Standing Out! chapter 8 The date!

Standing Out!
~VOICE POV~ After the interaction day with the girls they started to hang out more often, more they got to know each other the more closer they got. The day of the date came and the girls were pretty excited except Tsubaki who was feeling all salty about it. ~TSUBAKI POV~ Today is the day for that bloody annoying date -.- I don't wanna go but friends are also going too so they expect me to go too. UGH! I hate my life T_T as we met up at the train station and in my usual clothes that I usually wear which my mother doesn't know that I wear this kind of fashion, which was a pear of ripped baggy jeans with a oversized Nirvana vest top with a pair of red and my Timberland boots with a black Obey snapback and my round sunglasses in other words I look cool instead of looking cute unlike Karin has a Princess look to her whereas I have the trouble maker look. "Hey over here Tsubaki!" I heard Seri called out my name from afar. "What's up". I replied to them as I walked up to them. "Looks like everyone is here". said Hisa. "I can't wait for the date". Karin said excitedly. "Omo me & you same here". said Ami also excited. "I really hope this day goes well for us". Miyu suddenly blurted out. Yuzuru & Aina just remained silent they seemed to be terrified and nervous I feel bad for them but I swear if these jerks decide to hurt them in any way they will have me to deal with. "I hope this date goes horribly wrong". I muttered in annoyance. ~YUZURU POV~ I didn't want to go on the date to be honest but I guess we have no choice but to go and I know that guy Kai will be there and he seems like a rich spoilt brat -.- but anywho I looked at Tsubaki and she looks pissed and uninterested with the whole date thing. "Unnie you look like you don't want go either". I whispered into Tsubaki's ear. "That's right I don't want to go". Tsubaki whispered back. "Then why are you going then if you don't wan to go?" I asked her. "Good question... if I don't go Kyouta will continue to pester me for the rest of High School and I can't stand him". she replied back. Aina remained quiet for the rest of the trip she must be feeling really nervous to meet up with Shinga. ~HIME POV~ Nachi just sent me a text and I'm super excited to see him to be honest I mean he's really handsome I can't just say no to him. I looked at Tsubaki, Yuzuru & Aina's faces and they looked as if they didn't wanted to come plus Tsubaki looked pissed I guess she really hates that Kyouta guy... I mean I think he's really attractive if she doesn't want him I can have him... wait a second why do I sound like a total hoe? T_T I need to change that i just go on the date Nachi and see if he's the guy for me. ~KARIN POV~ It sure going to be a long day with just Nao & me together and alone ^_^. "Hey you look really happy". said Hime all of a sudden. "Ah... yeah I am..." I nervously replied. "So you're thinking about him aren't ya?" Hime asked me with a grin on her face. "Hah? Me? Oh..." I pointed to myself. "Oh no worries I'm just making sure you're not too nervous". said Hime. ~MIYU POV~ I simply put on my earpiece and started to listen to music while travelling to our date destination... as I looked at the window I just simply admire the nature and I sometimes picture the greenery as a long swimming pool, weird right? But just me to be entertained. As I turned my head towards the girls they seem as if I knew them for a long time, I don't know but I feel as if we're somewhat related. We finally arrived to our destination and as we all walked out of the train station we saw 9 guys standing on the other side of the road and of course there a group of random girls surrounding them T_T and we know these guys it's the ones that we ladies have to go on the date... I ain't looking forward for the date to be honest and I totally understand why Tsubaki didn't wanted to come in the first place. I looked at the girls they seemed to be nervous and worried if they looked good or not... except for Aina,Hisa, Seri, Tsubaki & I who didn't care really and weren't nervous at all, the boys then spotted us and some of us had to fake a forced smile. "Over here girls!" yelled Nachi. We waved back and crossed the road I then spotted Kyouta looking at Tsubaki who had a stank face on I then nudged her on the arm. "Hey, what's wrong?" I asked Tsubaki. "Ugh... I don't wanna be here -_-". she replied back and I totally understand her. "Hey I understand you but at least pretend to enjoy the date, arasseo?" I patted her head. "Aish... arasseo". she replied back with a deep sigh of defeat. ~ KYOUTA POV~ As each of the ladies was crossing the road I spotted what the hell is she wearing?! O.O I wear I kinda saw my "fangirls" moved away as soon as they saw Tsubaki crossing the road I guess they thought she's a badass