My Life Forever Changed

      “AHHH!” Seohyun’s father screamed at the top of his lungs.

      Not of anger, but of extreme trauma.


      Before Yonghwa knew it, events had escalated quickly.

      He was in the hospital waiting room with Seohyun.

      …Her father had collapsed.

      Seohyun’s mother quietly closed the hospital room door behind her and walked over to Seohyun and Yonghwa.

      “Is he alright?” Seohyun got up immediately.

      “The doctor says it was just a lot of stress and he didn’t have enough energy to withstand everything today,” Seohyun’s mother explained, exhausted, and she glanced over at Yonghwa, “What exactly happened?”

      Yonghwa stood up from his seat slowly.

      “Well, you see---“


      The three of them all turned at the same time and faced a short woman dressed in a fluffy pink fur coat.

      “Oh, ,” Yonghwa cursed under his breath.

      “Yonghwa-ah!” the ostentatious woman shoved Seohyun’s mother out of the way and embraced her son tightly, “Are you okay?”

      “How…how did you know I was here?” Yonghwa demanded, pushing his mother away roughly.

      “You didn’t turn off the GPS on your phone,” his mother smiled.

      She concentrated her attention on Seohyun and her mother. She rolled her eyes and gave them a smug look.

      “So, it was you people who caused my son trouble,” she smirked, “I’ll be generous and overlook it this time, since I don’t have time to waste today. Just so you know, for future reference, my son is worth a lot.”

      Seohyun’s mother scoffed,

      “Excuse me? You aren’t even aware of the whole story.”

      “Omo, omo!” Yonghwa’s mother threw her hands in the air, hitting Yonghwa’s face with her designer bag, “Did you…did you just, omo! Yonghwa-ah, this lady!”

      “She’s right,” Yonghwa snapped, “You don’t even know everything, so stop making conclusions.”

      “Oh goodness, you are going to get it at home, son!” Yonghwa’s mother reprimanded and she faced Seohyun’s mother, “I don’t know how you’ve raised your daughter, but I think you should do something about her. It’s not really good for a kid’s future if she keeps getting into trouble like this. She can’t do anything about an incompetent mother, but at least she still has a chance to mold her own future.”

       Seohyun’s mother was taken aback by her rash choice of words.

      That hurt.

      Seohyun was about to scream at that lady, when her mother stopped her.

      “You may say anything you want about me,” Seohyun’s mother stated firmly, “But don’t you ever talk badly of my daughter.”

      “Oma…” Seohyun grabbed her mother’s arm.

      “Whatever,” Yonghwa’s mother flipped her hair behind her shoulder, “I don’t need any more drama from this insignificant incident. Yonghwa, I’ll be waiting outside. You need to come home. Your father’s orders.”

      Yonghwa’s mother strutted off in her heels and disappeared at the corner of the hallway.

      “I am so sorry. She tends to be a bit outspoken,” Yonghwa bowed his head, not knowing how to make up for his mother’s actions.

      “I must say, you’ve got quite the mother,” Seohyun’s mother stated without looking at him.

      Yonghwa lifted his head and looked at Seohyun.

      “Hey, I didn’t mean any of ---”

      “I don’t want to hear it,” Seohyun cut him off, “Your mother should be the one to apologize.”

       What was this feeling? Seohyun…more than angry, felt so disappointed. What had her heart expected of Yonghwa?

      “What right does she have to look down at us?” she continued, “You both have no idea how much work my mom has put to make our family work. You think money is going to do---”

      “Seohyun-ah,” her mother suddenly inputted, “Yonghwa-ah, I think it’s best for you to leave now.”

      “I really---”

      Seohyun didn’t give Yonghwa a chance to speak.

      “Didn’t you hear my mom?” she glared. 

      Yonghwa was conflicted. His phone suddenly vibrated and he saw that it was his mother. Seohyun caught on and pushed Yonghwa away.

      “Go, already!” she insisted.  

      “I---” but Seohyun shoved him again.

      Yonghwa took a step back.

      “Jung Yonghwa! You sure are taking your time!” Yonghwa’s mother appeared and walked over to take her son.


      Once Yonghwa had left, Seohyun’s mother sat next to Seohyun in the waiting area, impatient.

      “Oma, don’t even bother thinking about what that crazy lady said,” Seohyun comforted, “She doesn’t even know us.”

      “I know, Seohyun.”

      Seohyun nervously slipped her hand into her bag and revealed the pregnancy test. Seohyun’s mother gasped.

     “This isn’t mine,” Seohyun said quickly, “But Dad saw Yonghwa with it and got shocked.”

      “What…where did you get that?”

      “I switched bags with someone at the store by accident,” Seohyun testified.

      “God, Seohyun,” her mother heaved a great sigh, “You cause great concern for us.”

      “I know,” Seohyun said and leaned her head on her mother’s shoulder, closing her eyes, “I’m sorry, Mom.”


      “They’re new faces,” Yonghwa’s mother mentioned as they were in the car.

      Yonghwa didn’t respond.

      “Is she your girlfriend?” she asked.

      Yonghwa didn’t answer.

      “Friend? Classmate?”

      “How long have you been acquainted for?”

      “Will you shut up?” Yonghwa said rudely to his mother, “I’m tired of this. I’m being really tolerant of you right now. And seriously? Classmate? I go to an all-boys school.”

