01. Grieve

Blade X Love

Chapter One



                Sunny woke up earlier than usual, she opened her eyes; cream colored ceiling first met her eyes. She sighed and blinked only to find out that she shed tears again. She had another dream on how her father was killed in front of her. She got up and tied her soft curled hair, she immediately went downstairs to cook for breakfast, for her and for her mother.


                She grabbed the apron hanged near their fridge and wore it, she started cooking breakfast and prepared everything.  She prepared orange juice for herself and a cup of warm coffee for her mother. She heard footsteps coming from the stairs which made her smile.


                “Aiigoo, my daughter woke up early.” Her mom .

                “Aii~~ Omma, come sit and have breakfast. It’s been years since I last prepared breakfast for you.” Sunny smiled. Her mother smiled and the eat their breakfast peacefully.


                In the middle of their meal, Sunny’s mom stared at her which made Sunny look up with a confused face.

                “Omma, why?” she asked.

                “Soon Kyu-ah, let’s live in a peaceful place. Near the seashore where I can watch the waves of the sea and the clouds in sky at peace.” Her mom said. Sunny let out a heavy sighed, she was so indulged in working hard on finding justice for her father who was mercilessly killed when she was 10. She smiled at her mother; I should make it up for my mom and live my fullest with her. She thought.

                “Alright Omma, we’ll move tomorrow. I’ve bought a house in Busan, you will like it there.” She said as she caressed  her mother’s hands.



                As promised Sunny brought her mom to Busan along with their baggage, the house she was referring to was the one she bought two years ago after getting paid from the successful mission she had. It was a mission about a shinobi who killed 300 people in a village.


                Sunny is a hunter, she hunts outlawed shinobi who hurts their own kind or even humans. She’s working with a secret agency filled with other shinobi. They are an independent agency and they don’t do works with humans.


                After hours of drive they arrived, Sunny helped her mom carry their baggage. The house is clean since she called the caretaker to clean them.


                “Omo! Soon Kyu-ah! This house is beautiful, you can clearly see the sea from here!” her excited mother muttered as she checks the whole house.

                Sunny smiled. “I’m glad you liked it Omma. You haven’t seen your room yet. It’s in the second floor, the one in the left corner.” Her mother excitedly went up as she placed their baggage in the living room.

                The house is a two story building; the first floor is occupied with a kitchen, a living room that’s facing the sea with glass wall in it, a bath room and a wash room. The second floor is occupied by 2 rooms and a master’s bed room. She went upstairs, straight into her mother’s room. She saw her mother peacefully watching the sea, she smiled.

                “Omma, do you want to take a stroll?” she asked her mom.

                “Oh my, that would be great!” her mother said.



                It’s two o’clock in the afternoon. Sunny take her mother in a stroll, they ate and shop. Sunny was so happy that for her, her mother’s happiness and smiles are priceless. She took as many pictures as she to keep it in her memory book.


                Later that night they ate dinner in the sea side, and watched the sky.

                “Omma, I wish Appa is with us.” Sunny said.

                “I wish the same thing sweetie.” Her mother smiled.



                Two month’s has passed; Sunny and her mom lived in Busan peacefully. Sunny declined few project and explained to her boss how she needed time with her mother. She lay lowed from being a hunter but little did she know that her happiness would end too soon.


                “Omma, I’ll buy us some food wait for me her okay?” she said as she put on her hoodie and a cap.

                “Okay, but be careful.” Her mother reminded her.

                “I will, annyeong!” she yelled back.

                Sunny walked past the streets with a smile, she bought some fresh fish in the market and some street foods that her mother liked. After 30 minutes of stroll she went home, she immediately called her mother.

                “Omma! The food’s here!” Sunny yelled as she prepared their food. Minutes passed yet no one answer, Sunny frowned. Maybe she’s asleep. Sunny immediately went upstairs to check on her mother, the door of her mom’s room is a bit opened so she walked fast to check it. She opened that door and to her surprise everything is a mess, and what made her even surprised was that her mother was lying in the floor, blood scattered everywhere.

“Omma! W-who did this to you?!” Sunny yelled, she can’t no longer contain the pain and fear that’s piercing her heart. She immediately called for an ambulance. Minutes later the hospital crew arrived and the next thing she knew she was holding her mother’s hand inside the ambulance.

                “Omma. Hold on, don’t give up.” Sunny couldn’t stop her tears. Her heart couldn’t contemplate what to feel until she felt her mother’s grip tighten as if she wants to tell her something.

                “Soon Kyu-ah, d-don’t e-ever t-thing o-of r-revenge. D-don’t l-let a-anger e-eat you. L-live y--your l-life w-well. I-I L-love Y-you.” And the next thing Sunny heard was a loud eking sound telling her that her mother is gone. She screamed so loud she felt like dying.


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