girl T_T let's just say they got scared and left... plus she was wearing a disgust facial expression which I did not expect to see in a girl because normally girls would be excited & happy to see... but this girl is something else, then I saw that other hot girl... GOD what's her name... Miyu that's right her name is Miyu, I saw her whisper something to Tsubaki's ear and patted her head... Tsubaki "What are you wearing?" I asked her. "Clothes T_T what kind of dumb question is that?" she rudely replied. So rude and so feisty but I kinda of like it... "Looking forward for our date?" I asked her. "No". she bluntly replied. Well DAYUM girl!!!!! She is sure is different and she then walked passed me O.O wow I like her. Then some of the "fangirls" came up to me. "~Oppa~ who is that rude girl?" one of them asked. "My future wife". I replied with a wink. "Omo! ~Oppa~ ~I thought you love me~" whined one of the girls. "Of course I love you girly". I replied while whispering in her ear making her blush. "No he loves me, right oppa?" another girl butts in. "Sure thing baby girl". I replied while I caressed her cheek well she seems to like it. I looked back and saw Tsubaki's side profile... JESUS HAVE MERCY ON MY SOUL RIGHT NOW!!!!!! She looks super pretty but I really wish she wore a mini skirt OwO... which probably ain't gonna happen... I'm gonna make her fall for me even if it kills me >:) I suddenly charged towards her without her notice my presence and then I lifted her up and put her over my shoulder... of course she started to struggle. "Yah! Put me down you animal!" Tsubaki squealed angrily. "See you later guys let's all meet up at the zoo later!" I exclaimed at the others. "Nae! See you later Tsubaki have fun!" shouted Hime. "Ani... Yah! Come back! Don't leave me with this barbarian!" she yelled out loud while the others completely ignored her pleas. As soon as we entered the theme park I put her down and she suddenly ran away from me.... T_T she really doesn't like me, I have no choice but to find her -.-. (a/n: Theme Park is what is known as Amusement Park). ~TSUBAKI POV~ So I ran away from Kyouta... finally *mentally victory dancing* I do not like him at all, he's too full of himself it really gets on my nerves big time. So I found myself close by the rollercoasters and went in the cue so that Kyouta wouldn't find me, I love rollercoasters they're really help me to clear my thoughts. I spotted Kyouta searching for me and I hide behind 2 guys that was tall enough to make me invicible. As soon as I lost sight of Kyouta I felt relieved and went on the rollercoaster by myself n_n yes it was an awesome ride, as I was coming out of the ride I saw Kyouta and I managed to find another place which is the room of mirrors which was a fun place then I felt hungry so I came out of the mirror room and headed to a mini restaurant that was in the centre of the theme park I then sat down and ordered a french fries, a burger along with a drink as I was eating Kyouta came over running... he looks like he's out of breathe O.O n_n one point goes for me... "Yah! Do you have any idea for how long I've searched for you?!" He said while breathing heavily. "Hmmmm oh really?" I replied coolly while sipping my drink. "Aigoo, how can a girl like you be like this?" he asked. "What? Did you expect me to be all cutesy what girls normally act?" I asked him all disgusted. "Why can't you be like other girls that dresses nicely". he said all of a sudden. "Boiiii you got the wrong gurl!" I blurted out loudly. "~Wae~". he whined. "Yah! Just to be cleared I ain't like those hoes that shove on ing paint on their faces and dresses nicely to impress a guy". I pointed out to him. "Aish you're so not cute". he muttered clearly for me to hear. "Well you should of thought about it twice before running your mouth during school festival about that dumb bet you've made". I said to him in my cool tone. Kyouta then tried to reach out for my burger and I simply swat his hand away from it. "Aigoo I'm hungry... I'm dying". he said while try to act like he's in pain. "Yah! Go get your own food!" I exclaimed. ~YUZURU POV~ Kai didn't hesitate to drag me away from the group and I felt scared and annoyed all at the same time. We didn't spoke to each other until we able to enter the theme park, he suddenly stopped lets go of my hand and he then looks at me with arrogant eyes. "I guess we can depart from here". he said coldly and I simply nodded in agreement. We then depart our ways and I looked around the rides that were there and I came across a merry-go-round in which I honestly don't remember the last time I rode on one but I saw someone throwing away a guitar in the bin which looks new and I went up to the person. "Are you throwing away that guitar?" I asked. The person looked up at me and pointed at himself