      “Please,” his mother sighed, “We’re getting enough stress from your hyung. I would appreciate it if you didn’t cause any more ruckus.”

      “We’re not even blood-related,” Yonghwa grumbled, “Don’t compare me to him.”

      “Jung Yonghwa!” his mother stopped the car, slamming on the brakes.

      “Watch it!” Yonghwa yelled.

      “You’re lucky we’re already home!” his mother screamed at him as he opened the door to leave the car, “I would’ve kicked you out onto the highway!”


      The next day at school, Jessica found Seohyun early to school as usual.

      “Hey,” she greeted cheerfully, but Seohyun didn’t react.

      Jessica waved a hand in front of her face.

      “Hello?” she sang.

      “Hi,” Seohyun murmured, opening her notebook to study.

      “Pscht,” Jessica retorted, “Already back to your normal self.”

      Seohyun wasn’t able to concentrate in class. Her life had been hell yesterday…and that Jung Yonghwa…he had just escaped all the blame with his foul-mouthed mother.

      Yah, Choi Seohyun!

       Jungsan Highschool…

      Seohyun shook her head ferociously. Why was she thinking about the time from the bus? Yonghwa was the cause of the consequences she had received yesterday…

      “Grounded!” her father had screamed at her back in the hospital, “Don’t even expect the smallest amount of pity from me!”

     Seohyun ran her fingers through her hair. Why? That guy. What had he been doing rummaging through her room, anyway?

     “Choi Seohyun!” her teacher’s angry voice brought Seohyun back to Earth.


     The final bell rang, announcing dismissal of the school day.

     “Great,” Seohyun whispered to herself, “Looking for an awesome time in prison.”

     “Yo!” Jessica popped out of nowhere and gave Seohyun a cute soldier salute, “Up for another hangout with the guys?”

     “I can’t,” Seohyun sighed, “I need to be home today.”

     “Aw, what?” Jessica was disappointed, “Let’s at least walk to the school gates together.”

     Not really caring about anything, Seohyun let Jessica blab on and on and on as they walked towards the school’s entrance.

      “Hey!” Minhyuk’s familiar voice sounded.

      Jessica let go of Seohyun’s arm and ran over to her friends. Seohyun spotted Yonghwa.

      “Oppa,” Jessica linked arms with Yonghwa, “Let’s go!”

      “You coming Seohyun?” Sehun asked.

      “No,” Seohyun replied bluntly.

      “Why not?” Minhyuk said.

      “I’m busy,” Seohyun answered and began to walk away.


      Seohyun turned around. Yonghwa pushed Jessica off and took a few steps towards her.

      “What is he doing?” Jessica whispered to Chanyeol, who was just as dumbfounded as her.

      “About yesterday---” Yonghwa began.

      “Shut it,” Seohyun snapped sharply, causing great surprised from the rest of the group, including Yonghwa.

      “I get that you’re mad---”

      “I’m mad because your family just doesn’t seem to know when things are your fault,” Seohyun said.

      “I’ll apologize for my---”

      “You don’t get it, do you?” Seohyun said in a tired voice.

      “Okay, my mom said a few wrong things---”

      “A few?” Seohyun yelled at him, and suddenly she experienced catharsis, “A few? What do you know about my mom? Do you know how hard she worked to support us? She’s the strongest person I know, and even when things are rough in our household, she’s the only one who holds us all together. And you know what? I bet you haven’t even experienced one percent of the kindness my mother has, at your home, because all people like you care about is money.”


      “But you guys are too stupid to even realize it’s not that important. Really, it isn’t, but instead, you think it gives you the authority to pity others. You know, I’m usually not this kind of person, but I hate it when people say things about my family in front of me. So, hell, yeah, I’m mad. Deal with it!” Seohyun shouted at him.

      “Seohyun-ah…” Jessica walked over to her.

      “I said she made a mistake,” Yonghwa said, doing his best to remain calm.

      “Uh-huh, I’m pretty sure everyone else she ridiculed has heard that phrase from you,” Seohyun laughed.

      “I would stop it there, if I were you,” Yonghwa warned, “You’ve gone a lot farther than my mother did.”

      “I could care less,” Seohyun threw off Jessica’s grip on her arm, “I thought more highly of you, but then again, what more can you expect from a family that has a son that has nothing better to do than get his girlfriend pregnant!”

      Yonghwa threw his head back.

      “Gosh, you’re really---”

      Yonghwa’s voice stopped.

      “Really what?” Seohyun challenged.

      “Seohyun-ah,” Jessica tugged on her arm.

      “What?” Seohyun groaned.

      Jessica motioned for her to turn around.

      Seohyun rolled her eyes and stomped around to face behind her.

      She dropped her bag.



      “Yoochun oppa?”

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wgyoka #1
Chapter 9: plzz update soon
i start read the story and it's really cool
pinaii89 #2
Chapter 9: Omg jessica did it on purpose???pls update soon
Universrun #3
Chapter 8: Please update soon
smtiseo #4
Chapter 7: Wow im really enjoying the drama unraveling here. Please update soon!
Santitory1617 #5
Chapter 6: Just wow .... Super duper curious for next
ela2807 #6
Chapter 4: Next please
azee26 #7
Chapter 4: Update soon pls
Chapter 3: He was Cool by GuiYeoni