king sized bed and drop himself on it. He felt tired and suddenly he wanted to sleep, he closed his eyes and felt asleep.


                Kai woke up after feeling the heat of the sun hit his skin; she opened his eyes only to find out that he hasn’t changed his clothes yet. He got up at took a bath, Kai was still indecisive whether he’d go out or lock himself until Saturday comes.  Kai sighed as boredom started to eat him, she got up and went out. He took tours in the headquarters and he can feel how people there eyed him; as if he’s dangerous. He just smirked and didn’t mind how they see him; he’s a living thing that’s what matters.


                Kai continued to walk letting himself get lost with the hallways in the headquarters until he heard breathing and punches, due to curiosity he followed the noise and there he found a gym and a girl with sold hair curls wrestling with one of the special agents introduced to them yesterday. He watched every technique the girl uses and she can say that she’s good; quick. He watched them until they tire their muscles from sparing. Kai smirked when the girl faced him. She does look hot with that sports bra and short, credits to her abs and sweating body. Kai thought. He cleared his throat to get their attention. Sunny gave him a quick glance then continue to work out alone. The agent as far as he remember is Hana bid goodbye to Sunny walking past him.



                Kai had a sudden feeling of giving a friendly approach to Sunny to . He walked in and sat into one of the benches next to where Sunny is working out.


                “So tell me, Soon Kyu-shii. What brought you here? Did Mr. Choi offered you something to execute this mission?” Kai asked.

                “None of your business.” Sunny said still throwing punches into the punching bag. Kai smirked, he’s amazed on how though Sunny could be. He’s used to girls flirting him or acting cute in front of him.


                “Tough girl huh? So tell me, why is your eyes red?” Kai asked again.


                “None of your concern.” Again Sunny remained tough, but the truth is she herself didn’t know why. All she knows is, either ordinary shinobi run away or risk her life killing her. Kai sighed, he knew Sunny will be tough until the end so he decided to pull a hard shot.


                “Is it because, you can kill more outlaws?” Kai eyed her and smirked when he heard a strong punch causing the punching bag to explode, it didn’t surprise him since him he have done it. Kai remained his composure until Sunny faced him with heavy breath, her pupils turned red like blood; her shinobi form is almost going out when someone interrupted them.


                “Sunny! Stop!” Mr. Choi shouted. It took Sunny few seconds to control her emotions. Sunny let out a heavy breath, Kai smirked. “I need to talk to the two of you, to my office.”



                20 minutes passed yet Mr. Choi isn’t saying anything, both Kai and Sunny are growing impatient. Mr. Choi let out a heavy sigh.

                “I called the two of you to discuss things regarding your abilities and you as Shinobi’s.” Mr. Choi explained. “You two have to learn few techniques before you face the syndicate this Saturday.” Mr. Choi snapped his fingers and two people come forth. A man and a woman probably in the middle of their 30’s; they bowed to Mr. Choi.

                “This is Katherine and his is Joseph, they will be helping you to refine the technique I’m talking about. They are both Shinobi’s from Im tribe.” Mr. Choi explained, both of them showed their green eyes a signature in Im tribe.




                After the introduction they immediately proceeded with the training, they are currently standing in the training grounds at the back of headquarters. They are now standing face to face, Kai and Sunny facing Kath and Josh(Joseph).


                “Before we start, we need to know what type of shinobi are you to know your strengths” Kath said.

                “Is it necessary?” Sunny immediately asked.

                “Yes dear.” Kath said. Sunny shook her head, half of her doesn’t want to show it; she feels like she’ll get in trouble. Kai didn’t react, he’s curiosity is greater than his suspicions.

                “You go first.” Josh pointed Kai. Kai smirked and showed his eye color, both of them stared at him with neither confused nor amazed face.

                “Sunny, you go next.” Josh said. Sunny glared, she didn’t want to show it but she didn’t have any choice but to do so. So she showed them her eye color and now their faces contained both confused and amazed reaction.

                “Phew! What a tough day.” Josh shook his head making Kai and Sunny frown. Kath elbowed Josh in the stomach making him cough.

                “I’ll explain.” Kath said. “Gray eyed shinobi’s and Red eyed shinobi’s are both rare type of Shinobi. Gray type are more on speed, mostly teleportation and Red are more on force. You… well hard to admit are strong and many would risk their life to kill you because legends says that Gray eyed Shinobi’s heart grants immortal life and Red Eyed Shinobi’s Heart grants greater power.”


                Both Sunny and Kai remained silent.

                So that is why my family was massacred?

                So that is why my father was killed?



Kai Oppa made his appearence already ^____^.

Please just inform me if my updates are bad or boring so I can make it up to the next update. Thanks!



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