and the guitar & of course this person looks American. "Well since you're throwing away your guitar, can I have it if you don't want it anymore?" I replied and asked. "Sure you can have it". The person replied in Korean. "Omo you can speak Korean?" I asked in surprised. "Ah nae, I am 50% American, 50% Japanese and 50% Korean". the person replied. "Ooooh that's awesome". I said in awe. "The name is Kuroko but you can call me Kurt". he replied. "Nice to meet you Kurt my name is Yuzuru... why do you want me to call you Kurt?" I replied and asked. "Oh it's my nickname because I somewhat resemble the late singer Kurt Cobain from the grunge band Nirvana". he replied. "Nirvana?" I tilted my head to the side all confused because it is pretty obvious that I never heard of a band with such a name. "You never heard of Nirvana?" he asked all surprised and I shook my heard as an answer. He took out his phone and sent all of the band songs via Bluetooth and I thanked him and he then left, plus we exchanged phone numbers which is nice and he seems like a cool person to hang out with. I sat down on a bench with the guitar and I saw Kuroko or Kurt coming back to me and it seems like he forgot to give something else, which was the guitar bag and a pick. "Here and please treasure it chingu". he said cheerfully. "Nae thank you". I replied and then he disappeared. I then sat down on the bench again facing the Merry-go-round, place the guitar in position, fixed the string cords and I started to sing 'onelifecrew's Tsuioku Merry-Go-Round' in which of course it made me get all of the attention of the people in theme park stop to listen to me sing. After I finished the song I put away the guitar in it's bag with the pick in a pocket with a small zip. I went on all of the rides and I felt hungry and I saw Tsubaki & Kyouta eating food, I went up to towards the lady in the till and ordered my meal and sat next to them. "Hey". I said to them. "Oh! Yuzuru-yah! Where's Kai?" Tsubaki greeted me back and asked for that guy. "I don't know, we departed our ways as soon as we entered the theme park". I replied to her as I shrugged my shoulders. "Omo where did you get that?" Kyouta asked me as he pointed to the guitar bag. "Oh you mean this? Someone gave it to me because he didn't want it". I replied back. "Hmmm... so you ditched Kai over another who gave you the guitar?" Kyouta asked. "No, the guy was about to throw this guitar in the bin". I replied. "Why would he want to throw away a guitar? Is it really old and broken?" Tsubaki asked as she tilted her head. "Aniyo, the guitar looks really new". I replied. "Arasseo arasseo just show me the guitar". she replied. "Okay then I'll show it to you, since I truly trust you more than Kyouta". I said to her with a smile and ped the guitar bag to show her the guitar. "OMO! That guitar is a Gibson Acoustic 1942 J-45 Legend guitar?!" she asked with her eyes popping out like they sockets. "How did you know?" I asked her back. "I used go to guitar lessons secretly without my parents knowing". she said. "Ah I see so you must all of the types of instruments then". I blurted out loud. Tsubaki then smiled at me. "May borrow your guitar for a moment?" she suddenly asked. "Oh sure you can". I replied as I handed over my guitar. she then sat down on the chair and placed the guitar on its position and started to play and we started to sing as duet 'BTS Butterfly & Young Forever'. ~KAI POV~ After I departed from Yuzuru I then regretted it badly, I went to look for her and then I saw her with a foreign guy whose giving her... a guitar O.O? after the guy left sat on the bench in front of the merry-go-round and started to play the guitar and sing a song... such a beautiful song and then it ended she puts the guitar away and started to ride on all of the rides in the theme park without me -.- I'm such an idiot -.- so I followed her secretly and met up with Tsubaki & Kyouta who were eating and Yuzuru went and bought her meal and she didn't even bother to buy me a meal -.- so unfair :( then I saw Tsubaki & Kyouta eyeing the guitar and Tsuabki was surprised at the type of guitar it was; to be honest what's special about guitar anyways... Tsubaki then started to play the guitar and to sing a duet with Yuzuru. ~HIME POV~ Well Nachi & I entered the theme park, we rode on all of the rides and we then felt hungry as we were walking towards a restaurant where I spotted Tsubaki, Kyouta & Yuzuru eating their... then I saw Kai hiding behind a tree T_T spying on Yuzuru, I went up to him, I just taped his shoulder and I kid you not this BOI nearly had a heart attack. "You nearly gave me a heart attack!" Kai spat in fear. "Mian... You look like an idiot hiding there". I pointed out. "Yah! I'm not a idiot!" Kai protested. "Well you kinda do and any girl might think you're being a total creep". said Nachi showing him a picture on his phone. "YOU! DELETE THAT NOW!" Kai started to chase Nachi. "Hey I didn't film you being a creep". said Nachi while laughing & running away from Kai. "Then... who is the culprit who did this to me?" Kai asked. I turned to Kai with a smile while holding onto my phone, I then looked at my phone that was vibrating non stop due to the notifications coming in from Twitter, YouTube, Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram & Google+ ^_^ fufufu my lucky day. "Yah why are you smiling over there?" Kai asked me with a worried expression on his face. "Oh it's nothing major". I said well I'm obviously lying. "Yah! I know you're lying". said Kai. "And what if I'm not". I said in sassy tone. "Ugh! Can we go and eat some food because I'm dying right here". said Nachi getting a bit impatient. "Okay let's go". I replied happily well I'm starving too I need food because I love food. We moved towards the restaurant with Kai tagging along. ~KARIN POV~ Well Tsurugi & I are having a nice date it's simple but I like it, he's really sweet and a total gentleman. We rode on the Merry-go-round, the tea cups, ferris wheel and on a boat that's on a lake... Let's just say Tsurugi is treating me like a princess in which I am BTW *Hair flip* and I am proud of that reputation. "Oppa?" I called out to Tsurugi. "Nae". he replied gently. "Hmmm... I'm feeling hungry". I said shyly. "Ah okay... let's go". he replied shyly and grabs my hand gently. As soon we arrived to the restaurant we saw Tsubaki, Kyouta, Yuzuru, Kai, Hime & Nachi eating their meal, we bought our meals and sat with the rest of the crew. "Are you guys having fun?" Hime asked. "Nae". Tsurugi and I sang in chorus. "Yah Tsubaki how's your date?" I asked with a lifted brow. "It's been good so far". she replied with a wide grin... I know she did something because Kyouta was super quiet. "Well that's good to hear... what about you Kyouta?" I replied and asked Kyouta who was quiet. "Tiring". he replied. "Tiring?" I asked as I tilted my head all confused. "Your friend over hear ditched me and made me look all over for her". he replied. "Ditching you was the fun part of this 'date' that you made a bet on". Tsubaki replied in her most satisfying tone. "Aigoo T_T this child sure made a handsome guy like Kyouta to look for you". I shook my head. Nachi was laughing with Hime -.- what are they up to... don't get me wrong Hime is a cool girl but there are times that she's up to something T_T Tsubaki is a bad influence that it got Hime to be doing something and then I heard Tsubaki laugh... >.< what are they laughing at? Do I look weird? But then I felt my phone vibrate and I fished out my phone and I saw what they were laughing about which made me laugh too... uh oh looks like the Tsubaki influence took the affect on me too poor me T_T. ~SERI POV~ Tamaki and I sure had fun on the date because we were able to catch up with each other because at school we weren't able to talk much at school because of the girls at school keep on giving me a death glare and yes of course Tamaki sure is popular... I don't blame them he's hot +_+ PAUSE what?... anyways we were able to ride in every single ride there was and then I felt hungry. "Hey are you hungry?" I asked Tamaki. "Yeah... You?" he replied and asked. "Um... I heard that there's a restaurant in the centre of the theme park". I pointed on the map. "Let's go then". said Tamaki as he grabbed my hand gently with a smile on his face. As we walked together while holding hands like a a real couple... well we're on a date so it's okay n_n but I felt a group of glaring eyes from girls and I sad this before I don't blame them Tamaki is a hot guy and I swear these girls are like a group of lioness waiting their turn to catch their prey and Tamaki is that prey T_T I feel bad for him. We reached our destination and I felt my phone vibrated and I fished it out to see what it was and it was a picture of Kai being a stalker xD OMG the funniest ever, we caught up with some of the group and we then ordered our meals and sat with the others. ~MIYU POV~ Wow what a day... Suzuki and I sure had fun today, he's a cool guy plus tall and painfully handsome to look at; I caught a group of girls drooling over him and gurl I feel you he's an eye candy. "Suzuki-oppa can we ride on that?" I suddenly spoke out as I pointed to the boat. "Sure". he replied back in his deep husky voice. JESUS! +_+ I am #dead his voice is the iest thing ever!!!!!! Okay I need to compose myself. "Kaja" I replied happily. He then grabbed my hand gently and his hand sure is big I mean like wow, I looked up at him and let me just say his symmetrical face is the most prefect features he has. We then apart from me admiring his beauty we had a peaceful ride on the boat which was actually a love boat we didn't realized it at first but we then clocked on after we got off it, we then go on the rest of the rides and then I felt hungry I was feeling hungry because my stomach started to grumble loudly for Suzuki to hear clear >.< how embarrasing. "Let's go find something to eat". he said as he grabbed my hand gently to lead the way. We suddenly saw a restaurant with a group of young teenagers oh wait I know them n_n we approached the restaurant to order our meal and sat with the crazy bunch, when I say they're all crazy oh they cray cray ^_^. ~AINA POV~ Shinga and I got to know each other and I feel comfortable around him. He's a smart guy like me we have so many things in common which is a good point for the date. We rode on all of the rides, it was a fun date :D and I accidently tripped over and bumped into Shinga's back. "Sorry Shinga-ssi I didn't see you there". I apologised to him. "It's okay what matters is that you're not hurt". he replied sweetly. He then took my hand gently because he caught a place in the middle of the theme park and I then realised it was a restaurant where I saw the others getting their meal, we then got there and ordered our meal; sat with the others. "How's your date been going Aina?" Karin asked me. "It has been fun". I replied. "You 2 look really cute together". Hime winked at me. "Oh you think so?" I asked her with my hands on my cheeks because I felt them getting hotter. "Aww so cute our little maknae is all red". Hime teased cutely. ~AMI POV~ It was a quiet date with Ruka and he's a bit scary :S All of a sudden he spoke. "What is your reason to enrol into this school?" he asked me. "To study performing arts". I replied. "Hmmm I see... what if I tell you that I know everything about you". I cocked up a brow. I immediately froze on the spot on what he said. "What you mean you know everything about me?" I asked as I gulped my own saliva. "I know that you are an orphan from an early age". he said to me. I remained silent for a moment. "I also know that you make money by going on dates with guys". he continued causing me to cover his mouth to stop him from talking. "Could you stop snooping into my private life". I glared at him. "So you enrolled into this school to ask for money from guys that you will go on a date?" he asked me. "No... I told that was my old lifestyle to save up to go to this school". I explained. "Oh I see... then about the rent of your place?" he asked me. "I have two saving boxes one for rent and the other was for this school/expenses". I replied. "Smart kid". he smiled at him as he ruffled my hair. We then went on all of the rides and we suddenly felt hungry. "Let's go find a place to eat". said Ruka as he grabbed my hand. Now I felt he was less intimidating and I was now having fun in which it's my first time smiling plus I haven't smiled for a long time... the I smiled it was when my parents were alive. We soon arrived at the restaurant and seeing the others there. We then ordered our meal and sat with the others and I swear they are all crazy n_n. ~HISA POV~ Sakyou seemed a bit arrogant to be honest T_T why do I have an impression that he doesn't like me at all. We had a awkward quiet morning when we all met up outside of the theme park, I didn't know what to say to him to be honest... he's too scary ;_; "Hey". Sakyou suddenly spoke up. I looked up at him and he looks down at me... well I am short so there you have it. "I heard that you're joining the football coaching team". said Sakyou. "Ah nae I am... why?" I replied back. "Well... I'm part of the football team". he replied. "Oh I see... if you don't me to coach the football team I'll just quit". I said to him. "No you don't have to quit but try to not to get in my way". he eyed me as stared at me intensively. "Fine by me... I guess I'll just coach my old friend Keito instead". I said. We decided not to ride on any rides but we did kinda talked to each other and i was pretty surprised that he's best friends with Keito my childhood friend at least we have someone in common that we know ^_^ after hours of talking I suddenly felt hungry. "Let's go get something to eat because I'm starving". said Sakyou he grabbed my hand gently. "Nae kaja". I replied with a smile. We then spotted the restaurant in the middle of the theme park and I saw everyone was there already, looks like we're the last one to arrive there T_T but we got there to order our meals and sat with the others and we were super noisy and I looked at the employee working there standing there all worried because we ended up dancing and singing 'B.A.P's That's My Jam". ~VOICE POV~ After they all finished their meals and their chaotic energy decided to spend more time as a group and they continued to enjoy half of the day.
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